Zig Ziglar, master salesman and motivational speaker said "you can have whatever you want in life if only you can help others get what they need."
For those who have a mind set that is 'me', 'myself' and 'I', this statement from Ziglar makes but little sense. But look all around you at those who have made immense wealth in life GENUINELY. All they've done is simply solve people's problems.
Let me give you concrete examples to buttress my point. Henry Ford, with very little formal education helped solve the problem of motor car affordability by mass-producing his Ford model T car at an affordable cost to majority of his people. He made immense wealth in the process.
Orville and Wilbur Wright, two virtually unknown brothers of little education solved the problem of long distance travel within a shorter time period through air travel and also created a fortune in the process.
McDonald's was created to provide fast food to America's busy working population and that idea produced and continues to produce fortunes for their owners.
Thomas Edison, who had only three months of formal schooling and had to be sent away because no one except his mother had faith in him and his abilities, solved people's problems through several inventions like the Edison Dictating Machine, the incandescent bulb and so on. He equally made a fortune in the process.
Need I go on? In modern times, we have Bill Gates, a Harvard Business School drop out and owner of Microsoft, who has solved several human problems of information and communication through creation of several softwares and hardwares and is one of the world's wealthiest men.
The Google search engine on the internet, created by two college graduate students Larry Page and Sergey Brin to solve the problem of information retrieval on the internet in a faster way has turned its owners into billionaires.
So what's the common thing about all these names mentioned above? They simply looked at human problems and ways of doing things at the time and proffered a solution and made fortunes in the process.Notice also that I deliberately mentioned the fact that most of the men named had but little formal education. What they had was the ability to look at human problems and create ways of solving them. It's that simple.
Napoleon Hill said "whatever the human mind can conceive and believe is achievable." It means these men conceived their ideas and believed it was achievable. So it is with just anyone on this earth.
You equally have the same ability, if you would just put your mind to work and conceive ways of solving human problems. It could be in anything you want. Human beings have several problems that plague them on a daily basis.
The problems between those who achieve and those who do not is that while achievers come up with ways of solving those problems by thought and belief and making fortunes in the process, non-achievers spend time complaining about those same problems.
Take a hard look at your environment with the eyes of a problem solver. There is a problem or a current way of doing things that could be done faster. It could be in just about anything - transportation, accommodation, internet, clothing, software, hardware, telecommunications, toys, etc, etc.
Come up with an idea that solves the problem or makes the process faster. Believe it is achievable and you are well on your way to making millions.
(c) copyright Gabriel Ama
About the Author:
Gabriel Ama recommends top home business opportunities at his website http://www.ObtainWealthOnline.com where he reviews popular home business ideas and opportunities.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gabriel_Ama
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Know How to Get Rich - The Considerations You Have to Look Into in Order to Build Wealth
If you want to know how to build wealth, you have to understand that it is not an easy undertaking. While a lot of people are thinking that they will get rich, only a few of those who have this line of thinking are actually able to create wealth. The reason for this is simple. It is that while a lot of individuals have the traits to help them build wealth substantially, they fail to recognize several considerations that will allow them to get there.
What are the things that you have to be mindful of in order to learn how to build wealth? Here are some of the considerations that you may want to look into in order to get rich.
1. What are the things that you like doing?
If you will disregard the things that you like to do, you may be missing out on the opportunity to perform well and succeed in every aspect of the job. It will be better to look for things that you are interested in and pursue these possibilities knowing that you can do them well. You will be able to get the financial stability that you wish to have with a career that fulfills you as well as supports you.
2. What are the things you can do well?
It is also a must to look on your personal capabilities before creating a detailed plan on how to create wealth. You will be able to use your innate skills in accomplishing your objectives and will find ease in earning a living with the knowledge that you are somewhat good in whatever it is that you have to do.
3. What are the careers that pay more than the others?
As you consider the things that you are passionate and interested about, you also have to look for a relevant career that pays well. This is of utmost importance because you simply can't expect to build wealth without a steady source of income. You also have to make sure that the job you will be relying on will give you the ability to provide for your various necessities.
4. What are the requirements that will help you get there?
There will be requisites that you will need to have before you will be qualified for the career that you want to pursue. Because of this, you have to learn more about these qualifications to ensure that you will be taken in for the opportunity.
Once you have identified the things that will help you in your quest towards building wealth, you will have a clearer outlook on how to achieve your aspirations. You will also realize that creating wealth can be done without compromising your personal happiness and that you can get rich using your own talents and capabilities. This will enable you to look more positively in the things that you have to do. This will drive you to be motivated to pursue the getting rich part with the appropriate mindset and the right tools.
With a proper way of seeing the numerous considerations you have to take into account on how to build wealth, you will be able to reach your goals and get rich. By looking at the things that are your strengths in pursuing a comfortable life, you will be able to make the right decisions and follow your success in the best way that you can.
You can learn all about how to build businesses, make money, get rid of debt and turn money worries into infinite sources of cash but its all a waste of time unless you get the real secrets of how to get it done. Get his famous introductory 20 FREE lessons eCourse about Making Money that over 179,000 people have studied and applied at: www.the-richest-man-in-babylon.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_Cavalli
What are the things that you have to be mindful of in order to learn how to build wealth? Here are some of the considerations that you may want to look into in order to get rich.
1. What are the things that you like doing?
If you will disregard the things that you like to do, you may be missing out on the opportunity to perform well and succeed in every aspect of the job. It will be better to look for things that you are interested in and pursue these possibilities knowing that you can do them well. You will be able to get the financial stability that you wish to have with a career that fulfills you as well as supports you.
2. What are the things you can do well?
It is also a must to look on your personal capabilities before creating a detailed plan on how to create wealth. You will be able to use your innate skills in accomplishing your objectives and will find ease in earning a living with the knowledge that you are somewhat good in whatever it is that you have to do.
3. What are the careers that pay more than the others?
As you consider the things that you are passionate and interested about, you also have to look for a relevant career that pays well. This is of utmost importance because you simply can't expect to build wealth without a steady source of income. You also have to make sure that the job you will be relying on will give you the ability to provide for your various necessities.
4. What are the requirements that will help you get there?
There will be requisites that you will need to have before you will be qualified for the career that you want to pursue. Because of this, you have to learn more about these qualifications to ensure that you will be taken in for the opportunity.
Once you have identified the things that will help you in your quest towards building wealth, you will have a clearer outlook on how to achieve your aspirations. You will also realize that creating wealth can be done without compromising your personal happiness and that you can get rich using your own talents and capabilities. This will enable you to look more positively in the things that you have to do. This will drive you to be motivated to pursue the getting rich part with the appropriate mindset and the right tools.
With a proper way of seeing the numerous considerations you have to take into account on how to build wealth, you will be able to reach your goals and get rich. By looking at the things that are your strengths in pursuing a comfortable life, you will be able to make the right decisions and follow your success in the best way that you can.
You can learn all about how to build businesses, make money, get rid of debt and turn money worries into infinite sources of cash but its all a waste of time unless you get the real secrets of how to get it done. Get his famous introductory 20 FREE lessons eCourse about Making Money that over 179,000 people have studied and applied at: www.the-richest-man-in-babylon.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_Cavalli
The Keys to Becoming a Millionaire
How do you become a millionaire? The first thing is to remove yourself from those broke millionaire thoughts. The notion behind these thoughts is a hypothesis that if you were to take one hundred individuals of all mixed backgrounds and education levels, then hand them an exact design. A step by step approach to earn a million dollars or more, only about 3% would accomplish the job. I know that you might be scratching your head wondering why? However the answer really is quite simple, nobody said it was o.k. Most people were told finish high school, then go to a university and maybe then you will get a good job. The key component to the story was the thousands of dollars in student loans, and then the chance of finding a really good job is all pot luck. What you must thoroughly comprehend is that people are creatures of habit, we follow along and conform to what everyone else is doing.
Here are a few of the reasons I believe this happens:
1.) We were never taught that you could be a millionaire, that you could be successful. So despite having a blueprint to achieve something, many people simply conform to what the majority are doing. It's a lot easier to work at McDonald's then it is to build a financial empire.
2.) Probably the most discouraging of all the reasons are family, friends, and people you are suppose to trust. They for whatever intention rather see you not make the grade. Now it's not a malicious attack on your quest for greatness, however the haters and nay-sayers will convince you that it's too hard. "You can't do it", "You're wasting your time", "That won't work", "It sounds like a rip-off, nobody can get rich" and the list goes on and on. Some people will be supportive, but with limitations. People really do genuinely want you to reach your goals & dreams, however for some it's hard to accept the fact that you will be better than they ever were.
3.) This isn't something instant like buying a scratch off lottery ticket, million dollar organizations don't just pop up out of nowhere, things take time. So in essence what happens is people give up. They quit to soon, because they've developed a "Got to have it now attitude". Being patient and accepting that just because your horse wasn't out of the gate first, doesn't mean that you can't win the race. Plain and simple empires aren't built in a day. Running a business and more specifically a network marketing business is no lottery ticket to Donald Trump status.
What steps do you take if you want to be a millionaire? This is a concept of something that plagues most people, and most don't even know it. What the mind believes it really can achieve. However remaining focused and keeping your eyes on the big prize is completely a different matter. You have to be willing to roll your sleeves up and get it done at all cost. Think, believe and focus your actions on money making activities and watch the transformation begin. I have a quote that I'd like to share with you:
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight; it's the size of the fight in the dog!"
I obviously cannot make any promises that you or anyone who reads this article will become rich or a millionaire. But what I can guarantee, that if your life is on a downward spiral, conforming to the masses like ants, nothing will ever change! Envision yourself as a millionaire right now, what would change about you? Other than material things. Everything! Your walk, your talk, charisma, style, millionaires aren't sheep, and they're herders. It is already within you to be great and succeed, changing your mindset to believe that you can is the only way to make it happen though.
Being able to persevere and overcome all obstacles is the determining factor between being on the winning team (7-Figure Income Earner) and losing team (Broke Millionaire). Fear of failure should never be an option, it's not like you only have one chance to get it right. I can help you avoid the Broke Millionaire Complex and put you on the fast track to achieving wealth. Clicking on the link is the first step, following up with action is the next
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Reynolds_Jr
Here are a few of the reasons I believe this happens:
1.) We were never taught that you could be a millionaire, that you could be successful. So despite having a blueprint to achieve something, many people simply conform to what the majority are doing. It's a lot easier to work at McDonald's then it is to build a financial empire.
2.) Probably the most discouraging of all the reasons are family, friends, and people you are suppose to trust. They for whatever intention rather see you not make the grade. Now it's not a malicious attack on your quest for greatness, however the haters and nay-sayers will convince you that it's too hard. "You can't do it", "You're wasting your time", "That won't work", "It sounds like a rip-off, nobody can get rich" and the list goes on and on. Some people will be supportive, but with limitations. People really do genuinely want you to reach your goals & dreams, however for some it's hard to accept the fact that you will be better than they ever were.
3.) This isn't something instant like buying a scratch off lottery ticket, million dollar organizations don't just pop up out of nowhere, things take time. So in essence what happens is people give up. They quit to soon, because they've developed a "Got to have it now attitude". Being patient and accepting that just because your horse wasn't out of the gate first, doesn't mean that you can't win the race. Plain and simple empires aren't built in a day. Running a business and more specifically a network marketing business is no lottery ticket to Donald Trump status.
What steps do you take if you want to be a millionaire? This is a concept of something that plagues most people, and most don't even know it. What the mind believes it really can achieve. However remaining focused and keeping your eyes on the big prize is completely a different matter. You have to be willing to roll your sleeves up and get it done at all cost. Think, believe and focus your actions on money making activities and watch the transformation begin. I have a quote that I'd like to share with you:
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight; it's the size of the fight in the dog!"
I obviously cannot make any promises that you or anyone who reads this article will become rich or a millionaire. But what I can guarantee, that if your life is on a downward spiral, conforming to the masses like ants, nothing will ever change! Envision yourself as a millionaire right now, what would change about you? Other than material things. Everything! Your walk, your talk, charisma, style, millionaires aren't sheep, and they're herders. It is already within you to be great and succeed, changing your mindset to believe that you can is the only way to make it happen though.
Being able to persevere and overcome all obstacles is the determining factor between being on the winning team (7-Figure Income Earner) and losing team (Broke Millionaire). Fear of failure should never be an option, it's not like you only have one chance to get it right. I can help you avoid the Broke Millionaire Complex and put you on the fast track to achieving wealth. Clicking on the link is the first step, following up with action is the next
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Reynolds_Jr
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How to Become Rich Fast - Tips and Techniques to Attract Wealth
Probably the fastest way to becoming rich is to have rich parents or grandparents, but if you don't have one and you are aiming to become a billionaire, then you might want to start from scratch if you want to learn how to become rich fast.
Indeed, you can work on becoming rich and if you want to and if you need a guide to so this, here are a few tips and ideas that you might find useful.
- Discover yourself, your talents as well as your strengths. The more you know yourself, the more you can assess which opportunities are right for you. Grabbing the right opportunities at the right time can be one great opportunity to reach your goals when it comes to becoming rich. Know your talents and know what you can do. Knowing these can truly help you in choosing what you want to do to attain your goals.
- Set goals, both long-term and short-term. If you just want to learn how to become rich fast but you do not have concrete goals in mind, you may not have a good direction in life. In setting up your goals, it is also important that you make realistic and attainable goals, or else, you will just be frustrated of not going somewhere.
- Learn to work with risks and uncertainties. You can never go to where you want to go if you cannot learn how to face and deal with risks. Opportunities in life are not all bed of roses. You have to take risks but it is important to assess what types of risks can you handle and what kinds of risks and uncertainties are you comfortable facing with. Sometimes you need to gamble and face risks to attain success.
- Always plan and use time wisely to make better and wiser decisions. Good time management skills are important if you want to learn how to become rich fast. This means, avoiding hasty and desperate decisions. Desperation often attracts failure and for sure, you don't want that to happen as well.
- Start your own business. Having your own business is also one way to help you get rich. Of course, you can start any business that you want. Start looking for business opportunities in your passion and interests. You can also look at your expertise to find some business opportunities. You can actually find businesses in many aspects in life. From providing cleaning services to home staging to real estate - you can actually find money in many things. Work hard to make your business grow. You can also sell your business later to make more money and invest on another.
Of course, you also need to help yourself by managing your money well. Good money management is indeed one of the important things that you also need to be able to achieve your financial goals and your goals on how to become rich fast.
Carolyn Anderson has been managing a successful online business for years now. To uncover some of the secrets to become rich fast, visit Think and Grow Rich Secrets. Also check out Goals On Track to get the best insider tips on the best techniques and strategies to reach for your goals in life.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carolyn_Anderson
Indeed, you can work on becoming rich and if you want to and if you need a guide to so this, here are a few tips and ideas that you might find useful.
- Discover yourself, your talents as well as your strengths. The more you know yourself, the more you can assess which opportunities are right for you. Grabbing the right opportunities at the right time can be one great opportunity to reach your goals when it comes to becoming rich. Know your talents and know what you can do. Knowing these can truly help you in choosing what you want to do to attain your goals.
- Set goals, both long-term and short-term. If you just want to learn how to become rich fast but you do not have concrete goals in mind, you may not have a good direction in life. In setting up your goals, it is also important that you make realistic and attainable goals, or else, you will just be frustrated of not going somewhere.
- Learn to work with risks and uncertainties. You can never go to where you want to go if you cannot learn how to face and deal with risks. Opportunities in life are not all bed of roses. You have to take risks but it is important to assess what types of risks can you handle and what kinds of risks and uncertainties are you comfortable facing with. Sometimes you need to gamble and face risks to attain success.
- Always plan and use time wisely to make better and wiser decisions. Good time management skills are important if you want to learn how to become rich fast. This means, avoiding hasty and desperate decisions. Desperation often attracts failure and for sure, you don't want that to happen as well.
- Start your own business. Having your own business is also one way to help you get rich. Of course, you can start any business that you want. Start looking for business opportunities in your passion and interests. You can also look at your expertise to find some business opportunities. You can actually find businesses in many aspects in life. From providing cleaning services to home staging to real estate - you can actually find money in many things. Work hard to make your business grow. You can also sell your business later to make more money and invest on another.
Of course, you also need to help yourself by managing your money well. Good money management is indeed one of the important things that you also need to be able to achieve your financial goals and your goals on how to become rich fast.
Carolyn Anderson has been managing a successful online business for years now. To uncover some of the secrets to become rich fast, visit Think and Grow Rich Secrets. Also check out Goals On Track to get the best insider tips on the best techniques and strategies to reach for your goals in life.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carolyn_Anderson
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Some Tips for Achieving Goals About Financial Independence
We know that being financial independent is not merely about being rich, but having freedom to afford the lifestyle a person desires without having to work.
