Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The Dabbler's Guide to Finance, Power and Other Stuff Not Deemed Suitable for Average People

 Let's get started.

You can grab tons of answers from https://mastermind-university.com

There is info at MMU from many fields and from a wide variety of people.

The "resources" page there is under used.

Google Translate has been added to MMU.

The eBooks/audiobooks at the right-hand side of the page are the best of the best I have read/heard.

High schools and colleges and even Republican pols will not approve (anymore).


Crypto twitter is very helpful. You can get lost looking at memes or researching NFTs.


One of the main points of Black Book of the Master Mind is:


PNW people know this very well.

This rule complements the first rule of politics which is to divide and conquer.

You might hate books. You might love government. It doesn't matter.

The two statements are universally true.

The working class has to deal with (hyper)inflation, horribly counterproductive news and other shows, the Cantillon Effect, ultra-expensive education, honey pots, baiting, false advertising, expensive gas, effectively negative interest on checking accounts, high taxes (taxes are punishment, ask pols or their supporters), public officials who are highly effective spin doctors and verbal magicians, chemicals in their food, and local strawmen because:

A SMALL ELITE CONTROLS PRACTICALLY EVERYTHING and they want the masses poor and dumb.


If you're reluctant to Google your education, you're at a HUGE disadvantage.


Many consumer products are very expensive because 1) new technology is usually expensive early in it's life 2) inflation 3) many many government shills running businesses wanna get sh*t rich today 4) some natural resources are very expensive, 5) taxes 6) the costs of employee benefits.


Learn spin, advocacy, persuasion, NLP, and read into mind control. I'm totally serious. Critics of my work cringe and giggle like little girls when I suggest this. I stand by the suggestion especially if you have to work as a battering ram against the public or if you have battering rams in your face.

If you're too dumb or too intimidated or if your teachers want you in an unempowered state (guilt), you may never learn (their desire) and continue to be strung along.


When your enemy, coworker, guilt trip travel agent, or professional wants you to volunteer for them in any capacity, I'd follow Tom Leykis' advice and say, "F-you, pay me." If you don't, the whores will drive you into the ground.

Your probably aren't giving your adversaries enough credit. Influencers and gatekeeps are INCREDIBLE at steering the masses, punishing the masses, gaslighting the masses, dividing the masses, and getting people to volunteer to do their dirty work for free.

Teacher used to brag all the time he'd show you how to "use red tape" and get people to volunteer to people to paint your fence, like Tom Sawyer. Teacher delivered spin, gaslighting and bad grades instead.


If you genuinely care about serving Lucifer in a grand capacity, contact the PRC and Israel and convince them you'll be their best servant ever. You'll have to be allowed to peddle influence because you might not be compensated. But you can still serve Lucifer.


Pursuing alpha should be encouraged. But keep in mind its shallow.


Have you ever tried to call conservative talk radio? Do you know who very frequently gets through? Do you know who controls at least some of the astroturf on FB, Gab, and even Dory's board? I can give you more clues, but he's the same guy. OK, one more clue: he was never a special ops guy. 


Kiyosaki says not to believe your own BS when you make it.



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