Wednesday, April 9, 2008

7 High Powered Motivation Tips

(I wrote my own motivation article. Take a look at the other articles in past posts that are good too.)
So you have lofty goals but you don’t quite have enough motivation. I have seven high powered ideas that are guaranteed to help.

Read a few inspirational stories. Nothing will get you moving like reading a rags to riches success story. Try Mark Cuban’s blog or Tony Robbins’ own account of his rise to the top.

This next idea really works too. Fill up a sheet of paper with your greatest accomplishments. Go as far back as you need to, but fill up a sheet of paper with your greatest accomplishments. Review this paper before you begin your day and you will be pumped and ready to move on to new successes.

The next tip is something you hear a lot, but people never do it: MAKE A PLAN.
Make a business plan, a plan for the completion of your degree, or a plan for your life. Write and rewrite your plans until they are highly workable and detailed. Write down your goal, your deadline, the people who will help, obstacles you will have to overcome, the knowledge you will have to acquire, and the things you have to do to reach your goal.
Practice back from the future thinking. Imagine you achieved your goal, then work your way back to where you are now. Motivational speaker Brian Tracy is huge on back to the future thinking.

Next, take action. Take massive, consistent action as Tony Robbins always says. Do the most important thing you can do to move you toward your goal.

You will hit roadblocks. So what do you do? You need more motivation and some help. I have two more ideas. First, meet with your mastermind and ask for help. Your mastermind should get you absolutely on fire. Second, visualize achieving your goal. Visualize your goals in detail and be sure to feel the emotions you likely will feel when your goal is reached.
The last idea is to create a customized subliminal CD or MP3. Tailor your affirmations to your specific goals and challenges. Be creative and be sure to look at the sample affirmations at my web site.

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