If you are like most of people, who put the goal of being financial independence near the top of your long-term-goals list, you'll have a long way to go. There is a lot of financial advice that you can hear about in your daily life. You can seek advice through the personal financial books, or from your financial planner. It seems that every person can offer the most professional advice, but they will confuse people who only want to accept all of them, because everyone has their own opinion on where to put the money, how to spend it, and how to make their money grow.
However, there are some simple truths that can apply to the advice that you can find. Let's see what they are.
1. Spend less than you earn, i.e. use credit card carefully.
This is basic and pretty obvious but a lot of people don't pay enough attention to it. It is the only way that helps you to get out of debt or make advancement on your savings. You can set up a rate that you will put into the saving account instead of spending all the money you get.
It is more likely that people using credit card can buy things they want in advance, but it is also an easiest way for them to load with debts. Learn to use credit card wisely.
2. Use cash rather than cards.
People will think more when they are using physical cash than a plastic card. If you have set a daily budget that you have $20 to spend on entertainment this week, you are more likely to think twice about spending all of them on movie rentals tonight when you have other plans for the weekend.
But if you use a credit card, you are less aware about how much money you are spending. And it seems an $8 and a $20 product doesn't seem like a look unless you see the total amount in the bill. Those small single purchases can add up to a lot.
3. Nobody will care as much about your money as you do, so do take more control of your money.
There are many people in the market who seem more professional than you because they have training, experience or fancy job titles that make you think they are best for you when it comes to your money. But actually nobody will care that much about your money as you do. So if you want to achieve your goal of being financial independent, even though you can seek help from the fund managers, investors or bankers, you should also be active to take control of your money. Knowing where your money is and being able to make informed decisions.
4. Budget.
Make your budget realistic rather than difficult. A budget allows you to see through the who situation and help you to know where your money is going, and where you can reduce your spending to improve your financial situations.
The budget you make should accurately reflect your spending habits and expenses, otherwise it won't be a useful tool at all, from which you cannot get closer to realize your financial goals.
5. Pay yourself first.
It doesn't mean that you should go shopping and buy something, no matter a new computer, phone, or anything like that, not mention things that will overspend the budget. It means put an amount of money into savings. Many personal financial books will contain this clue. They recommend that you should pay yourself first such as putting some money into the saving account or other investing accounts, instead of credit card bill or other bills, except the due day.
The money you put into saving can be a very small amount but that's ok. At least you have started. But I think at the beginning, you can only put a fixed proportion of your income into the saving account. Then when you can, increase the amount you are saving to 10%, 15%, or more of your income.
6. Separate needs from wants.
Actually there are very few things we really need. A person who earns $300,000 a year doesn't necessarily live better life than a person who earns $50,000 a year. That's because the person who earns less has put much more attention to things he needs. He may do the purchases that really work for him, and try his best to improve his quality of life without spending too much money.
So every time when you want to buy something, you can ask yourself some questions like this.
Is it a need or a want?
Can I delay this purchase to see if it's really what I want?
Can I get this cheaper or somewhere else rather than buying a whole new one?
So, if you want to accomplish your financial goals, the first step is that you should get out of debt, which means you may have to reexamine your way of spending and see what you can do to speed up our financial goals.
Coach outlet store online provides discount coach bags. Those coach handbags sell well among women who love chasing fashion styles. Finding the latest fashion accessories in the coach outlets are what most women like to do.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sharon_Clara
If you are like most of people, who put the goal of being financial independence near the top of your long-term-goals list, you'll have a long way to go. There is a lot of financial advice that you can hear about in your daily life. You can seek advice through the personal financial books, or from your financial planner. It seems that every person can offer the most professional advice, but they will confuse people who only want to accept all of them, because everyone has their own opinion on where to put the money, how to spend it, and how to make their money grow.
However, there are some simple truths that can apply to the advice that you can find. Let's see what they are.
1. Spend less than you earn, i.e. use credit card carefully.
This is basic and pretty obvious but a lot of people don't pay enough attention to it. It is the only way that helps you to get out of debt or make advancement on your savings. You can set up a rate that you will put into the saving account instead of spending all the money you get.
It is more likely that people using credit card can buy things they want in advance, but it is also an easiest way for them to load with debts. Learn to use credit card wisely.
2. Use cash rather than cards.
People will think more when they are using physical cash than a plastic card. If you have set a daily budget that you have $20 to spend on entertainment this week, you are more likely to think twice about spending all of them on movie rentals tonight when you have other plans for the weekend.
But if you use a credit card, you are less aware about how much money you are spending. And it seems an $8 and a $20 product doesn't seem like a look unless you see the total amount in the bill. Those small single purchases can add up to a lot.
3. Nobody will care as much about your money as you do, so do take more control of your money.
There are many people in the market who seem more professional than you because they have training, experience or fancy job titles that make you think they are best for you when it comes to your money. But actually nobody will care that much about your money as you do. So if you want to achieve your goal of being financial independent, even though you can seek help from the fund managers, investors or bankers, you should also be active to take control of your money. Knowing where your money is and being able to make informed decisions.
4. Budget.
Make your budget realistic rather than difficult. A budget allows you to see through the who situation and help you to know where your money is going, and where you can reduce your spending to improve your financial situations.
The budget you make should accurately reflect your spending habits and expenses, otherwise it won't be a useful tool at all, from which you cannot get closer to realize your financial goals.
5. Pay yourself first.
It doesn't mean that you should go shopping and buy something, no matter a new computer, phone, or anything like that, not mention things that will overspend the budget. It means put an amount of money into savings. Many personal financial books will contain this clue. They recommend that you should pay yourself first such as putting some money into the saving account or other investing accounts, instead of credit card bill or other bills, except the due day.
The money you put into saving can be a very small amount but that's ok. At least you have started. But I think at the beginning, you can only put a fixed proportion of your income into the saving account. Then when you can, increase the amount you are saving to 10%, 15%, or more of your income.
6. Separate needs from wants.
Actually there are very few things we really need. A person who earns $300,000 a year doesn't necessarily live better life than a person who earns $50,000 a year. That's because the person who earns less has put much more attention to things he needs. He may do the purchases that really work for him, and try his best to improve his quality of life without spending too much money.
So every time when you want to buy something, you can ask yourself some questions like this.
Is it a need or a want?
Can I delay this purchase to see if it's really what I want?
Can I get this cheaper or somewhere else rather than buying a whole new one?
So, if you want to accomplish your financial goals, the first step is that you should get out of debt, which means you may have to reexamine your way of spending and see what you can do to speed up our financial goals.
Coach outlet store online provides discount coach bags. Those coach handbags sell well among women who love chasing fashion styles. Finding the latest fashion accessories in the coach outlets are what most women like to do.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sharon_Clara
The 3 Most Common Mistakes Every Entrepreneur Makes
Maybe it is because entrepreneurs tend to be optimistic. Maybe it is because entrepreneurs are willing to take risks. Or maybe it is because many entrepreneurs are just plain dumb, but there are some mistakes that almost every entrepreneur will make at one point in their career. These are the three things that you should never say when pitching your company to a potential investor or banker:
No Competition - At one point or another every entrepreneur will say it. "I have no competition." This is typically during the pre-revenue stages of business because once you begin to offer your product or service you will quickly realize that every business has competition. You might be the only one in the world that manufactures your product, but that does not mean you have no competition. Whether you have direct competitors or not you are always competing for dollars with someone or something else. If you have no competition then everyone in the world should buy your product, and if they don't then what is it that is keeping them from purchasing your product? That is your competition. It could be a child's college savings account, a date night with the spouse, or the mortgage payment. These are all competition because they consume dollars that are not available for your product or service.
1% of the Market - The second biggest mistake that almost every entrepreneur will make is believing that capturing 1% of their market is a conservative estimate. Just because 1% sounds like a small number does not mean any joe blow can steal 1% of a market from the competition. Entrepreneurs must have this urge to pretend that they are conservative, when in reality almost every entrepreneur has some bit of optimist in them. Rather than just assuming you can capture 1% market share out of a $100 billion market, you need to build bottom up, data driven projections. Your market potential is defined by your geographic location, your capacity to fulfill sales, and your ability to secure financing to name a few. Take these things into consideration when making claims about your market potential.
Return on Investment - The third biggest mistake that all entrepreneurs make when talking to potential investors is claiming that the investor will make some specific return on their money. For instance, entrepreneurs will come in and say that you can double your money in 2 years with their business model and their projections. Any investor that has been around for any length of time will immediately know that you are ignorant in this subject. As an entrepreneur you don't know what might happen tomorrow let alone 2 years from now. You don't need to convince an investor that they will make any level of return. They understand the game and then know that 9 our of 10 of their investments will fail or only break even, but that 1 single business that hits it big makes all the difference. Spend your time on showing these investors how you are going to hit it big, not how you are a safe investment, because you aren't safe.
These are the 3 mistakes that you must avoid like the plague as an investor seeking angel investment funding or a bank loan.
I am the Founder & CEO of http://www.theexecutiveplan.com, which offers entrepreneurs extensive guides, templates and articles to help create more powerful, effective, and memorable business plan executive summaries.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Hoeksema
No Competition - At one point or another every entrepreneur will say it. "I have no competition." This is typically during the pre-revenue stages of business because once you begin to offer your product or service you will quickly realize that every business has competition. You might be the only one in the world that manufactures your product, but that does not mean you have no competition. Whether you have direct competitors or not you are always competing for dollars with someone or something else. If you have no competition then everyone in the world should buy your product, and if they don't then what is it that is keeping them from purchasing your product? That is your competition. It could be a child's college savings account, a date night with the spouse, or the mortgage payment. These are all competition because they consume dollars that are not available for your product or service.
1% of the Market - The second biggest mistake that almost every entrepreneur will make is believing that capturing 1% of their market is a conservative estimate. Just because 1% sounds like a small number does not mean any joe blow can steal 1% of a market from the competition. Entrepreneurs must have this urge to pretend that they are conservative, when in reality almost every entrepreneur has some bit of optimist in them. Rather than just assuming you can capture 1% market share out of a $100 billion market, you need to build bottom up, data driven projections. Your market potential is defined by your geographic location, your capacity to fulfill sales, and your ability to secure financing to name a few. Take these things into consideration when making claims about your market potential.
Return on Investment - The third biggest mistake that all entrepreneurs make when talking to potential investors is claiming that the investor will make some specific return on their money. For instance, entrepreneurs will come in and say that you can double your money in 2 years with their business model and their projections. Any investor that has been around for any length of time will immediately know that you are ignorant in this subject. As an entrepreneur you don't know what might happen tomorrow let alone 2 years from now. You don't need to convince an investor that they will make any level of return. They understand the game and then know that 9 our of 10 of their investments will fail or only break even, but that 1 single business that hits it big makes all the difference. Spend your time on showing these investors how you are going to hit it big, not how you are a safe investment, because you aren't safe.
These are the 3 mistakes that you must avoid like the plague as an investor seeking angel investment funding or a bank loan.
I am the Founder & CEO of http://www.theexecutiveplan.com, which offers entrepreneurs extensive guides, templates and articles to help create more powerful, effective, and memorable business plan executive summaries.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Hoeksema
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Financial Independence Course
I reorganized www.renegadeuniversity.com to be more streamlined and more like a course on financial independence.
Drop by and see how I can help you get seed money for a business or for investments.
Use the Master Mind and chat sections to meet up with finance guys and gals that can help you reach your goals.
90% of people that I know that visit my site tell me its very motivational. So what are you waiting for?
Drop by and see how I can help you get seed money for a business or for investments.
Use the Master Mind and chat sections to meet up with finance guys and gals that can help you reach your goals.
90% of people that I know that visit my site tell me its very motivational. So what are you waiting for?
24/7 Live Finance Chat
If you miss the old Yahoo and other smaller chat rooms, where people used to chat about investing, visit:
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Free University Education
If you think it would be great to drop in college seminars and classes, I have an idea for you. Drop in www.renegadeuniversity.net and take a look around.
At the site above, you can learn hard won lessons about personal finance, investing, and success. Unless you buy a life changing book, you will spend nothing.
Renegade U will be overhauled soon with new templates and an entrepreneurship section.
Take a look!
At the site above, you can learn hard won lessons about personal finance, investing, and success. Unless you buy a life changing book, you will spend nothing.
Renegade U will be overhauled soon with new templates and an entrepreneurship section.
Take a look!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Step One to Becoming a Millionaire
The first step you need to take in becoming a millionaire is TO TAKE A STEP. Act. Do SOMETHING. Nothing will happen if you just sit there. Nothing will happen if you just read articles.
Begin some study program, sign up for a conference or seminar, email a millionaire and ask for advice (only if you are willing to take it), get some books from the library. Spend some time learning, but then jump in and DO something.
Maybe build (or get) a website. Partner with someone. Write a business plan.
You do not need to know everything, to have it all down perfectly before you begin. But beginning is KEY. Here are the steps I took in beginning, yours might be the same, they might be different (these are not in exact order):
• I attended a Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar.
• I attended a few other seminars.
• I got a website (I got help building it and setting it up).
• I joined Toastmasters to assist my speaking career.
• I bought a fantastic memory course and speed reading course (and DID it).
• I designed and printed business cards.
• I wrote down my goals and a time line for them
The trick here is that if you begin, if you are moving, in ANY direction, you are on your way. If you are moving in the wrong direction or sideways, adjust your course. It is easier to steer a moving ship than one sitting still.
Remember the old saying, "Look before you leap"? Well, yes DO look before you leap, that is simply being prudent. But you still have to leap! Do not just sit on the sidelines looking.
Being wrong will happen. You just keep moving, adapt, learn from and correct your errors. Mistakes will not make you any worse off than you were, and if you are wise, you will be better for the knowledge gained from them.
You may be thinking to yourself, that is really stupid. All he is saying is to do something. No, it is not STUPID, it is SIMPLE. Let me ask you a question: Are you a millionaire? If you answered yes, then I KNOW you took action. EVERY millionaire has (and continues to do so).
The specifics matter, which particular action you take, but they matter much much less than TAKING action. My original plan was to patent an idea I had, and develop and manufacture a product. I may still do that sometime, but have changed direction in my quest.
Every one who is NOT a millionaire has NOT taken action. Like I said, simple. If you take an action and it does not lead you where you want to go (where you want to go is another article itself), then change your action, take another, a different action.
Most of becoming a millionaire is NOT some special formulas or key undisclosed method. It is applying basic, simple principles, working and reworking them to achieve your goal. Learn them (even imperfectly), APPLY them (even imperfectly), and you will be on your way.
So, let me encourage you to meet me in person at the upcoming (Oct 15-17) Millionaire Mind Intensive in Minneapolis. Personally think it is a GREAT action to take! I am Peter Szymanski, the 18 year old TeenageMillionaireExtraordinarie ©, in the making. http://www.teenagemillionaireextraordinaire.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Szymanski
Begin some study program, sign up for a conference or seminar, email a millionaire and ask for advice (only if you are willing to take it), get some books from the library. Spend some time learning, but then jump in and DO something.
Maybe build (or get) a website. Partner with someone. Write a business plan.
You do not need to know everything, to have it all down perfectly before you begin. But beginning is KEY. Here are the steps I took in beginning, yours might be the same, they might be different (these are not in exact order):
• I attended a Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar.
• I attended a few other seminars.
• I got a website (I got help building it and setting it up).
• I joined Toastmasters to assist my speaking career.
• I bought a fantastic memory course and speed reading course (and DID it).
• I designed and printed business cards.
• I wrote down my goals and a time line for them
The trick here is that if you begin, if you are moving, in ANY direction, you are on your way. If you are moving in the wrong direction or sideways, adjust your course. It is easier to steer a moving ship than one sitting still.
Remember the old saying, "Look before you leap"? Well, yes DO look before you leap, that is simply being prudent. But you still have to leap! Do not just sit on the sidelines looking.
Being wrong will happen. You just keep moving, adapt, learn from and correct your errors. Mistakes will not make you any worse off than you were, and if you are wise, you will be better for the knowledge gained from them.
You may be thinking to yourself, that is really stupid. All he is saying is to do something. No, it is not STUPID, it is SIMPLE. Let me ask you a question: Are you a millionaire? If you answered yes, then I KNOW you took action. EVERY millionaire has (and continues to do so).
The specifics matter, which particular action you take, but they matter much much less than TAKING action. My original plan was to patent an idea I had, and develop and manufacture a product. I may still do that sometime, but have changed direction in my quest.
Every one who is NOT a millionaire has NOT taken action. Like I said, simple. If you take an action and it does not lead you where you want to go (where you want to go is another article itself), then change your action, take another, a different action.
Most of becoming a millionaire is NOT some special formulas or key undisclosed method. It is applying basic, simple principles, working and reworking them to achieve your goal. Learn them (even imperfectly), APPLY them (even imperfectly), and you will be on your way.
