Friday, January 16, 2009

A Few Observations on the Current Economic Situation

Granted, this post will say "everything" about the current financial crisis, but these points are essential to people who desire financial independence for themselves.

There needs to be some entrepreneurs advising Obama, not just academicians.

Obama and the Congress need to take it easy on entrepreneurs. Not only will higher taxes and more regulations make business suffer more, more layoffs will happen.

Public schools should not try to persuade every capable student to becoming a teacher. This country needs entrepreneurs, but other high paying professions as well.

Entrepreneurship and investment fuel growth. Growth is what we need, not slogans from college campus radicals, and dopers.

Investment needs to be encouraged by eliminating the capital gains tax and taxes on dividends.
Cutting these these taxes will make it easier for people to retire or to stay retired. And that means: a little less unemployment, and better qualified "community activists".

Demonizing achievers is the worst thing the Obama administration can do.

Every person who desires to be financially independent (morally&through legal means) needs to pressure the next administration and Congress to cut taxes, and not try to punish businesses.
This includes people of all races, religions, ages, political affiliations, etc.

If your financial education was inadaquate, start at and see if the information there helps you. You cannot count on the government to take care of you.

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