Sunday, January 2, 2022

I Thought Crypto and Web 3.0 Were Supposed to be Anonymous and Decentralized...

If this is true, explain why "inclusiveness" and censorship (?) is important to certain crypto companies?

I thought the 'net was supposed to be great because from your home you can do things in the marketplace regardless of your demographics. There would be no "it's wrong because you're black." Your bets just had to be right.

There are those who claim the Satoshi Papers was the CIA's doing. Who is the CIA's boss? The CIA's boss has been anti-privacy since the dawn of the Internet.

You can always tell a CCINO because for one thing they're anti-privacy. Usually, they think everything the government does is great.

LINO's slam everything old. Well, The U.S. Constitution and The Bible are old. Plus, LINO's point us towards the tyranny of tech companies as if it's an acceptable alternative to other tyranny. Lately, the more insufferable ones have been throwing shade on Ron Paul, Ayn Rand and Alex Jones. 

Libertarians without Atlas Shrugged are like Spirit and scripture deficient churchians.

This, bring us some inclusiveness (and censorship) to our rent seeking operation and sell it to people who want anonymity, prosperity, and decentralization for personal financial and maybe political reasons, appears to be a nonstarter.

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