So, let me encourage you to meet me in person at the upcoming (Oct 15-17) Millionaire Mind Intensive in Minneapolis. Personally think it is a GREAT action to take! I am Peter Szymanski, the 18 year old TeenageMillionaireExtraordinarie ©, in the making. http://www.teenagemillionaireextraordinaire.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Szymanski
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Passive Income Article
We are formally trained to generate active income at a job, however it is difficult to truly generate wealth unless one begins to generate passive income. Most of us think of going to work at our jobs every day. Day after day we labor for our boss or business for payment. This is active pay since it is income that goes away if we do not regularly contribute something in return for pay. To maximize wealth, a person needs to train yourself to make passive income instead of actively earning income.
Some examples of passive income would be if you owned stock in a company that pays a dividend, if you owned rental property that was managed by someone else, or if you owned a business that was managed by someone else. In each of these instances, you, as the owner of the stock, rental property, or business could have no daily, weekly, or monthly interaction in the daily operation of the business and still earn money. In other words these are passive income streams that earn money regardless of your actions.
To become wealthy, you need to begin to think of different sources of passive income that you can use to generate income. The most common passive income which requires no interaction except filing taxes on a yearly basis is owning stock. It is possible to become rich doing this, however this requires twenty to thirty years of pouring large portions of your income into these companies. If you want to accelerate this process, you will need to closely buy and sell different companies. The problem with doing this is that the process then becomes an active process and not a passive process. Some people do this task of buying and selling their stocks daily and we call them day traders since they basically do this day in and day out.
Some better Passive Income ideas that will generate larger quantities of money with little starting capital are the ones you should pursue. Of course coming up with these ideas is easier said than done. Starting a business that others can operate for you is probably the ultimate goal for passive income, however this is a difficult process. Usually this requires you actively start the business by yourself and grow it until it can support the employees to run it on your own. If you eventually can free up your time to think about more passive income ideas, you will begin to get ahead of the game.
Some examples of passive income would be if you owned stock in a company that pays a dividend, if you owned rental property that was managed by someone else, or if you owned a business that was managed by someone else. In each of these instances, you, as the owner of the stock, rental property, or business could have no daily, weekly, or monthly interaction in the daily operation of the business and still earn money. In other words these are passive income streams that earn money regardless of your actions.
To become wealthy, you need to begin to think of different sources of passive income that you can use to generate income. The most common passive income which requires no interaction except filing taxes on a yearly basis is owning stock. It is possible to become rich doing this, however this requires twenty to thirty years of pouring large portions of your income into these companies. If you want to accelerate this process, you will need to closely buy and sell different companies. The problem with doing this is that the process then becomes an active process and not a passive process. Some people do this task of buying and selling their stocks daily and we call them day traders since they basically do this day in and day out.
Some better Passive Income ideas that will generate larger quantities of money with little starting capital are the ones you should pursue. Of course coming up with these ideas is easier said than done. Starting a business that others can operate for you is probably the ultimate goal for passive income, however this is a difficult process. Usually this requires you actively start the business by yourself and grow it until it can support the employees to run it on your own. If you eventually can free up your time to think about more passive income ideas, you will begin to get ahead of the game.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Increase Your Net Worth by Using the Velocity of Money
"Velocity of Money" is one of the key concepts that many wealthy people utilize in building their net worth.Yet many investors don't know about, and therefore don't follow, this proven wealth building technique. Read below to change that...
Once you learn and understand the magnitude of how this investment concept can influence your financial future, you can capitalize on it to increase your net worth rapidly and safely.
How fast you can invest your money in your financial portfolio is a very important element of managing your wealth.
The faster you can turn over your assets from one investment to another is a key to building wealth. By managing your portfolio with the "Velocity of Money" mindset,you can create hundreds of thousands of dollars more over time.When you are in this mindset,you will look at every dollar you have as a soldier and every soldier's job is to make you more and more wealth as fast as possible.Using all of your soldiers to, maximize your resources (money) at a rapid rate equates to "Velocity of Money" - the speed of money.
When we talk about your initial investment capital, we are really saying there are four kinds of available funds that you need to know about and understand to maximize and accelerate your investing strategy.
Four kinds of funds professional investors use to maximize their wealth:
1) Your own money - You likely have funds you are not even aware of...be sure to see if you have untapped "Lazy Assets".
2) The bank's money.
3) The tax man's money (IRS/government).
4) Other people's money (OPM).
A professional investor knows how to maximize their financial position through leveraging their available funds. The main objective is to use other sources of capital(#2- #4), not your own money (#1).Concentrate on using the bank's or the tax man's capital through entities, depreciation and OPM (other people's money).When you start using these sources of money together (synergy), you will be amazed how fast your own true wealth (#1) will grow!.
Using different funds to simultaneously grow your own wealth and having the ability to rapidly move those funds from investment to investment is what we call the "Velocity of Money".Professional investors rely heavily on OPM and rapid turnaround to accelerate their wealth.In fact, the most successful investors will tell you the objective is to use OPM whenever possible.
Summary, The theory of "Velocity of Money":
1. Invest your available funds into an investment you are familiar with.
2. Stabilize and keep control of the investment through good management.
3. Get your funds out of the investment as soon as possible by refinancing your property (tax free).
4. Put your funds into another investment as soon as possible.
5. Repeat the process.
By implementing the "Velocity of Money" concept, you will be fully leveraging your available funds and rapidly realizing profits.Why not mimic what the rich and wealthy do to accelerate your wealth? As years pass you will be amazed to see how fast your own money will grow.Financial freedom is just around the corner!
Ed Barriskill is a true real estate professional and one of the founders of 37parallel properties. He has been in real estate since graduating from college in 1973. As a real estate agent and broker Ed has closed over 1400 residential real estate transactions. As a real estate investor, Ed has bought and sold several investment properties and currently manages a real estate portfolio valued at over $65 Million.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Barriskill
Once you learn and understand the magnitude of how this investment concept can influence your financial future, you can capitalize on it to increase your net worth rapidly and safely.
How fast you can invest your money in your financial portfolio is a very important element of managing your wealth.
The faster you can turn over your assets from one investment to another is a key to building wealth. By managing your portfolio with the "Velocity of Money" mindset,you can create hundreds of thousands of dollars more over time.When you are in this mindset,you will look at every dollar you have as a soldier and every soldier's job is to make you more and more wealth as fast as possible.Using all of your soldiers to, maximize your resources (money) at a rapid rate equates to "Velocity of Money" - the speed of money.
When we talk about your initial investment capital, we are really saying there are four kinds of available funds that you need to know about and understand to maximize and accelerate your investing strategy.
Four kinds of funds professional investors use to maximize their wealth:
1) Your own money - You likely have funds you are not even aware of...be sure to see if you have untapped "Lazy Assets".
2) The bank's money.
3) The tax man's money (IRS/government).
4) Other people's money (OPM).
A professional investor knows how to maximize their financial position through leveraging their available funds. The main objective is to use other sources of capital(#2- #4), not your own money (#1).Concentrate on using the bank's or the tax man's capital through entities, depreciation and OPM (other people's money).When you start using these sources of money together (synergy), you will be amazed how fast your own true wealth (#1) will grow!.
Using different funds to simultaneously grow your own wealth and having the ability to rapidly move those funds from investment to investment is what we call the "Velocity of Money".Professional investors rely heavily on OPM and rapid turnaround to accelerate their wealth.In fact, the most successful investors will tell you the objective is to use OPM whenever possible.
Summary, The theory of "Velocity of Money":
1. Invest your available funds into an investment you are familiar with.
2. Stabilize and keep control of the investment through good management.
3. Get your funds out of the investment as soon as possible by refinancing your property (tax free).
4. Put your funds into another investment as soon as possible.
5. Repeat the process.
By implementing the "Velocity of Money" concept, you will be fully leveraging your available funds and rapidly realizing profits.Why not mimic what the rich and wealthy do to accelerate your wealth? As years pass you will be amazed to see how fast your own money will grow.Financial freedom is just around the corner!
Ed Barriskill is a true real estate professional and one of the founders of 37parallel properties. He has been in real estate since graduating from college in 1973. As a real estate agent and broker Ed has closed over 1400 residential real estate transactions. As a real estate investor, Ed has bought and sold several investment properties and currently manages a real estate portfolio valued at over $65 Million.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Barriskill
Thursday, July 15, 2010
A Crash Course in Networking
Networking for the purpose of finding a job, or finding a founding team for a start up, or to find specialists to know for any purpose is a great idea.
But how do you start? First, think about what experience, skills and knowledge you offer and develop an elevator pitch. Then, go to networking events and meet people. Business newspapers and newspaper web sites will announce networking events, go to some. You can also attend seminars, workshops and meetings of organizations like small business associations, specialized business associations, associations for women or minorities. You can also try out local Rich Dad clubs, investment clubs, alumni groups, etc.
If you can give people you meet a 30 second presentation (elevator pitch), about your skills, knowledge, and objective, it will be easier to for others to connect you to people that you need to meet. It is good to have a business card too. You may not find good contacts at every event, but you should persistently try. Allow the people you meet to ask you questions about your skills and experience. Be prepared to answer questions.
If done right, networking can lead to referrals, job offers, positions on new ventures, and almost any sort of contact you require. You could also join a mastermind group or invite someone to your mastermind group.
I would also look around at online forums and web sites where people discuss small business, online business, or specialized business.
Online or offline, just meeting people in your field or in the field you want to get into can be a help to you. Be sure to be courteous and listen to your new acquaintance.
David K Drews is the web master of http://www.renegadeuniversity.net a site that will help you make a realistic plan to escape the rat race. David is an MBA candidate, investor, and published author. Watch for the 2nd edition of The Black Book of the Mastermind.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Drews
But how do you start? First, think about what experience, skills and knowledge you offer and develop an elevator pitch. Then, go to networking events and meet people. Business newspapers and newspaper web sites will announce networking events, go to some. You can also attend seminars, workshops and meetings of organizations like small business associations, specialized business associations, associations for women or minorities. You can also try out local Rich Dad clubs, investment clubs, alumni groups, etc.
If you can give people you meet a 30 second presentation (elevator pitch), about your skills, knowledge, and objective, it will be easier to for others to connect you to people that you need to meet. It is good to have a business card too. You may not find good contacts at every event, but you should persistently try. Allow the people you meet to ask you questions about your skills and experience. Be prepared to answer questions.
If done right, networking can lead to referrals, job offers, positions on new ventures, and almost any sort of contact you require. You could also join a mastermind group or invite someone to your mastermind group.
I would also look around at online forums and web sites where people discuss small business, online business, or specialized business.
Online or offline, just meeting people in your field or in the field you want to get into can be a help to you. Be sure to be courteous and listen to your new acquaintance.
David K Drews is the web master of http://www.renegadeuniversity.net a site that will help you make a realistic plan to escape the rat race. David is an MBA candidate, investor, and published author. Watch for the 2nd edition of The Black Book of the Mastermind.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Drews
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
How to Design Your Debt Reduction Plan
The word "debt" can be the most used word in these recession affected economic world. People all over the world have been addicted to debt when economic slow down hit consumer markets and individuals. To stay afloat in these rough times, you need to make an exclusive budgetary plan to meet your debt reduction plan and leave your life easy way. Proper money management and most disciplined life only can lead you to imperative debt reduction.
Let us see what all aspects you need to take and follow to achieve significant results.
You should plan debt reduction determining the value of your income and make systematic frames regarding on it. Best way to gain control over you expenditure is preparing a spread sheet or using good budgetary software in your personal computer. Here, you may feed your total income and spending details and compares them and reviews every month end. Feed all details of your bank accounts transactions and pay checks.
Prepare a debt reduction journal. Write down each and every debt that you owe on the journal and make budgetary solutions to tackle them with its help. You may feel like it will not benefit you on first one or two months but later on, you will realize that it was best decision you took to be free from debts that offers you hard times. Read and update journal̢۪s contents and make out whether you are strictly following the words you wrote on it.
Credit cards become villains more often. Careless and naughty swiping using your credit cards will lead you fall in big digs of debts. So, use your credit cards wisely thinking twice before you buying expensive luxury stuffs. If you like to buy groceries and cloths showing your credits in cards, you are highly recommended to learn your expenses every week. All credit cards have online banking accounts; log in to it and learn how you utilized your valuable pennies and be determined to cut down your unwanted expenses.
Strong determination to reduce your daily expenses only can give you remarkable debt reductions. Once you odd to debts, it is very difficult to go back to easy life. Make your own ideas to cut cost and implement them successfully. End of the day, you will win.
Let us see what all aspects you need to take and follow to achieve significant results.
You should plan debt reduction determining the value of your income and make systematic frames regarding on it. Best way to gain control over you expenditure is preparing a spread sheet or using good budgetary software in your personal computer. Here, you may feed your total income and spending details and compares them and reviews every month end. Feed all details of your bank accounts transactions and pay checks.
Prepare a debt reduction journal. Write down each and every debt that you owe on the journal and make budgetary solutions to tackle them with its help. You may feel like it will not benefit you on first one or two months but later on, you will realize that it was best decision you took to be free from debts that offers you hard times. Read and update journal̢۪s contents and make out whether you are strictly following the words you wrote on it.
Credit cards become villains more often. Careless and naughty swiping using your credit cards will lead you fall in big digs of debts. So, use your credit cards wisely thinking twice before you buying expensive luxury stuffs. If you like to buy groceries and cloths showing your credits in cards, you are highly recommended to learn your expenses every week. All credit cards have online banking accounts; log in to it and learn how you utilized your valuable pennies and be determined to cut down your unwanted expenses.
Strong determination to reduce your daily expenses only can give you remarkable debt reductions. Once you odd to debts, it is very difficult to go back to easy life. Make your own ideas to cut cost and implement them successfully. End of the day, you will win.
If You Really Want to Retire Early
If you really want to retire early, consider that 1/2 of US households earn $44,000 a year or less. That makes the going pretty tough for 1/2 of the US population.
But if you were to start right now, you would be improving your odds a great deal.
If retiring early is for you, check out www.renegadeuniversity.net
There is a lot of free info at the site. You won't need to hunt for days looking for all the information and hard won lessons. Its all right there.
There is a lot of BS on the Internet about retiring early, but none of it is at the site above.
But if you were to start right now, you would be improving your odds a great deal.
If retiring early is for you, check out www.renegadeuniversity.net
There is a lot of free info at the site. You won't need to hunt for days looking for all the information and hard won lessons. Its all right there.
There is a lot of BS on the Internet about retiring early, but none of it is at the site above.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Targeted Traffic Building - 8 Key Ways to Make More Profit With Traffic Building
Targeted traffic building can be the key to the success of your Internet business. This article will provide you with an overview of the eight key ways to make more profit through your Internet business with targeted traffic building. Armed with this information, you'll be on your way to increasing your revenues today and well into the future.
1. You need to keep in mind, as the first key way to make more profit with targeted traffic building, that when it comes to traffic to your website though really issue is not so much quantity as it is quality traffic to your site. You want people who will be interested in the products and services you have to offer.
2. Your targeted traffic building plan needs to be part of a comprehensive marketing agenda. You can not engage in traffic building in isolation.
3. When it comes to targeted traffic building, you might want to consult with or engage the services of an expert. You do not need to go it alone.
4. Targeted traffic building depends to a large degree on the SCO efforts you may catch your website itself. This includes ensuring that you have copy on your site that is keyword enriched.
5. The domain name that you select for your website will also be an important element of your overall targeted traffic building plan
6. Link building should be included on your agenda when it comes to targeted traffic building. Again you might want to consult with an expert in this regard.
7. You will want to continually revise your targeted traffic building efforts to make sure that they continue to be effective.
8. Finally, when it comes to targeted traffic building, you will want to consider entering into strategic alliances with other individuals who own businesses that are compatible to your own. While this is not necessarily a recommendation for a reciprocal link building program, there are ways in which you can develop strategic alliances with other individuals and businesses that will benefit your company over the long run.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sean_R_Mize
1. You need to keep in mind, as the first key way to make more profit with targeted traffic building, that when it comes to traffic to your website though really issue is not so much quantity as it is quality traffic to your site. You want people who will be interested in the products and services you have to offer.
2. Your targeted traffic building plan needs to be part of a comprehensive marketing agenda. You can not engage in traffic building in isolation.
3. When it comes to targeted traffic building, you might want to consult with or engage the services of an expert. You do not need to go it alone.
4. Targeted traffic building depends to a large degree on the SCO efforts you may catch your website itself. This includes ensuring that you have copy on your site that is keyword enriched.
5. The domain name that you select for your website will also be an important element of your overall targeted traffic building plan
6. Link building should be included on your agenda when it comes to targeted traffic building. Again you might want to consult with an expert in this regard.
7. You will want to continually revise your targeted traffic building efforts to make sure that they continue to be effective.
