Monday, January 3, 2022

Mass Psychosis?

 Mass Psychosis?

Yes! Dr. Malone and Joe Rogan got their podcast deleted by explaining the false god of C O V I D preoccupation with mass psychosis.

We can find mass psychosis in the FI-RE movement, crypto Twitter and the manosphere also.

It seems big tech, big pharma, and a certain banking cartel see threats to their virtually unopposed rule.

It seems self-improvement and financial independence are serious threats to the forementioned and their lackeys.

When FI-RE took off in 2009 and when the Manosphere took off in 2014, both threatened the elites and their plans for a New World Order.

So, what happened was grifters, disguised as normies moved in and immediately created discord, created division, and watered down the tea.

Follow the wrong FI-RE influencer or the wrong Manosphere guy and you'll chase your tail forever.

Who are the normie grifters? I figure they're mostly pastors. But a few are apeshit women. But make no mistake they serve the elites.  And either your great grandkids or some Leftist billionaire pays them.

Who are the fedposters, moles that outnumber the patriots in the vent rooms? Definitely former military. Not guys who followed Ron Paul and Rand Paul and later became digital nomads. Ex-in the rear with the gear during the "dangerous" Reagan administration and suffer PTSD as a result are who the fedposters must be.

I knew one. He went by #HanShoe. Retard. He's on Gab with 100 profiles. One fake profile is of a woman who posts negative articles about the College Republicans and Greeks. The bio says "USAFR" wife. That narrows it down enough for me.

The fedposters and the other lackeys who water down the tea, gaslight, and divide & conquer use the same strategies on crypto Twitter, the Manosphere and the FI-RE movement.

Again, I am left to conclude FI and self-improvement are not what the elites have prescribed for the masses.

Pastor or "peeyaster" as #HanShoe would say, seem to be the guys that do the elite's dirty work.

If you doubt this, visit Oregon.

Psychosis affecting FI-RE? Absolutely, look at the millions of low IQ/low value posts in FB groups.

What has certain Manospherians throwing shade on Atlas? It's tough to find a better novel.

If mass psychosis can move all the dunderheads and karens of a planet to choose quackzines, masks, and hand sanitizer as gods, what else can they do?

I'm sorry so many people willingly buy into mass psychosis for evil, when they were preached at long ago to use psychology skills for good.