Monday, January 5, 2009

Become a Billionaire

A little more about becoming a billionaire.

Save up some money, make some good investments, and the big part, play with the houses money. Playing with the houses money is almost like making infinite returns. If you are investing in good small caps or mid/large caps developing disruptive technologies, it could be real good to let your gains run for many years.

Another completely different idea is to sleep at night with an affirmations tape playing. Think of some good affirmations. Here are some of mine: I make the right things happen. I earn infinite returns. You think BIG. You solve bigger problems. The power to make a billion dollars is in your mind. You turn fear into power. You can think of more good ones. There is a section on custom subliminals, and affirmations at

Another different idea: make a "to-do" list every day and get those things done. After a few weeks of making yourself use to do lists is a great idea. If you are serious, you will see results before long.

An obvious one is to read about billionaires. Forget about reading the anti capitalist newspapers, they will discourage you. Read billionaire's autobiographies, like The Art of the Deal. Maybe you can catch Buffett on CNBC. Read a billionaires blog, like Ross Perot or Mark Cuban.

In researching stocks (and businesses), be like an investigative journalist. Be like Tony Robbins, when he started out. Find out about stuff that works. Find out about massive potential and opportunity. really know the things you are studying. Imagine you are trying to sell your idea to your lawyer, dentist or can't unless you've got something really good.

Lastly, work hard. Work hard at your job and come home and you will work hard on your business, investments, personal stuff, school, etc. Be the person who does excellent work. Your customers will love you. Watch Donald Trump's A&E Bio. The Donald, while at his academy had to be and look the best. Period.

You can learn the major lessons I have learned about success for free at Why learn the hard way?

More soon.

Make 2009 your year!

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