8. Finally, when it comes to targeted traffic building, you will want to consider entering into strategic alliances with other individuals who own businesses that are compatible to your own. While this is not necessarily a recommendation for a reciprocal link building program, there are ways in which you can develop strategic alliances with other individuals and businesses that will benefit your company over the long run.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sean_R_Mize
Getting Website Traffic That Buys Your Stuff - How to Get 1,000 Visitors a Day and Make a Profit
It is one thing to get 1,000 visitors a day to your site and it is a totally other thing to actually get those 1,000 visitors to make you a profit! In this article I want to show you how you can get 1,000 visitors a day or more to your site and actually make a profit in the process.
You Have To Make Sure You Do It Backwards First...
If you are going to get a massive amount of traffic to your site on a daily basis you are going to have to make sure you have the right strategy in place to make it happen so you can sustain your momentum and success.
That means you are going to have to do the opposite of what everyone else does online. What most people will do is they will go out and find a traffic source in their market that will send them 1,000 visitors a day and start trying to make it happen.
You have to realize that if you do this you are going to end up wasting a lot of time and money. You might think that you are being smart by trying to get all these visitors to your site, but in the end you will likely be broke and frustrated with what you have done.
You need to realize that getting that many visitors a day to your site is not about getting more visitors! That may sound strange, but you have to realize that getting more visitors is the easiest thing you can do online! Anyone can buy them from AdWords or other sources online...
Here Is What You Need To Do:
First - You have to focus 80% of your time on maximizing your sales funnel so you can increase your profits from the visitors you have coming to your site or a small amount of new visitors you are going to start getting.
The reason that you need to do this is so you can focus your efforts on building the right product and system base for your business. You need to realize that this is the most important part of everything you do online.
Most people think that this is the easiest part and so they don't even worry about doing it! But you need to do it and make sure you focus about 80% of your time and efforts on it.
Second - You need to then focus on getting traffic to your site from one source.
That way you can stay focused and not have to worry about getting distracted with other sources in your market. The more you can focus on one source, the more likely you will be to make a lot of money doing what you are doing.
What if you can't get more website traffic? Here's a "secret snowball traffic system" that has generated over 1,175,000 visitors for my tiny websites. Click Here Now to get this free video that will show you how to make it happen for your sites. http://www.jasonnyback.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Nyback
You Have To Make Sure You Do It Backwards First...
If you are going to get a massive amount of traffic to your site on a daily basis you are going to have to make sure you have the right strategy in place to make it happen so you can sustain your momentum and success.
That means you are going to have to do the opposite of what everyone else does online. What most people will do is they will go out and find a traffic source in their market that will send them 1,000 visitors a day and start trying to make it happen.
You have to realize that if you do this you are going to end up wasting a lot of time and money. You might think that you are being smart by trying to get all these visitors to your site, but in the end you will likely be broke and frustrated with what you have done.
You need to realize that getting that many visitors a day to your site is not about getting more visitors! That may sound strange, but you have to realize that getting more visitors is the easiest thing you can do online! Anyone can buy them from AdWords or other sources online...
Here Is What You Need To Do:
First - You have to focus 80% of your time on maximizing your sales funnel so you can increase your profits from the visitors you have coming to your site or a small amount of new visitors you are going to start getting.
The reason that you need to do this is so you can focus your efforts on building the right product and system base for your business. You need to realize that this is the most important part of everything you do online.
Most people think that this is the easiest part and so they don't even worry about doing it! But you need to do it and make sure you focus about 80% of your time and efforts on it.
Second - You need to then focus on getting traffic to your site from one source.
That way you can stay focused and not have to worry about getting distracted with other sources in your market. The more you can focus on one source, the more likely you will be to make a lot of money doing what you are doing.
What if you can't get more website traffic? Here's a "secret snowball traffic system" that has generated over 1,175,000 visitors for my tiny websites. Click Here Now to get this free video that will show you how to make it happen for your sites. http://www.jasonnyback.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Nyback
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Be Your Own Success Story
What will make you an invincible success? What is currently preventing you from enjoying the success you crave? What are the keys to success and how can you best begin to employ these today and throughout the year ahead until your success is so sure it becomes your reality forever?
The crucial key is your inner attitude. How did you feel about your life when you were seventeen? Invincible? Unsure? Were you sure of your success in the years ahead or were you uncertain of your destiny? How do you feel now? Have the years been kind to you or has disaster struck? Regardless of what has happened to you lately I want you to prime your inner attitude. Focus inward on your strengths and determine to fill yourself anew with purpose, enthusiasm, resolution, and become dominant, determined, bold, strong, calm, vital, steadfast, self reliant, and full of vigorous energy. You can!
"It is never too late to be what you might have been," claimed the English author George Eliot. How can you turn your present situation around for success? Many are life's downward paths which lead to failure, yet you have only to turn about and walk back up towards victory! Step by step you turn about: Benjamin Franklin advised "Little strokes fell big oaks."
Perception is reality. Whatever your current perception of your situation, your self, your ability, this is your experience now. First perceive, then receive. Work now on your inner attitude: dwell upon your strengths, your convictions, your beliefs - and constantly recall your past successes: see yourself as a sure success! Know you want to become completely successful in all you do, and believe you can be. Recharge your inner attitude with positive energy by taking a little time out to go for a walk somewhere peaceful in the clear air. Put your soul into it! Walk vigorously, clear your mind. Shoulders back and feel strong!
Build your perception of who you can be. What do you want? Focus daily on this: are you aimed in the right direction? Taking the necessary steps to achieve what you want? Build level by level: a small success this week at work before the big house and fast car! Telephone a prospect you have been putting off. Stand tall and speak with firmness in your tone. Expect yes, expect the big order. Receive the big order! Be dominant. Act as though you have every confidence, just as you expect the bigshots at your workplace to act and speak. Act it out and become. Simple truths work: just act upon this. Build yourself new habits of determined action today onwards.
Habits are cobwebs at first, iron cables at last.
Be aware of the little daily actions you take which in time pin you down to specific behavioral patterns: are all your actions, thoughts and mannerisms primed towards the greatest success?
Good news is, you can establish new habits within seven days: just do something new each day for a week and it becomes swiftly part of your reality. Much easier to create new habits than to discard old so don't try to give up chocolate, just make a new habit of eating a healthy three meal diet with no snacking daily. You can easily replace the snacks with a glass of water, a short brisk walk, a banana, a motivational quote! Do successful folk snack? Or are they too busy feeling the incredible buzz of being their own success story? Commit yourself to projects you know are surefire winners with a definite reward at the end. Reward yourself for every small success, each good step forwards.
And when you are not working switch off the entertainment for now and educate yourself. Ebooks are free all over the internet if you search for them: you can learn a lot now for no financial output so there is no excuse! Learn what you love, learn what the successful people in your field know, always learn more. Knowledge pays dividends and opens your mind to endless creativity. W.B.Yeats, the poet, declared: "Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire."
Set your inner fire ablaze and get ready to accomplish great things. Learn all you can. Be specific and organized. Spend no time on unviable projects and put even your leisure hours to effective use. Create a blog so your colleagues and superiors can see you are keen to develop new skills. Write about what you learn and ideas you have for improving your results at work. If your present employer does not take notice you can be sure the head hunters of more progressive firms will notice you!
Promote your blog through social media and get yourself some ebooks on enhancing visitor numbers to your blog: get more traffic! Learn some basic search engine optimization. Get your message out there into the wide world: you never know who is looking in. Build yourself, your inner perception of your worth, build your knowledge and creativity levels and work on your fitness, appearance, conversation, listening ability, your ability to effectively analyse information and your sense of logic. Be fair and be generous. Give freely. Seek wisdom. Believe in yourself as a true success! Let others know you are keen to improve and go further in your field of work. Offer your time.
Know what needs to be done each day and each week and focus only on this until it is done, then if you have time turn your attention to other useful tasks or prepare a plan for the week ahead. See what else you can accomplish of purpose. Ask!
After two weeks of building your inner attitude anew analyze how you now feel: more vigor? More boldness? Be strong! Be ready to change when the opportunity comes your way.
It is never too late to be what you might have been. Ignite your inner fire. Expect success. Be ready to embrace success. Be generous with your time and your assistance. The world wants persons who are prepared to do a little more than asked, who take the time, who go about the workplace as if they owned the company and care about the results. The world has a way of exalting such persons to positions of responsibility. Success.
Success. Expect it. Prepare for it. Learn. Grow. Enjoy success! You deserve to give yourself every opportunity so start today: supercharge your energy, declutter your home and office, focus on what really counts for you and aim high: let nothing defeat you as you build your inner resolve to succeed in all you do.
I am an internet marketer who writes on Success Motivation. You can read more and download free ebooks and educational DVDs at http://adwellosalesbonusreviews.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ad_Wello
The crucial key is your inner attitude. How did you feel about your life when you were seventeen? Invincible? Unsure? Were you sure of your success in the years ahead or were you uncertain of your destiny? How do you feel now? Have the years been kind to you or has disaster struck? Regardless of what has happened to you lately I want you to prime your inner attitude. Focus inward on your strengths and determine to fill yourself anew with purpose, enthusiasm, resolution, and become dominant, determined, bold, strong, calm, vital, steadfast, self reliant, and full of vigorous energy. You can!
"It is never too late to be what you might have been," claimed the English author George Eliot. How can you turn your present situation around for success? Many are life's downward paths which lead to failure, yet you have only to turn about and walk back up towards victory! Step by step you turn about: Benjamin Franklin advised "Little strokes fell big oaks."
Perception is reality. Whatever your current perception of your situation, your self, your ability, this is your experience now. First perceive, then receive. Work now on your inner attitude: dwell upon your strengths, your convictions, your beliefs - and constantly recall your past successes: see yourself as a sure success! Know you want to become completely successful in all you do, and believe you can be. Recharge your inner attitude with positive energy by taking a little time out to go for a walk somewhere peaceful in the clear air. Put your soul into it! Walk vigorously, clear your mind. Shoulders back and feel strong!
Build your perception of who you can be. What do you want? Focus daily on this: are you aimed in the right direction? Taking the necessary steps to achieve what you want? Build level by level: a small success this week at work before the big house and fast car! Telephone a prospect you have been putting off. Stand tall and speak with firmness in your tone. Expect yes, expect the big order. Receive the big order! Be dominant. Act as though you have every confidence, just as you expect the bigshots at your workplace to act and speak. Act it out and become. Simple truths work: just act upon this. Build yourself new habits of determined action today onwards.
Habits are cobwebs at first, iron cables at last.
Be aware of the little daily actions you take which in time pin you down to specific behavioral patterns: are all your actions, thoughts and mannerisms primed towards the greatest success?
Good news is, you can establish new habits within seven days: just do something new each day for a week and it becomes swiftly part of your reality. Much easier to create new habits than to discard old so don't try to give up chocolate, just make a new habit of eating a healthy three meal diet with no snacking daily. You can easily replace the snacks with a glass of water, a short brisk walk, a banana, a motivational quote! Do successful folk snack? Or are they too busy feeling the incredible buzz of being their own success story? Commit yourself to projects you know are surefire winners with a definite reward at the end. Reward yourself for every small success, each good step forwards.
And when you are not working switch off the entertainment for now and educate yourself. Ebooks are free all over the internet if you search for them: you can learn a lot now for no financial output so there is no excuse! Learn what you love, learn what the successful people in your field know, always learn more. Knowledge pays dividends and opens your mind to endless creativity. W.B.Yeats, the poet, declared: "Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire."
Set your inner fire ablaze and get ready to accomplish great things. Learn all you can. Be specific and organized. Spend no time on unviable projects and put even your leisure hours to effective use. Create a blog so your colleagues and superiors can see you are keen to develop new skills. Write about what you learn and ideas you have for improving your results at work. If your present employer does not take notice you can be sure the head hunters of more progressive firms will notice you!
Promote your blog through social media and get yourself some ebooks on enhancing visitor numbers to your blog: get more traffic! Learn some basic search engine optimization. Get your message out there into the wide world: you never know who is looking in. Build yourself, your inner perception of your worth, build your knowledge and creativity levels and work on your fitness, appearance, conversation, listening ability, your ability to effectively analyse information and your sense of logic. Be fair and be generous. Give freely. Seek wisdom. Believe in yourself as a true success! Let others know you are keen to improve and go further in your field of work. Offer your time.
Know what needs to be done each day and each week and focus only on this until it is done, then if you have time turn your attention to other useful tasks or prepare a plan for the week ahead. See what else you can accomplish of purpose. Ask!
After two weeks of building your inner attitude anew analyze how you now feel: more vigor? More boldness? Be strong! Be ready to change when the opportunity comes your way.
It is never too late to be what you might have been. Ignite your inner fire. Expect success. Be ready to embrace success. Be generous with your time and your assistance. The world wants persons who are prepared to do a little more than asked, who take the time, who go about the workplace as if they owned the company and care about the results. The world has a way of exalting such persons to positions of responsibility. Success.
Success. Expect it. Prepare for it. Learn. Grow. Enjoy success! You deserve to give yourself every opportunity so start today: supercharge your energy, declutter your home and office, focus on what really counts for you and aim high: let nothing defeat you as you build your inner resolve to succeed in all you do.
I am an internet marketer who writes on Success Motivation. You can read more and download free ebooks and educational DVDs at http://adwellosalesbonusreviews.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ad_Wello
Planning for Financial Independence
In order to have the proper mind set for financial independence (a millionaire mind set), you need to decide exactly what you want. This includes: total desired net worth, your desired income during retirement, the total cost of toys, hobbies, homes and amenities that you want to enjoy, the annual amounts you want to give to charity, and you will need to decide how big of an emergency fund you will need. Be honest with yourself in deciding and writing down what you really want. Write down your real desires, their cost and add up the total.
The next thing you need is a plan to reach your goal of financial independence. Your plan needs to include a budget, debt reduction (if you have debt), education goals, a business plan, a marketing plan, and any other plan you need to make before you can become financially independent. Again, be honest in your planning. Investigate and seek professional advice from lawyers, CPA's, etc, as needed. Another person should be able to read your plan and completely understand it and see it as workable. Plan in advance how to deal with the problems that will happen as you attempt each part of your plan. You may have to deal with a bad economy or scummy salespeople, etc.
It is a good idea to consult with your mastermind group. Your mastermind should be able to assist in planning and identifying obstacles.
After you have written your goals and plans, now is the time to take action. Now it is time to launch your plan. This means work, taking risk, and hopefully, launching a business of your own. Now it is time for motivational audios while you drive, powering through problems and cutting yourself off from imbeciles. After your business or career is up and running, you are selling, and doing even more research and promotion. You are after customers.
As soon as you are successful, immediately start saving at least 10% of your income. If you can't save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you, says W. Clement Stone.
Before you begin your days, in the beginning of your new plan, type up a page of your greatest accomplishments and read it to yourself. Start when you were young and progress to today. What were your best accomplishments? Write or type them. Doing this exercise focuses you on your own success. You probably don't want to charge into a meeting or presentation feeling like you are not capable.
If your career or venture does not start out as you planned, do what Tony Robbins says to do and change your approach. Don't quit the goal, change the approach. Again, be honest with yourself in the assessment of yourself and your team.
David K Drews is the web master of http://www.renegadeuniversity.net a site that will assist you in planning your escape from the rat race. David is also the author of "The Black Book of the Mastermind." David is studying for an MBA and has been an investor for 20 years.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Drews
The next thing you need is a plan to reach your goal of financial independence. Your plan needs to include a budget, debt reduction (if you have debt), education goals, a business plan, a marketing plan, and any other plan you need to make before you can become financially independent. Again, be honest in your planning. Investigate and seek professional advice from lawyers, CPA's, etc, as needed. Another person should be able to read your plan and completely understand it and see it as workable. Plan in advance how to deal with the problems that will happen as you attempt each part of your plan. You may have to deal with a bad economy or scummy salespeople, etc.
It is a good idea to consult with your mastermind group. Your mastermind should be able to assist in planning and identifying obstacles.
After you have written your goals and plans, now is the time to take action. Now it is time to launch your plan. This means work, taking risk, and hopefully, launching a business of your own. Now it is time for motivational audios while you drive, powering through problems and cutting yourself off from imbeciles. After your business or career is up and running, you are selling, and doing even more research and promotion. You are after customers.
As soon as you are successful, immediately start saving at least 10% of your income. If you can't save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you, says W. Clement Stone.
Before you begin your days, in the beginning of your new plan, type up a page of your greatest accomplishments and read it to yourself. Start when you were young and progress to today. What were your best accomplishments? Write or type them. Doing this exercise focuses you on your own success. You probably don't want to charge into a meeting or presentation feeling like you are not capable.
If your career or venture does not start out as you planned, do what Tony Robbins says to do and change your approach. Don't quit the goal, change the approach. Again, be honest with yourself in the assessment of yourself and your team.
David K Drews is the web master of http://www.renegadeuniversity.net a site that will assist you in planning your escape from the rat race. David is also the author of "The Black Book of the Mastermind." David is studying for an MBA and has been an investor for 20 years.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Drews
How to Get Rich by Generating a Passive Income
There are a lot of different ways to get rich but one thing is for certain, in order to get rich you need to generate a passive income. Not many people have been able to generate enough passive income to be financially free. That is until now. This article holds the information you need to become financially free and rich.
In the past becoming rich was only possible for the elite few. This is because generating a passive income required either a lot of business and investment knowledge or a lot of money. Now with the invention of the internet anyone with a computer can generate a passive income with little or no money or experience.
Imagine if you had enough passive income that you didn't have to work in a job you hated ever again? That would give you a lot of time to spend with friends and family doing the things you love wouldn't it? It would also give you a lot of time to spend making yourself rich. Instead of spending the best part of your week working to make someone else rich you could be working to make yourself rich.
There are a lot of different ways to make money online, but none of them are as effective as email marketing. Instead of needing to draw thousands of visitors to your website you can go directly to them with your products and offers.
90% of people who use the internet use it to access their email accounts. All you need to do is get people to sign up for your email newsletter and you can market to them whatever you want.
Using email marketing tools you can send out emails on autopilot. This is how you can generate a passive income online. You write the emails once, then whenever someone signs up for you email newsletter the emails are sent out in sequence automatically.
All you need to do is set up a squeeze page and drive traffic to it. One of the best ways to drive traffic to your squeeze page is through article marketing. All you need to do is write articles and submit them to sites like EzineArticles.com. Include a link to your squeeze page in your email newsletter.
If you want to become rich then your first (and most important) step is to become financially free by generating a passive income. There are a lot of ways to generate a passive income, but most are slow going and require a lot of money, a lot of time or a lot of education to create. I suggest email marketing as it is easy and anyone can do it. So why don't you give it a go?
It took me years to work out how to generate a passive income online. But I finally cracked the code and I want to share my secrets with you. I have created a 14 day course that will teach you how to generate a passive income online. I usually charge $197 for this course, but you can have it completely free of charge.
All you need to do to access this $197 course for free is go to http://richacademy.com/aweber and enter your first name and email address to sign up for the course. This has the potential to dramatically change your financial situation and make you financially free. So hurry and sign up today because this offer is limited.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_Mclean
In the past becoming rich was only possible for the elite few. This is because generating a passive income required either a lot of business and investment knowledge or a lot of money. Now with the invention of the internet anyone with a computer can generate a passive income with little or no money or experience.
Imagine if you had enough passive income that you didn't have to work in a job you hated ever again? That would give you a lot of time to spend with friends and family doing the things you love wouldn't it? It would also give you a lot of time to spend making yourself rich. Instead of spending the best part of your week working to make someone else rich you could be working to make yourself rich.
There are a lot of different ways to make money online, but none of them are as effective as email marketing. Instead of needing to draw thousands of visitors to your website you can go directly to them with your products and offers.
90% of people who use the internet use it to access their email accounts. All you need to do is get people to sign up for your email newsletter and you can market to them whatever you want.
Using email marketing tools you can send out emails on autopilot. This is how you can generate a passive income online. You write the emails once, then whenever someone signs up for you email newsletter the emails are sent out in sequence automatically.
All you need to do is set up a squeeze page and drive traffic to it. One of the best ways to drive traffic to your squeeze page is through article marketing. All you need to do is write articles and submit them to sites like EzineArticles.com. Include a link to your squeeze page in your email newsletter.
If you want to become rich then your first (and most important) step is to become financially free by generating a passive income. There are a lot of ways to generate a passive income, but most are slow going and require a lot of money, a lot of time or a lot of education to create. I suggest email marketing as it is easy and anyone can do it. So why don't you give it a go?
It took me years to work out how to generate a passive income online. But I finally cracked the code and I want to share my secrets with you. I have created a 14 day course that will teach you how to generate a passive income online. I usually charge $197 for this course, but you can have it completely free of charge.
All you need to do to access this $197 course for free is go to http://richacademy.com/aweber and enter your first name and email address to sign up for the course. This has the potential to dramatically change your financial situation and make you financially free. So hurry and sign up today because this offer is limited.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_Mclean
Thursday, May 20, 2010
How to Generate a Passive Income Online
If you want to be rich then you need to start generating some passive income. Passive income is income that you don't have to work for. If you want to be rich then you need to generate a passive income that is greater than your expenses and today I want to show you how you can do that.
First things first. Many people define being 'rich' differently. Some people want one million dollars in the bank, some people want to live in a mansion, some people want to travel the world. But whatever your definition is of the word 'rich' one thing is for sure...In order to become rich you need to generate passive income.
Passive income will fund your lifestyle. It will help you afford the nice things you want, it will help you pay for the mansion and the food and the entertainment that you want. Most importantly, it will fund your lifestyle so you don't have to work for your money, but rather you can have money work for you.
So how do you generate a passive income? Well there are three ways to do it:
Real Estate
You can generate an income that is passive by investing in positive cash flow real estate. That is, real estate that makes more money in rental income than it pays in expenses. For example, you might be receiving $1,000 per month rental income and all your expenses including mortgage is $800 per month. You are then making $200 per month in passive income.
The problem with property is that you need to have a lot of money to get started. You also need to assume a lot of debt in order to buy a property. This makes it difficult for the average person who does not have a huge amount of money saved to invest, and who would find it difficult to get the large loan required for property.
Stock Market
The stock market is another way you can generate an income that you don't have to work for. Stocks can generate an income through dividends that are paid out to shareholders. With stocks you need even more starting money that property to start generating a passive income.
Most people invest in stocks for their retirement. This is probably because it is the easiest way to invest. But that doesn't mean it is the best way to invest. Sometimes the returns on stocks are so poor you need millions before you can generate enough passive income to retire. The stock market is also volatile and you can lose a lot of money very quickly in a stock market crash.
The third way to generate a passive income is through business. There are many business owners who OWN business, but who don't work in their businesses. One of the richest men in Australia, Rupert Murdoch, owns hundreds of businesses, but hardly works in most of them. They just generate him an income and make him very rich.
The setback with business is that it can be expensive to start, unless you start it online. Did you know that a McDonald's franchise in Australia costs over $1 million to start? I don't know about you, but most people don't have a lazy $1 million to invest in a business.
That is why online businesses are so good. You can start them for pennies. They can create an incredible passive income for you and there is very little risk in starting them. If the business doesn't work out you might lose a couple of bucks, not a thousands of dollars. So why not look at starting a business online today and start generating a passive income immediately.
It took me years to work out how to generate a passive income online. But I finally cracked the code and I want to share my secrets with you. I have created a 14 day course that will teach you how to generate a passive income online. I usually charge $197 for this course, but you can have it completely free of charge.
All you need to do to access this $197 course for free is go to http://richacademy.com/aweber and enter your first name and email address to sign up for the course. This has the potential to dramatically change your financial situation and make you financially free. So hurry and sign up today because this offer is limited.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_Mclean
First things first. Many people define being 'rich' differently. Some people want one million dollars in the bank, some people want to live in a mansion, some people want to travel the world. But whatever your definition is of the word 'rich' one thing is for sure...In order to become rich you need to generate passive income.
Passive income will fund your lifestyle. It will help you afford the nice things you want, it will help you pay for the mansion and the food and the entertainment that you want. Most importantly, it will fund your lifestyle so you don't have to work for your money, but rather you can have money work for you.
So how do you generate a passive income? Well there are three ways to do it:
Real Estate
You can generate an income that is passive by investing in positive cash flow real estate. That is, real estate that makes more money in rental income than it pays in expenses. For example, you might be receiving $1,000 per month rental income and all your expenses including mortgage is $800 per month. You are then making $200 per month in passive income.
The problem with property is that you need to have a lot of money to get started. You also need to assume a lot of debt in order to buy a property. This makes it difficult for the average person who does not have a huge amount of money saved to invest, and who would find it difficult to get the large loan required for property.
Stock Market
The stock market is another way you can generate an income that you don't have to work for. Stocks can generate an income through dividends that are paid out to shareholders. With stocks you need even more starting money that property to start generating a passive income.
Most people invest in stocks for their retirement. This is probably because it is the easiest way to invest. But that doesn't mean it is the best way to invest. Sometimes the returns on stocks are so poor you need millions before you can generate enough passive income to retire. The stock market is also volatile and you can lose a lot of money very quickly in a stock market crash.
The third way to generate a passive income is through business. There are many business owners who OWN business, but who don't work in their businesses. One of the richest men in Australia, Rupert Murdoch, owns hundreds of businesses, but hardly works in most of them. They just generate him an income and make him very rich.
The setback with business is that it can be expensive to start, unless you start it online. Did you know that a McDonald's franchise in Australia costs over $1 million to start? I don't know about you, but most people don't have a lazy $1 million to invest in a business.
That is why online businesses are so good. You can start them for pennies. They can create an incredible passive income for you and there is very little risk in starting them. If the business doesn't work out you might lose a couple of bucks, not a thousands of dollars. So why not look at starting a business online today and start generating a passive income immediately.
It took me years to work out how to generate a passive income online. But I finally cracked the code and I want to share my secrets with you. I have created a 14 day course that will teach you how to generate a passive income online. I usually charge $197 for this course, but you can have it completely free of charge.
All you need to do to access this $197 course for free is go to http://richacademy.com/aweber and enter your first name and email address to sign up for the course. This has the potential to dramatically change your financial situation and make you financially free. So hurry and sign up today because this offer is limited.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_Mclean
Secrets to Getting More Website Traffic - How to Get Visitors From Other Sites in Your Market
If you want to get a lot of visitors to your site you have to realize that one of the easiest ways to get those visitors is to actually go out and get them from other sites in your market. In this article I want to show you exactly how you can do this in your market so you can get massive amounts of automated visitors coming to your site.
Why This Strategy Works So Well...
You have to realize that if you are going to learn how to use every traffic strategy in your market, it could take you years to figure them all out and get visitors to your site with them.
But that is the strategy most people use when they are trying to grow their online business! You have to realize that doing this is just crazy as you will never experience the success you should experience in your market.
But if you get your visitors from other sites, you can leverage all the work that they are doing to get visitors!
You can put your ads on other sites in your market and get a percentage of the visitors that they are generating through the search engines or other sources in your market.
Using this strategy allows you to go out into your market and get a percentage of all the traffic that every other site is generating. It is a great way to scale up your business and grow your traffic.
Here Is How You Can Make This Happen:
#1 - The best way is to simply go out and get your ads directly on other related sites in your market.
The reason that this works so well is because most other sites in your market are looking for ways to make extra money and in most cases they are going to be more than willing to give you space on their site in exchange for a monthly fee.
#2 - You can get them to become your affiliate and promote your site for you.
The great thing about this strategy is you can contact other site owners and get them to put an ad on their pages that promotes your site. Then what you do is work out an arrangement where you pay them a percentage of all the sales that they generate for you.
When you use this strategy you have no risk they have no risk as well. So it is a great strategy that works for both of you that can help you make a lot of extra money in your market.
So make sure you start using these strategies right away so you can start getting more visitors to your site the easy way and take advantage of all the traffic that other sites are getting in your market.
What if you can't get more website traffic? Here's a "secret snowball traffic system" that has generated over 1,175,000 visitors for my tiny websites. Click Here Now to get this free video that will show you how to make it happen for your sites. http://www.jasonnyback.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Nyback
Why This Strategy Works So Well...
You have to realize that if you are going to learn how to use every traffic strategy in your market, it could take you years to figure them all out and get visitors to your site with them.
But that is the strategy most people use when they are trying to grow their online business! You have to realize that doing this is just crazy as you will never experience the success you should experience in your market.
But if you get your visitors from other sites, you can leverage all the work that they are doing to get visitors!
You can put your ads on other sites in your market and get a percentage of the visitors that they are generating through the search engines or other sources in your market.
Using this strategy allows you to go out into your market and get a percentage of all the traffic that every other site is generating. It is a great way to scale up your business and grow your traffic.
Here Is How You Can Make This Happen:
#1 - The best way is to simply go out and get your ads directly on other related sites in your market.
The reason that this works so well is because most other sites in your market are looking for ways to make extra money and in most cases they are going to be more than willing to give you space on their site in exchange for a monthly fee.
#2 - You can get them to become your affiliate and promote your site for you.
The great thing about this strategy is you can contact other site owners and get them to put an ad on their pages that promotes your site. Then what you do is work out an arrangement where you pay them a percentage of all the sales that they generate for you.
When you use this strategy you have no risk they have no risk as well. So it is a great strategy that works for both of you that can help you make a lot of extra money in your market.
So make sure you start using these strategies right away so you can start getting more visitors to your site the easy way and take advantage of all the traffic that other sites are getting in your market.
What if you can't get more website traffic? Here's a "secret snowball traffic system" that has generated over 1,175,000 visitors for my tiny websites. Click Here Now to get this free video that will show you how to make it happen for your sites. http://www.jasonnyback.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Nyback
Escape the Rat Race
If you want to get petty power trippin' individuals out of your life and drive a Ferrari across your country, I can help you.
Psychopaths at work are no fun. Driving a Ferrari and sight seeing is fun.
Follow the plan at www.renegadeuniversity.net and read my book:
"The Black Book of the Mastermind" and get going.
Start sowing the seeds of financial success today!
There is no sense in learning lessons the hard way.
Visit my site.
Psychopaths at work are no fun. Driving a Ferrari and sight seeing is fun.
Follow the plan at www.renegadeuniversity.net and read my book:
"The Black Book of the Mastermind" and get going.
Start sowing the seeds of financial success today!
There is no sense in learning lessons the hard way.
Visit my site.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Retire Early: Tips on Budgeting
During my previous post I talked over how much money you are going to need to save in order to have a wonderful retirement
. From the chart listed below, you can notice that you should need about $40,000 a year or about $800,000 to live quite comfortably for twenty years. It offers space for amusement, traveling, and the everyday things you expect in your life right now. Read on to discover additional tips on budgeting and methods for how to manage money so that you can expedite your retirement date. Keep in mind these figures look at the average couple.
Monthly Break Down:
Utilities/Home Taxes.......... $800
Food............................. $500
Auto insurance..................... $125
Property Insurance................ $ 75
T.V/Phone/Internet............. $150
MISC..................................... $750
Holiday................................... $400
Car........................................ $200
MONTHLY TOTAL............. $3000
YEARLY TOTAL............. $36,000
YEARLY TOTAL............. $36,000***
***I rounded everything to $40,000 per year
How Is It Possible To Save $800,000?
Let's assume that the average rate of return is close to 10% on your retirement contributions. Here's a simple chart of how much you'd need to save monthly so you and your better half can retire with $800,000 by the age of 60.
If you start to invest at age:
20 you need to contribute $125 per month
30 you need to contribute $350 per month
40 you need to contribute $1044 per month
45 you need to contribute $1915 per month
What if you wish to retire sooner? Say age 55!
If you start to invest at age:
20 you need to contribute $209 per month
30 you need to contribute $598 per month
40 you need to contribute $1915 per month
These amounts really aren't that tough to achieve. If you have two dependable incomes, the contributions you have to make would barely put a dent into your existing life-style. If you're married at age 30 tucking away $10 daily is simply worthwhile for your future.
I'm going to mention it once again! You and your other half only have to contribute $10 daily, each, (total of $20) to have the $800,000 needed to retire comfortably! Isn't that one of the best tips on budgeting you could follow?
You'll find lots of methods to make your retirement dreams! Obviously the faster you start the more likely you are to achieve those goals. The reality is the longer you procrastinate the more difficult it is going to be, to be completely comfortable after age 60. Begin immediately and be free later on. Please check out more of my blog for more how to manage money tips. If you sign up you'll also get the free E-Book, free budget spreadsheet, free calculators, several tips on budgeting and links to all kinds of tools. We also have a few leaked videos that help with your finances.
Retrieved from "http://www.articlesbase.com/wealth-building-articles/retire-early-tips-on-budgeting-part-two-2370093.html"
(ArticlesBase SC #2370093)
Brandon - About the Author:
You can pay off your debts and save money at the same time! Say goodbye to your boss forever! A blog that will show you the secrets of the wealthy: http://www.howtomanagemoneytips.com Get a free budget sheet, net worth calculator, tools and more: http://www.howtomanagemoneytips.com/social.html
Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/wealth-building-articles/retire-early-tips-on-budgeting-part-two-2370093.html#ixzz0o1WJzcjq
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
. From the chart listed below, you can notice that you should need about $40,000 a year or about $800,000 to live quite comfortably for twenty years. It offers space for amusement, traveling, and the everyday things you expect in your life right now. Read on to discover additional tips on budgeting and methods for how to manage money so that you can expedite your retirement date. Keep in mind these figures look at the average couple.
Monthly Break Down:
Utilities/Home Taxes.......... $800
Food............................. $500
Auto insurance..................... $125
Property Insurance................ $ 75
T.V/Phone/Internet............. $150
MISC..................................... $750
Holiday................................... $400
Car........................................ $200
MONTHLY TOTAL............. $3000
YEARLY TOTAL............. $36,000
YEARLY TOTAL............. $36,000***
***I rounded everything to $40,000 per year
How Is It Possible To Save $800,000?
Let's assume that the average rate of return is close to 10% on your retirement contributions. Here's a simple chart of how much you'd need to save monthly so you and your better half can retire with $800,000 by the age of 60.
If you start to invest at age:
20 you need to contribute $125 per month
30 you need to contribute $350 per month
40 you need to contribute $1044 per month
45 you need to contribute $1915 per month
What if you wish to retire sooner? Say age 55!
If you start to invest at age:
20 you need to contribute $209 per month
30 you need to contribute $598 per month
40 you need to contribute $1915 per month
These amounts really aren't that tough to achieve. If you have two dependable incomes, the contributions you have to make would barely put a dent into your existing life-style. If you're married at age 30 tucking away $10 daily is simply worthwhile for your future.
I'm going to mention it once again! You and your other half only have to contribute $10 daily, each, (total of $20) to have the $800,000 needed to retire comfortably! Isn't that one of the best tips on budgeting you could follow?
You'll find lots of methods to make your retirement dreams! Obviously the faster you start the more likely you are to achieve those goals. The reality is the longer you procrastinate the more difficult it is going to be, to be completely comfortable after age 60. Begin immediately and be free later on. Please check out more of my blog for more how to manage money tips. If you sign up you'll also get the free E-Book, free budget spreadsheet, free calculators, several tips on budgeting and links to all kinds of tools. We also have a few leaked videos that help with your finances.
Retrieved from "http://www.articlesbase.com/wealth-building-articles/retire-early-tips-on-budgeting-part-two-2370093.html"
(ArticlesBase SC #2370093)
Brandon - About the Author:
You can pay off your debts and save money at the same time! Say goodbye to your boss forever! A blog that will show you the secrets of the wealthy: http://www.howtomanagemoneytips.com Get a free budget sheet, net worth calculator, tools and more: http://www.howtomanagemoneytips.com/social.html
Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/wealth-building-articles/retire-early-tips-on-budgeting-part-two-2370093.html#ixzz0o1WJzcjq
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Thursday, May 13, 2010
How to Design Your Debt Reduction Plan
The word "debt" can be the most used word in these recession affected economic world. People all over the world have been addicted to debt when economic slow down hit consumer markets and individuals. To stay afloat in these rough times, you need to make an exclusive budgetary plan to meet your debt reduction plan and leave your life easy way. Proper money management and most disciplined life only can lead you to imperative debt reduction.
Let us see what all aspects you need to take and follow to achieve significant results.
You should plan http://www.debtconsolidationcare.com/debtreduction.html
http://www.debtconsolidationcare.com/debtreduction.html debt reduction determining the value of your income and make systematic frames regarding on it. Best way to gain control over you expenditure is preparing a spread sheet or using good budgetary software in your personal computer. Here, you may feed your total income and spending details and compares them and reviews every month end. Feed all details of your bank accounts transactions and pay checks.
Prepare a debt reduction journal. Write down each and every debt that you owe on the journal and make budgetary solutions to tackle them with its help. You may feel like it will not benefit you on first one or two months but later on, you will realize that it was best decision you took to be free from debts that offers you hard times. Read and update journal̢۪s contents and make out whether you are strictly following the words you wrote on it.
Credit cards become villains more often. Careless and naughty swiping using your credit cards will lead you fall in big digs of debts. So, use your credit cards wisely thinking twice before you buying expensive luxury stuffs. If you like to buy groceries and cloths showing your credits in cards, you are highly recommended to learn your expenses every week. All credit cards have online banking accounts; log in to it and learn how you utilized your valuable pennies and be determined to cut down your unwanted expenses.
Strong determination to reduce your daily expenses only can give you remarkable debt reductions. Once you odd to debts, it is very difficult to go back to easy life. Make your own ideas to cut cost and implement them successfully. End of the day, you will win.http://www.debtconsolidationcare.com/debtreduction.html">http://www.debtconsolidationcare.com/debtreduction.html
Let us see what all aspects you need to take and follow to achieve significant results.
You should plan http://www.debtconsolidationcare.com/debtreduction.html
http://www.debtconsolidationcare.com/debtreduction.html debt reduction determining the value of your income and make systematic frames regarding on it. Best way to gain control over you expenditure is preparing a spread sheet or using good budgetary software in your personal computer. Here, you may feed your total income and spending details and compares them and reviews every month end. Feed all details of your bank accounts transactions and pay checks.
Prepare a debt reduction journal. Write down each and every debt that you owe on the journal and make budgetary solutions to tackle them with its help. You may feel like it will not benefit you on first one or two months but later on, you will realize that it was best decision you took to be free from debts that offers you hard times. Read and update journal̢۪s contents and make out whether you are strictly following the words you wrote on it.
Credit cards become villains more often. Careless and naughty swiping using your credit cards will lead you fall in big digs of debts. So, use your credit cards wisely thinking twice before you buying expensive luxury stuffs. If you like to buy groceries and cloths showing your credits in cards, you are highly recommended to learn your expenses every week. All credit cards have online banking accounts; log in to it and learn how you utilized your valuable pennies and be determined to cut down your unwanted expenses.
Strong determination to reduce your daily expenses only can give you remarkable debt reductions. Once you odd to debts, it is very difficult to go back to easy life. Make your own ideas to cut cost and implement them successfully. End of the day, you will win.http://www.debtconsolidationcare.com/debtreduction.html">http://www.debtconsolidationcare.com/debtreduction.html
Saturday, May 1, 2010
The Black Book of the Mastermind
I just released a book called The Black Book of the Mastermind, through amazon.
This book will help you get the most of your mastermind, whether your mastermind exists for personal, business, or financial reasons.
I cover recruiting, the beginning of my mastermind, and I share what works best for mastermind groups.
Click the link below to and use the password zeta486 to enter and see a description, etc.
Thank you
This book will help you get the most of your mastermind, whether your mastermind exists for personal, business, or financial reasons.
I cover recruiting, the beginning of my mastermind, and I share what works best for mastermind groups.
Click the link below to and use the password zeta486 to enter and see a description, etc.
Thank you
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Take Charge of Your Financial Freedom
What is financial freedom? There are many definitions of financial freedom or financial independence. The one that I embrace says that you are financially independent when your monthly passive income is over and above your total monthly expenses.
Hmmm, where does that leave us? Do we have passive income?
Sounds like a tall order and it seems so distant and far...
Well, if you are ready to suspend your judgment, if you are willing to challenge your limiting beliefs and embrace abundance, read on.
The first step to reaching any goals, dreams or desire is the openness to explore and the willingness to suspend judgment and cynicism. Only then will you be open to consider the different options you have for reaching your ultimate dream. You do not want to limit yourselves at the outset. However, do keep your sharp and analytical mind as you evaluate the information presented to you.
Before we become millionaires overnight, a few things need to take place. Before we experience abundance of any sort, there needs to be awareness, learning and implementation, monitoring, realignment and practice, practice, and more practice. This is the sure and steady way to success.
The first thing you need to do is to be aware of why you want that financial freedom. And why that is important to you.
Then you need to get some education and training on your financial literacy.
It is no good depending on some other people's advice - even if he is your accountant or good friend. Ultimately, you want to be responsible for your own decisions.
How do you get the financial training?
1 - You can read books, and there are lots of great books around and you just need to visit the bookstore. However, this will only give you a basic understanding as you are not able to clarify your interpretation of what is written. And books do get outdated too.
2 - Join in the conversation in groups and forums. Ask your questions, articulate your queries and listen to different responses given. This process will get you into clarifying your thoughts and queries.
You get to ask practical and implementation questions here. But whether or not you get the answer is another question. Also you will want to keep a clear mind and not believe everything you hear. Double check it with second opinions or literature.
3 - Join in previews to workshops or the actual custom made workshops and learn from the experts. Those who have made it, been there done that and are willing to share their strategies with you.
In this information age, a lot of information within your reach. It is advisable to get your training from a trusted and reliable source, and learn those who have a proven system and a set of process that work.
The other thing about workshop is that you will have the opportunity to get your hands dirty. Attending a 2 or 3-day workshop will not make you an expert, but at least you will be learning from the gurus.
So whether you can achieve abundance or not is determined by your success mindset. You can take charge, do something about your dreams or you can lament and hope for the economy to change (or for an inheritance or a fluke of luck).
Nothing happens until you want it badly enough that you take action. "Life happens at the level of events, not of words". Alfred Adler. Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.
If you want to take your current state to the next level, to live in freedom and abundance, then go out and explore, read up, join some workshops and get your hands dirty.
And if you are looking for some free and online preview calls that will give you some head start in the kinds of investment strategies that you can consider, sign up here. This is a live call which will be recorded. When you leave your name here, you will be given access to the discussion on strategies and tips that you can use from an expert with proven track recprd.
Louisa Chan is a Certified Professional Coach who will work with you to co-create your success by empowering you.
If you like to have similar articles delivered to your inbox just leave your details here.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Louisa_Chan
Hmmm, where does that leave us? Do we have passive income?
Sounds like a tall order and it seems so distant and far...
Well, if you are ready to suspend your judgment, if you are willing to challenge your limiting beliefs and embrace abundance, read on.
The first step to reaching any goals, dreams or desire is the openness to explore and the willingness to suspend judgment and cynicism. Only then will you be open to consider the different options you have for reaching your ultimate dream. You do not want to limit yourselves at the outset. However, do keep your sharp and analytical mind as you evaluate the information presented to you.
Before we become millionaires overnight, a few things need to take place. Before we experience abundance of any sort, there needs to be awareness, learning and implementation, monitoring, realignment and practice, practice, and more practice. This is the sure and steady way to success.
The first thing you need to do is to be aware of why you want that financial freedom. And why that is important to you.
Then you need to get some education and training on your financial literacy.
It is no good depending on some other people's advice - even if he is your accountant or good friend. Ultimately, you want to be responsible for your own decisions.
How do you get the financial training?
1 - You can read books, and there are lots of great books around and you just need to visit the bookstore. However, this will only give you a basic understanding as you are not able to clarify your interpretation of what is written. And books do get outdated too.
2 - Join in the conversation in groups and forums. Ask your questions, articulate your queries and listen to different responses given. This process will get you into clarifying your thoughts and queries.
You get to ask practical and implementation questions here. But whether or not you get the answer is another question. Also you will want to keep a clear mind and not believe everything you hear. Double check it with second opinions or literature.
3 - Join in previews to workshops or the actual custom made workshops and learn from the experts. Those who have made it, been there done that and are willing to share their strategies with you.
In this information age, a lot of information within your reach. It is advisable to get your training from a trusted and reliable source, and learn those who have a proven system and a set of process that work.
The other thing about workshop is that you will have the opportunity to get your hands dirty. Attending a 2 or 3-day workshop will not make you an expert, but at least you will be learning from the gurus.
So whether you can achieve abundance or not is determined by your success mindset. You can take charge, do something about your dreams or you can lament and hope for the economy to change (or for an inheritance or a fluke of luck).
Nothing happens until you want it badly enough that you take action. "Life happens at the level of events, not of words". Alfred Adler. Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.
If you want to take your current state to the next level, to live in freedom and abundance, then go out and explore, read up, join some workshops and get your hands dirty.
And if you are looking for some free and online preview calls that will give you some head start in the kinds of investment strategies that you can consider, sign up here. This is a live call which will be recorded. When you leave your name here, you will be given access to the discussion on strategies and tips that you can use from an expert with proven track recprd.
Louisa Chan is a Certified Professional Coach who will work with you to co-create your success by empowering you.
If you like to have similar articles delivered to your inbox just leave your details here.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Louisa_Chan
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Retire By Age 30
You could retire by age 30. If you are in High School or College or in the military, you should read this.
I have gathered all the financial lessons I have learned (some were hard learned lessons) since I was about 18 or so and comiled them at my web site. I have lists of things you must do to build wealth, how to save more money than you probably think is possible. Affirmations, how to choose stocks, and more is at www.renegadeuniversity.net
With a good plan, you can retire early. Go for it.
Take an hour a day for a week and review the info at my site. Its a lot of stuff.
Bring any questions here.
I have gathered all the financial lessons I have learned (some were hard learned lessons) since I was about 18 or so and comiled them at my web site. I have lists of things you must do to build wealth, how to save more money than you probably think is possible. Affirmations, how to choose stocks, and more is at www.renegadeuniversity.net
With a good plan, you can retire early. Go for it.
Take an hour a day for a week and review the info at my site. Its a lot of stuff.
Bring any questions here.
Unlock the Secrets - How To Become a Millionaire & Creating Ultimate Wealth in Life
Becoming a millionaire and creating wealth requires change of mindset. Wealth management is unfortunately not taught in schools. For this following steps shall be useful:
1. Education: educate yourself to succeed. It is important to know that a small percentage of population is wealthy, because they have taught themselves that to become wealthy it is better to have their own business rather than to work for others. The education can be through attending seminars, reading success stories of wealthy people, observing and following how and what way wealthy people think and act etc.
2. By aligning with successful/wealthy people: this shall give you enough opportunities to know how they create wealth. Most successful people haven't become successful without finding a mentor. True millionaire live below their means. They do not believe in show business, and do not display unduly high social status. Millionaire motto is "You are not what you drive"
3. Adopt the habit of regular savings. Spending more than you earn can never take you to level of millionaire. A small amount being saved every month over a long period can grow to fabulous sum.
4. Invest in assets and review the return on these periodically. An asset must start giving some good return over a reasonable period. Earning residual income from the assets must be the ultimate goal.
5. Enhance you capability to earn more. This can be done by improving skills, education and exploring new business areas to invest.
6. Learn to evaluate the return on your every investment. Investing requires more wisdom and unless you are sure to get due return on investment, think deeply the need to invest. Just for the sake of having something, whether needed or not, is not a good approach. The need and then use must be well established.
7. For success in any business or profession remember the Word "KASH"
Where K stands for knowledge,
A stands for aptitude
S stands for skill
And H stands for good habits
8. Teach your children how to fish rather than to eat fish: The wealthy people do not pass on their wealth easily to their sons. They rather believe and teach their children how to earn and grow wealth.
9. Know more about taxes and its laws. Lot of income is parted off though paying off taxes. Many people do not spend time and do not acquire the adequate knowledge of saving taxes through legal means, and hence end up paying unduly high taxes. Hiring a good tax adviser, is a very good idea. The amount of fee to such expert shall be worth as it may save you much more taxes.
10. Healthy food habits: Know more about your body and be careful in eating. Wrong food habits can make you unduly sick and can make your life paralyzed, thereby reducing your earning/working capability drastically. Hiring the services of a good doctor/dietitian may also be considered.
11. Keep adequate health insurance: it is essential to have sufficient wealth for medical care in case of illness/accidents etc. For this, sufficient health insurance always be there, failing which, one may come down from wealthy person to a poor one.
12. Spend some time to exercise regularly to keep physically fit. Out of 24 hours, at least 1 hour must be spent on maintaining good health. Devote time to physical exercise/jogging, brisk walking/Gym going etc; and preferably under the supervision of a health expert.
Good health is the biggest asset of a person, without which, any amount of wealth generated, shall be of little use to the person.
13. Do donate some part of your wealth to charitable institutions periodically as per your capacity; Believe it or not, the wealth donated to charitable institutions, gives lot of happiness and more meaning to one's life. The wealth of the person doing so, gets increased by the blessings of the God.
14. Learn newer and latest technologies and adopt the same either yourself or through experts. More the latest technologies you adopt, more becomes your productivity and efficiency. In lesser time, you can produce more, and hence, can generate more wealth.
15. Maintain good working relations with all concerned. This is essential, as you shall need the help and support of concerned persons in building wealth. Try to help the concerned persons and in return you shall get the needed help. A single enemy can be more dangerous than many friends.
Learn my life-changing Free training to create ultimate wealth & time freedom in your life at my Website
To Your Massive Success
Devendra Patel - Internet Marketer & Coach
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dev_Patel
1. Education: educate yourself to succeed. It is important to know that a small percentage of population is wealthy, because they have taught themselves that to become wealthy it is better to have their own business rather than to work for others. The education can be through attending seminars, reading success stories of wealthy people, observing and following how and what way wealthy people think and act etc.
2. By aligning with successful/wealthy people: this shall give you enough opportunities to know how they create wealth. Most successful people haven't become successful without finding a mentor. True millionaire live below their means. They do not believe in show business, and do not display unduly high social status. Millionaire motto is "You are not what you drive"
3. Adopt the habit of regular savings. Spending more than you earn can never take you to level of millionaire. A small amount being saved every month over a long period can grow to fabulous sum.
4. Invest in assets and review the return on these periodically. An asset must start giving some good return over a reasonable period. Earning residual income from the assets must be the ultimate goal.
5. Enhance you capability to earn more. This can be done by improving skills, education and exploring new business areas to invest.
6. Learn to evaluate the return on your every investment. Investing requires more wisdom and unless you are sure to get due return on investment, think deeply the need to invest. Just for the sake of having something, whether needed or not, is not a good approach. The need and then use must be well established.
7. For success in any business or profession remember the Word "KASH"
Where K stands for knowledge,
A stands for aptitude
S stands for skill
And H stands for good habits
8. Teach your children how to fish rather than to eat fish: The wealthy people do not pass on their wealth easily to their sons. They rather believe and teach their children how to earn and grow wealth.
9. Know more about taxes and its laws. Lot of income is parted off though paying off taxes. Many people do not spend time and do not acquire the adequate knowledge of saving taxes through legal means, and hence end up paying unduly high taxes. Hiring a good tax adviser, is a very good idea. The amount of fee to such expert shall be worth as it may save you much more taxes.
10. Healthy food habits: Know more about your body and be careful in eating. Wrong food habits can make you unduly sick and can make your life paralyzed, thereby reducing your earning/working capability drastically. Hiring the services of a good doctor/dietitian may also be considered.
11. Keep adequate health insurance: it is essential to have sufficient wealth for medical care in case of illness/accidents etc. For this, sufficient health insurance always be there, failing which, one may come down from wealthy person to a poor one.
12. Spend some time to exercise regularly to keep physically fit. Out of 24 hours, at least 1 hour must be spent on maintaining good health. Devote time to physical exercise/jogging, brisk walking/Gym going etc; and preferably under the supervision of a health expert.
Good health is the biggest asset of a person, without which, any amount of wealth generated, shall be of little use to the person.
13. Do donate some part of your wealth to charitable institutions periodically as per your capacity; Believe it or not, the wealth donated to charitable institutions, gives lot of happiness and more meaning to one's life. The wealth of the person doing so, gets increased by the blessings of the God.
14. Learn newer and latest technologies and adopt the same either yourself or through experts. More the latest technologies you adopt, more becomes your productivity and efficiency. In lesser time, you can produce more, and hence, can generate more wealth.
15. Maintain good working relations with all concerned. This is essential, as you shall need the help and support of concerned persons in building wealth. Try to help the concerned persons and in return you shall get the needed help. A single enemy can be more dangerous than many friends.
Learn my life-changing Free training to create ultimate wealth & time freedom in your life at my Website
To Your Massive Success
Devendra Patel - Internet Marketer & Coach
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dev_Patel
The On Sure Wealth Creating Strategy
Like many young people, I started my career planning to become the CEO of a very large company and make a lot of money. There are many people who climb the corporate ladder to significant success. However, as you climb that ladder you begin to realize there is significant and increasing risk to those positions as the course of business events including changing bosses, changing economic conditions, and other business impacting events can bring your plans to screeching halt. Unless you have the right global personal financial and wealth building plan in place behind such a plan your best goals can run into brick walls. Let's get to the plan.
First, what is a plan?
A plan is:
A series of steps that if followed should lead to the result we intend to reach.
A plan should not allow for activities that create additional risk and undermine the goals intended.
A well designed planned will have self prophesizing activities included that are synergistic to the main objectives of the plan.
I am a student of history. Study of the most successful business persons in our nation's history all reflect these facts. Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John D. Rockefeller, The Morgans, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates all demonstrated the following key attributes:
They selected their business focus and steadfastly kept to that focus.
They invested and reinvested their time and assets into these items.
They avoided debt and built equity.
They lived within their means (not always but from the point their success began to grow)
One of my favorite subjects on this single minded focused plan is Warren Buffet. His biography - Snowball does a tremendous job capturing the larger plan. So, what is the ONE secret to creating the personal wealth, security, and fulfillment that is your goal?
Choose a path, stick to the path, invest time and cautiously capital, stay within your means, strictly limit debt or hold no debt, and achieve steady consistent gains. This should apply to your jobs, your outside activities, and your investments. Warren Buffet says a diversified portfolio is a sign of ignorance of your investment area. Avoid ignorance and as Rich Dad Poor Dad suggests increase your financial IQ and knowledge in your focus area.
Consider that if you could save $500 per month for 25 years with no appreciation you would accumulate $150,000. Now consider that even if you only make 6% annually on those investments you will accumulate several hundred thousand dollars. Additionally, in the same time frame you will likely purchase and pay off your home. Considering that the markets normally average an inflation adjusted 8.5%.
The point this is, that while this plan doesn't promise millions the plan offers almost no downside risk, assures a very positive upside result. Once this is in place, over the course of a career or even if you are having to make a fresh start in your 40s or even 50s, a very significant financial success is within your reach and with work you will eventually improve your results over the base plan. One step at a time, one action at a time, create wealth, secure your future, and build a foundation for the future.
Blake Ratcliff has raised millions in equity capital, bought and operated 10s of millions of assets. He is a former Marine Officer, a United States Naval Academy Graduate, a father of 4, an avid reader, and starting all over again. Let's walk the journey together.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Blake_Dale_Ratcliff
First, what is a plan?
A plan is:
A series of steps that if followed should lead to the result we intend to reach.
A plan should not allow for activities that create additional risk and undermine the goals intended.
A well designed planned will have self prophesizing activities included that are synergistic to the main objectives of the plan.
I am a student of history. Study of the most successful business persons in our nation's history all reflect these facts. Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John D. Rockefeller, The Morgans, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates all demonstrated the following key attributes:
They selected their business focus and steadfastly kept to that focus.
They invested and reinvested their time and assets into these items.
They avoided debt and built equity.
They lived within their means (not always but from the point their success began to grow)
One of my favorite subjects on this single minded focused plan is Warren Buffet. His biography - Snowball does a tremendous job capturing the larger plan. So, what is the ONE secret to creating the personal wealth, security, and fulfillment that is your goal?
Choose a path, stick to the path, invest time and cautiously capital, stay within your means, strictly limit debt or hold no debt, and achieve steady consistent gains. This should apply to your jobs, your outside activities, and your investments. Warren Buffet says a diversified portfolio is a sign of ignorance of your investment area. Avoid ignorance and as Rich Dad Poor Dad suggests increase your financial IQ and knowledge in your focus area.
Consider that if you could save $500 per month for 25 years with no appreciation you would accumulate $150,000. Now consider that even if you only make 6% annually on those investments you will accumulate several hundred thousand dollars. Additionally, in the same time frame you will likely purchase and pay off your home. Considering that the markets normally average an inflation adjusted 8.5%.
The point this is, that while this plan doesn't promise millions the plan offers almost no downside risk, assures a very positive upside result. Once this is in place, over the course of a career or even if you are having to make a fresh start in your 40s or even 50s, a very significant financial success is within your reach and with work you will eventually improve your results over the base plan. One step at a time, one action at a time, create wealth, secure your future, and build a foundation for the future.
Blake Ratcliff has raised millions in equity capital, bought and operated 10s of millions of assets. He is a former Marine Officer, a United States Naval Academy Graduate, a father of 4, an avid reader, and starting all over again. Let's walk the journey together.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Blake_Dale_Ratcliff
Friday, April 2, 2010
Become Rich Overnight
Are you the sort of person who could be attracted by a headline such as the one above? Do you really believe that it is possible to make that kind of money without any effort on your part? Of course you don't because you are a sensible rational adult who know that in this life you get nothing for nothing.
So if you and I cannot be fooled by these sort of smoke and mirrors claims who are the millions of people who respond to headlines and sales letters with almost as outlandish claims every day? Guess what, it is people just like you and me.
Be honest have you never responded to some advertisement or sales letter that seems just too good to be true. I suspect like me you probably have and within a short time you have realised that what may have appeared a great idea on paper is simply is a load of old rubbish.
So what is it in all our natures that make us want to believe that there is some hidden secret of creating wealth from nothing? I suppose that it is the same reaction as when we buy a lottery ticket and just for a few minutes we imagine what life would be like should we win.
I think possibly it is the optimists that get suckered into these wild schemes because somewhere in the back of their brains they know that the plan almost certainly will not work, BUT.. it just might. Most people use the glass half full half empty image to define optimists and pessimists but I have another analogy. An optimist is some who when buys a lottery ticket EXPECTS to win, a pessimist KNOWS he is not going to win.
Quite frankly there has never been a better time for anyone to build themselves considerable wealth. It is possible to start with practically nothing and in a relatively short time build considerable wealth. A ex work colleagues have mine has a son you was going to go to further education and wanted to get some cash to pay for his time at university. He came up with a simple idea, got some press coverage and made over $1 million in a very short time. He was the guy who got the idea of selling 1 million pixels on his web site for $1 a time; you may have read about him.
The formula for how to become wealthy can be broken down into plan, effort result. You need a plan or idea, add dedication, effort and determination and this will equal wealth. If you take a plan or idea and add nothing that will always equal nothing.
Someone once told me that there is a name for having a goal but taking no action, it is called day dreaming.
Wherever you are in the world to learn how eBay is changing and how you can build a profitable Online Auction Business visit http://www.ukauctionline.co.uk.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=D_J_Bromley
So if you and I cannot be fooled by these sort of smoke and mirrors claims who are the millions of people who respond to headlines and sales letters with almost as outlandish claims every day? Guess what, it is people just like you and me.
Be honest have you never responded to some advertisement or sales letter that seems just too good to be true. I suspect like me you probably have and within a short time you have realised that what may have appeared a great idea on paper is simply is a load of old rubbish.
So what is it in all our natures that make us want to believe that there is some hidden secret of creating wealth from nothing? I suppose that it is the same reaction as when we buy a lottery ticket and just for a few minutes we imagine what life would be like should we win.
I think possibly it is the optimists that get suckered into these wild schemes because somewhere in the back of their brains they know that the plan almost certainly will not work, BUT.. it just might. Most people use the glass half full half empty image to define optimists and pessimists but I have another analogy. An optimist is some who when buys a lottery ticket EXPECTS to win, a pessimist KNOWS he is not going to win.
Quite frankly there has never been a better time for anyone to build themselves considerable wealth. It is possible to start with practically nothing and in a relatively short time build considerable wealth. A ex work colleagues have mine has a son you was going to go to further education and wanted to get some cash to pay for his time at university. He came up with a simple idea, got some press coverage and made over $1 million in a very short time. He was the guy who got the idea of selling 1 million pixels on his web site for $1 a time; you may have read about him.
The formula for how to become wealthy can be broken down into plan, effort result. You need a plan or idea, add dedication, effort and determination and this will equal wealth. If you take a plan or idea and add nothing that will always equal nothing.
Someone once told me that there is a name for having a goal but taking no action, it is called day dreaming.
Wherever you are in the world to learn how eBay is changing and how you can build a profitable Online Auction Business visit http://www.ukauctionline.co.uk.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=D_J_Bromley
Secrets of the Rich and Wealthy
Here are the real secrets of getting rich from the people that have actually done it. These are secrets that you do not learn at school and normal people do not teach you because they do not know these. They will help you live a life of prosperity and allow you to help you achieve your dreams. Whether it is to get out of debt, help a true cause or have fun - these are the secrets to getting rich and wealthy.
Secret Number 1 - Live Within Your Means
The rich do not spend all their income on consumer debt or purchase items that will not add value to their lives. They manage their finances with budgets and only use debt to invest in assets that increase in value such as shares, properties and businesses. "The more you earn, the more you spend" so always keep an eye on your cash flow.
Secret Number 2 - Mindset
In order to be a wealthy millionaire or even billionaire, you need to think like one. If you want to become richer and wealthier, you need to set achievable goals for them every day. Remember that goals must be SMART - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and have a Timeframe.
Secret Number 3- Leverage
Leverage is one of the most powerful tools and secrets to getting rich in the universe. It is about doing a small amount of initial work for processes that can be repeated many times in order to achieve a big outcome. For example: putting down a deposit of $10,000 to borrow $100,000 is leverage at work. Starting your own business then hiring some Staff is leverage.
Secret Number 4 - Other People's Money (OPM)
This is a secret that the Banks use. They put you into debt, while they make the profits via interest and fees. You can turn this around by borrowing other people's money to do your investing. For example: loans, borrowing from friends, putting things on credit. You do not need your own money to invest; you can use other people but be sure to share some profit with them.
Secret Number Five - Time
Getting rich and wealthy is done over time - not overnight. There is no "get rich quick" secret that is safe and realistic. Investing in quality assets such as property over time will increase their value and also your income cash flow.
Follow these 5 secrets so that you can achieve the dreams and things you desire. Opportunities for being rich and wealthy are out there but you just need to work out how to get it.
Get an easy-to-use, step-by-step book on the secrets of wealth now at: http://www.debtsecret.info
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kobe_Chan
Secret Number 1 - Live Within Your Means
The rich do not spend all their income on consumer debt or purchase items that will not add value to their lives. They manage their finances with budgets and only use debt to invest in assets that increase in value such as shares, properties and businesses. "The more you earn, the more you spend" so always keep an eye on your cash flow.
Secret Number 2 - Mindset
In order to be a wealthy millionaire or even billionaire, you need to think like one. If you want to become richer and wealthier, you need to set achievable goals for them every day. Remember that goals must be SMART - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and have a Timeframe.
Secret Number 3- Leverage
Leverage is one of the most powerful tools and secrets to getting rich in the universe. It is about doing a small amount of initial work for processes that can be repeated many times in order to achieve a big outcome. For example: putting down a deposit of $10,000 to borrow $100,000 is leverage at work. Starting your own business then hiring some Staff is leverage.
Secret Number 4 - Other People's Money (OPM)
This is a secret that the Banks use. They put you into debt, while they make the profits via interest and fees. You can turn this around by borrowing other people's money to do your investing. For example: loans, borrowing from friends, putting things on credit. You do not need your own money to invest; you can use other people but be sure to share some profit with them.
Secret Number Five - Time
Getting rich and wealthy is done over time - not overnight. There is no "get rich quick" secret that is safe and realistic. Investing in quality assets such as property over time will increase their value and also your income cash flow.
Follow these 5 secrets so that you can achieve the dreams and things you desire. Opportunities for being rich and wealthy are out there but you just need to work out how to get it.
Get an easy-to-use, step-by-step book on the secrets of wealth now at: http://www.debtsecret.info
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kobe_Chan
Financial Independence - Go Get It
Financial Independence is something that countless people dream about but few ever achieve. So why is that? What's holding everyone back? The truth is its likely all in your head. A lack of drive or getting lazy can occur because your current situation is comfortable. Well if you really want that financial independence, the good news is you can have it. There's no magic formula or step by step manual to get there. You just have to go get it.
Now it's important to understand something first. Money is only good for the good it can do. If you're just trying to get rich so you can buy a Maserati, build a ridiculous house, and roll around in dollar bills all day, you're missing the point. Financial independence is about much, much more than that. It's about having the means to take care of your family, and to be a steward of your money to benefit the lives of others. It's about leaving the world a better place than when you got here and having a little fun in the mean time.
Ok, so now that you have your moral compass pointed in the right direction, how do you get there? It starts by taking control, changing your old habits and starting some new ones. Trade in that laziness and lack of drive for discipline and passion about getting where you want to be. Be focused, determined, and willing to push. Live like no other now, so you can live like no other later.
Start by creating goals. What is it that you really want? How do you get there? You've heard it a thousand times but goals need to verbalized and then written down. The most successful individuals are people who write goals down and grind and scratch until they achieve them. Are you willing to do that?
The first goal should be to get rid of bad debt. Quit carrying unnecessary balances on credit cards or buying cars you need to finance over 10 years. Did you really need that 65" LCD TV for the basement when you already had a 52 incher upstairs? Is driving around in a new Hummer worth sacrificing your retirement? Put as much extra money as you can toward the credit cards and car payments each month until they're gone.
Next, pay yourself first. This means that out of every paycheck a good chunk (at least 10%) needs to go into savings of some sort before you buy anything else. Once you have a cash cushion, start pumping money into qualified accounts 401k, IRA, Roth etc. Make sure to talk with your financial consultant about how to invest in these accounts. Do your best to max them out each and every year. Don't save based on what's left after you spend, spend based on what's left after you save.
And if you decide you want to increase your earning power, find your passion. Are you happy with your current job or do you want something more? Maybe you should consider taking night classes towards your masters, or sharpen your axe in another manner to increase your income. Do what you love, and the money will follow.
The last step to Financial Independence is to give freely. Make sure that you don't wait until you've "made it" to start helping out. Improving the lives of others by sharing what you've earned is one of the most important principles we can live by. It ensures that the money doesn't become too important, because if it does take center stage, everything else will crumble around it.
Remember there is no magic formula to attain financial independence. It takes discipline, passion, and the willingness to set goals and follow through on them. It means changing old habits and finding what you're passionate about. Pay yourself first, invest for the future and start giving. Keep your priorities straight, have a little fun, and forget about the money. That's what financial independence is really about. Now go get it!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Derek_Swedberg
Now it's important to understand something first. Money is only good for the good it can do. If you're just trying to get rich so you can buy a Maserati, build a ridiculous house, and roll around in dollar bills all day, you're missing the point. Financial independence is about much, much more than that. It's about having the means to take care of your family, and to be a steward of your money to benefit the lives of others. It's about leaving the world a better place than when you got here and having a little fun in the mean time.
Ok, so now that you have your moral compass pointed in the right direction, how do you get there? It starts by taking control, changing your old habits and starting some new ones. Trade in that laziness and lack of drive for discipline and passion about getting where you want to be. Be focused, determined, and willing to push. Live like no other now, so you can live like no other later.
Start by creating goals. What is it that you really want? How do you get there? You've heard it a thousand times but goals need to verbalized and then written down. The most successful individuals are people who write goals down and grind and scratch until they achieve them. Are you willing to do that?
The first goal should be to get rid of bad debt. Quit carrying unnecessary balances on credit cards or buying cars you need to finance over 10 years. Did you really need that 65" LCD TV for the basement when you already had a 52 incher upstairs? Is driving around in a new Hummer worth sacrificing your retirement? Put as much extra money as you can toward the credit cards and car payments each month until they're gone.
Next, pay yourself first. This means that out of every paycheck a good chunk (at least 10%) needs to go into savings of some sort before you buy anything else. Once you have a cash cushion, start pumping money into qualified accounts 401k, IRA, Roth etc. Make sure to talk with your financial consultant about how to invest in these accounts. Do your best to max them out each and every year. Don't save based on what's left after you spend, spend based on what's left after you save.
And if you decide you want to increase your earning power, find your passion. Are you happy with your current job or do you want something more? Maybe you should consider taking night classes towards your masters, or sharpen your axe in another manner to increase your income. Do what you love, and the money will follow.
The last step to Financial Independence is to give freely. Make sure that you don't wait until you've "made it" to start helping out. Improving the lives of others by sharing what you've earned is one of the most important principles we can live by. It ensures that the money doesn't become too important, because if it does take center stage, everything else will crumble around it.
Remember there is no magic formula to attain financial independence. It takes discipline, passion, and the willingness to set goals and follow through on them. It means changing old habits and finding what you're passionate about. Pay yourself first, invest for the future and start giving. Keep your priorities straight, have a little fun, and forget about the money. That's what financial independence is really about. Now go get it!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Derek_Swedberg
Friday, March 19, 2010
How to Become a Billionaire - Michael Sharkey
Find your Billionaire Mind
Here are the skills and tools billionaires have that you must have to achieve financial abundance!
Today more than any time in the history of the world it is possible to become a millionaire or even a billionaire if you learn the right skills, systems, and build a highly qualified team. In order to have the highest chance of reaching financial abundance need to develop the following.
1. Clarity – Eighty percent of success comes from being clear on who you are, what you believe in and what you want.
2. Competence – You can’t climb to the next level on the ladder until you are excellent at what you do now.
3. Constraints – Eighty percent of all obstacles to success come from within. Find out what is constraining in you or your company and deal with it.
4. Concentration – The ability to focus on one thing single-mindedly and see it through until it’s done takes more character than anything else.
5. Creativity – Flood your life with ideas from many sources. Creativity needs to be exercised like a muscle, if you don’t use it you’ll lose it.
6. Courage – Most in demand and least in supply, courage is the willingness to do the things you know are right.
7. Continuous learning – Read, at the very least, one book a week on business or ways to make money to keep you miles ahead of the competition. And just as you eat and bathe, organize your time so you spend 30 minutes a day exploring e-mail, sending messages, going through web sites, because like exercise, it’s the only way you can keep on top of technology.
There are also powerful online and offline ways in which you can make money. The goal is to be always thinking about multiple sources of income. If you do this than when one source drops you still have other income sources to fall back on. A couple of examples of ways to make money that could lead you on the path to become financial free are…
Making money Online
There are many ways that you can make money online and offline. Here are a couple money making options to look into…..
1. Joint Ventures- This is where you find different websites and offer them a service or promise to promote each other’s product online which the idea of sharing the profits
2. Affiliate Programs- If you have a website and you are willing to advertising on your site you can offer links that lead you back to the companies website where you can get paid a commission for every sale.
3. Selling Information- If you know something that you feel a lot of people don’t know about you should sell the information online. Who knows there could be serious profits in the information you know.
4. Advertising site- You can offer advertising on your site and receive a commission for letting people put banners on your site.
5. Offer a service- Examples of services you can offer is web design, Internet service provider, and web hosting.
6. Marketing- You can market other products and service by writing a company a marketing strategy, Advertising, and Copywriting.
7. Online Auctions- One person’s junk is another person’s treasure.
Making Money Offline
There are many ways you can make money offline, but here are just a few options you can do from your home in a few hours a day.
1. Investing in real estate- Looking for real estate deals that include checking hud, and local city foreclosers! There are many no money down or low down payment ways that are cover in my money makers newsletters. But if you don’t have a lot of time check at you local bank to see if they have in foreclosed houses.
2. Lien taxes- Using lien taxes can make investment returns of 18% to 50% percent!
3. Network Marketing- This is a powerful way to make residual income for years!
4. Licensing- Do you know some who has a great product. Sign a contract and connect them with the right people and you can make residual profit from it as long as the product is being sold.
5. Selling Information- Each person has a life story that could be worth millions. Why not write a book and let the whole world know about it and profit from it!
Also another smart way to become a millionaire you must not forget about is to start a business doing your passion. Following your passion or doing something you’re passionate about is a great way to make sure that the money will come. The reason why is because when you’re passionate about something you never give up because you don’g it for the love rather than the money and so work becomes easier and you end up doing better. People who do what they are passionate about are happier and live happier lives and have better productivity. Who knows your passion may also inspire others to follow their passion. So be inspired and know that there are people out their who are doing what they love every day. All they had to do is make the decision to follow their dream and the rest was history!
Millionaire Weapons
There are certain resources millionaires use to achieve their goals. These resources when used together can create a power way for people to achieve their goals. Here a the reveal.. secrets of millionaires………
1. Leverage
2. Mentors
3. Teams
4. Networks
5. Infinite Networks
6. Skills and Tools
7. systems
8. Real estate
9. Building business
10. Coporation
11. Tax Control
12. Retirement Plan
I’ll just mention a few below to give you a the tools to get started on you road to money more than you can ever need. The weapons above are powerful tools and when they are used correctly they can create powerful results in short periods of time.
When trying to make your dreams come true is is important you use leverage. Here are some of the advantages of leverage.
1. Leverage equals speed. To make in goal come true in a minute you must master the power of leverage which is to use other peoples skills, talents,understandings to help you achieve a goal. Learn how to use other people’s talents to get your dreams done. You’ll find that you goals will get down a lot faster if you use this skill.
2. The longer the lever, the greater the impact. The Enlightened person knows that ease and speed are the new wants of life. So that’s why more resources you use the easier and the faster things get done. Hence very long and strong levers.
3. Masters are using all five kinds of leverage in the world have better success.
• OPM- Other people’s money
• OPE- Other people’s experience
• OPI- Other people’s Ideas
• OPT- Other people’s time
• OPW- Other People’s Work
4. Millionaires are constantly looking for leverage. Millionaires constantly ask: How can I leverage this situation, this opportunity, this idea? To become an Enlightened Millionaire. Always ask yourself “Where is the leverage?”
5. There are six key forms of leverage that give you maximum leverage.
• Mentors
• Teams
• Network
• Infinite Networks
• Tools and skills
• Tools and skills
• System
When you apply all these forms of leverage you become unstoppable.
If you are to be successful it is important to you have a mentor. Here are something to know about mentoring.
1. Everyone successful person has mentors for their different needs. A mentor is a shortcut to perspective, proficiency, and patience.
2. Mentoring is powerful from of leverage . Drawing from your mentor’s experience is the quickest, safest, and easiest way to climb the Millionaire Mountain.
3. Mentors are everywhere. Each person you meet can “ accidentally” teach you something to advance your cause.
4. Mentors don’t need to be people. Anything that causes you to change the course in your life – a life threatening disease, losing a job, reading a book, or an encounter with an animal can serve as a mentor.
5. Constanly seek out mentoring relationships. When you find yourself lacking in anything- an attitude, an awareness, a skill, a habit, a technique, or a strategy-seek a mentor to show you the shortcut.
6. Assemble a Dream Team of your favorite heroes and sheroes, present and past. Form an imaginary Council of light consisting of your selected leaders. Imagine being able to counsel with them as if they were communicating with you in person.
7. Set a goal to search out as least one millionaire a month. Request an audeience, either in person, by phone, or by email to pick your millionaire mentor brain.
8. The best kind of mentor is a transformational mentor. A transforming mentor who creates a environment and offers context in which you experience enlightment.
1. You need a team to obtain your dreams because 2 minds always work better than one.
2. You must look for the hidden talents for your team because it’s the l little things that make a difference. The most talents you find the less you have to personally do.
3. Make sure you establish the values of a team. These values will help guide you when trouble times arise.
4. Determine what your team’s strengths and weakness are.
5. Make sure you have the right people doing the right job.
6. Always be looking for new member who may fit better into you dream team.
7. Make sure to set team goals and know where everyone stands on these goals.
For more information please check out http://www.findyourinnergenius.com
Michael Sharkey’s goal is to empower people with knowledge that can change their life. He wants to show people that they can have what they want if they believe.
Here are the skills and tools billionaires have that you must have to achieve financial abundance!
Today more than any time in the history of the world it is possible to become a millionaire or even a billionaire if you learn the right skills, systems, and build a highly qualified team. In order to have the highest chance of reaching financial abundance need to develop the following.
1. Clarity – Eighty percent of success comes from being clear on who you are, what you believe in and what you want.
2. Competence – You can’t climb to the next level on the ladder until you are excellent at what you do now.
3. Constraints – Eighty percent of all obstacles to success come from within. Find out what is constraining in you or your company and deal with it.
4. Concentration – The ability to focus on one thing single-mindedly and see it through until it’s done takes more character than anything else.
5. Creativity – Flood your life with ideas from many sources. Creativity needs to be exercised like a muscle, if you don’t use it you’ll lose it.
6. Courage – Most in demand and least in supply, courage is the willingness to do the things you know are right.
7. Continuous learning – Read, at the very least, one book a week on business or ways to make money to keep you miles ahead of the competition. And just as you eat and bathe, organize your time so you spend 30 minutes a day exploring e-mail, sending messages, going through web sites, because like exercise, it’s the only way you can keep on top of technology.
There are also powerful online and offline ways in which you can make money. The goal is to be always thinking about multiple sources of income. If you do this than when one source drops you still have other income sources to fall back on. A couple of examples of ways to make money that could lead you on the path to become financial free are…
Making money Online
There are many ways that you can make money online and offline. Here are a couple money making options to look into…..
1. Joint Ventures- This is where you find different websites and offer them a service or promise to promote each other’s product online which the idea of sharing the profits
2. Affiliate Programs- If you have a website and you are willing to advertising on your site you can offer links that lead you back to the companies website where you can get paid a commission for every sale.
3. Selling Information- If you know something that you feel a lot of people don’t know about you should sell the information online. Who knows there could be serious profits in the information you know.
4. Advertising site- You can offer advertising on your site and receive a commission for letting people put banners on your site.
5. Offer a service- Examples of services you can offer is web design, Internet service provider, and web hosting.
6. Marketing- You can market other products and service by writing a company a marketing strategy, Advertising, and Copywriting.
7. Online Auctions- One person’s junk is another person’s treasure.
Making Money Offline
There are many ways you can make money offline, but here are just a few options you can do from your home in a few hours a day.
1. Investing in real estate- Looking for real estate deals that include checking hud, and local city foreclosers! There are many no money down or low down payment ways that are cover in my money makers newsletters. But if you don’t have a lot of time check at you local bank to see if they have in foreclosed houses.
2. Lien taxes- Using lien taxes can make investment returns of 18% to 50% percent!
3. Network Marketing- This is a powerful way to make residual income for years!
4. Licensing- Do you know some who has a great product. Sign a contract and connect them with the right people and you can make residual profit from it as long as the product is being sold.
5. Selling Information- Each person has a life story that could be worth millions. Why not write a book and let the whole world know about it and profit from it!
Also another smart way to become a millionaire you must not forget about is to start a business doing your passion. Following your passion or doing something you’re passionate about is a great way to make sure that the money will come. The reason why is because when you’re passionate about something you never give up because you don’g it for the love rather than the money and so work becomes easier and you end up doing better. People who do what they are passionate about are happier and live happier lives and have better productivity. Who knows your passion may also inspire others to follow their passion. So be inspired and know that there are people out their who are doing what they love every day. All they had to do is make the decision to follow their dream and the rest was history!
Millionaire Weapons
There are certain resources millionaires use to achieve their goals. These resources when used together can create a power way for people to achieve their goals. Here a the reveal.. secrets of millionaires………
1. Leverage
2. Mentors
3. Teams
4. Networks
5. Infinite Networks
6. Skills and Tools
7. systems
8. Real estate
9. Building business
10. Coporation
11. Tax Control
12. Retirement Plan
I’ll just mention a few below to give you a the tools to get started on you road to money more than you can ever need. The weapons above are powerful tools and when they are used correctly they can create powerful results in short periods of time.
When trying to make your dreams come true is is important you use leverage. Here are some of the advantages of leverage.
1. Leverage equals speed. To make in goal come true in a minute you must master the power of leverage which is to use other peoples skills, talents,understandings to help you achieve a goal. Learn how to use other people’s talents to get your dreams done. You’ll find that you goals will get down a lot faster if you use this skill.
2. The longer the lever, the greater the impact. The Enlightened person knows that ease and speed are the new wants of life. So that’s why more resources you use the easier and the faster things get done. Hence very long and strong levers.
3. Masters are using all five kinds of leverage in the world have better success.
• OPM- Other people’s money
• OPE- Other people’s experience
• OPI- Other people’s Ideas
• OPT- Other people’s time
• OPW- Other People’s Work
4. Millionaires are constantly looking for leverage. Millionaires constantly ask: How can I leverage this situation, this opportunity, this idea? To become an Enlightened Millionaire. Always ask yourself “Where is the leverage?”
5. There are six key forms of leverage that give you maximum leverage.
• Mentors
• Teams
• Network
• Infinite Networks
• Tools and skills
• Tools and skills
• System
When you apply all these forms of leverage you become unstoppable.
If you are to be successful it is important to you have a mentor. Here are something to know about mentoring.
1. Everyone successful person has mentors for their different needs. A mentor is a shortcut to perspective, proficiency, and patience.
2. Mentoring is powerful from of leverage . Drawing from your mentor’s experience is the quickest, safest, and easiest way to climb the Millionaire Mountain.
3. Mentors are everywhere. Each person you meet can “ accidentally” teach you something to advance your cause.
4. Mentors don’t need to be people. Anything that causes you to change the course in your life – a life threatening disease, losing a job, reading a book, or an encounter with an animal can serve as a mentor.
5. Constanly seek out mentoring relationships. When you find yourself lacking in anything- an attitude, an awareness, a skill, a habit, a technique, or a strategy-seek a mentor to show you the shortcut.
6. Assemble a Dream Team of your favorite heroes and sheroes, present and past. Form an imaginary Council of light consisting of your selected leaders. Imagine being able to counsel with them as if they were communicating with you in person.
7. Set a goal to search out as least one millionaire a month. Request an audeience, either in person, by phone, or by email to pick your millionaire mentor brain.
8. The best kind of mentor is a transformational mentor. A transforming mentor who creates a environment and offers context in which you experience enlightment.
1. You need a team to obtain your dreams because 2 minds always work better than one.
2. You must look for the hidden talents for your team because it’s the l little things that make a difference. The most talents you find the less you have to personally do.
3. Make sure you establish the values of a team. These values will help guide you when trouble times arise.
4. Determine what your team’s strengths and weakness are.
5. Make sure you have the right people doing the right job.
6. Always be looking for new member who may fit better into you dream team.
7. Make sure to set team goals and know where everyone stands on these goals.
For more information please check out http://www.findyourinnergenius.com
Michael Sharkey’s goal is to empower people with knowledge that can change their life. He wants to show people that they can have what they want if they believe.
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