Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Future of FI-RE


The Future of FI-RE


In the near future, readers of the personal finance phenomenon known as FI-RE will require more than “buy and hold VTSAX.” The following is what comes to mind when we project 3-10 years into the future. Joining the government in censorship won’t help for long. There have been people bailing from the United States since before the FI-RE movement began. There were a few people known as post-modernists in college who read 19th century history and philosophy. The thinking was the U.S. is Weimar and what follows the U.S. just has to be better. That means efforts to repair the U.S. are DOA.


Dealing with inflation

The U.S. Federal Reserve stated inflation is at 6.8%. Critics of the Federal Reserve state inflation is 15%-20%.

Choosing to buy less expensive groceries, electronics, and appliances is an idea now. But after you’ve done that, then what?

Advocates of crypto say the $USD is losing value to explain short-term crypto profits.

Not all stocks will put up market beating and inflation beating numbers.



The main thing about crypto is defi. You can lend your crypto and safely earn yields up to 20%. Yields in the 100’s of percent are very risky.

Bitcoin is just ten years old. The BowTied Bull reminds us we are still early to crypto. The Bull tells us to buy crypto and put it on our digital wallets and leave it til 2030-2035.

Plenty of marketers claim privacy is assured with certain cryptocurrencies and related products. My response is probably not for long.

What stops the government and mega tech corporations from monitoring everything we do?


For all human history, when currencies collapse, alternatives are preferred. Look at Robert T Kiyosaki’s experience buying gold in Vietnam.



The masses are increasingly becoming convinced that traditional education isn’t worth it. Everyone knows people who’ll never be able to repay their student loans.

There are millions of info products. From memes to quotes to short videos to blogs, there’s a lot of how-to information available to anyone.

Note how many of the financial blockbuster best sellers don’t pack a lot of useful info in their books. Note the techniques used to keep non-elite authors from selling millions of books. Several bad reviews making false claims or creating any type of doubt about the product derail sales all the time.

I won’t tell lots of stories, but I will just say: well-credentialled crook. Theres no one to help you. You must be smart. Go to your grifter church or civic organization for help and look like a fool.  You’ll look like a pawn in a BIG grifter game.



People getting away with rioting. People taking bribes while simultaneously receiving a hefty paycheck. Professionals grifting off contributions intended to help the most vulnerable in society. Police informing property owners they have to allow homeless people on their property.

All real in the U.S.A. Watch for (pseudo pseudo pseudo) influencers to target me and patriots everywhere for thinking outside the box. Watch them use strawmen and hackers and the network of ninny wahmen.

Pseudo pseudo pseudo? Yes, I first heard that from a dunce visiting Newberg, OR from Portland, OR, in 2008. Basically a very large security company said, “Forget books, eat your peas and tell the locals to shut up and tell them they don’t know shit.”

More recently an alleged conservative Christian passively aggressively bitched about a FI-RE group on alt social media.

For profit companies have been allowed to lie and utilize loopholes increasingly since I was a kid. Education isn’t much help for the wage slave. Politicians can’t fix things because there are so many zips in the wires. There’s big money in putting down opposition before it organizes. Case in point CR@PSU.

Look at the doctrines of many student organizations from churches to student leadership and etc. Grifter junior mafia assholes have terrible beliefs and dogmas. They are told and they tell others feel good pop psychology platitudes as if they erase intent.



As the sharpest individuals accumulate wealth, they need to protect it. Security isn’t free. People need guards, alarms, cameras, guns, safe rooms, nano ledgers, anti-virus software, specialized newsletters that somehow provide information lawyers and legacy news can’t provide. Mentioning guns bring lawless cone-serned crazies out from under their rocks.

There are a lot of types of security for each individual need.


Gap between tech/med and everything else

Technology and medical stocks have tended to blow away all else in the stock market. Having said that, watch for scams. Technology and medical companies tend to provide better salaries and benefits than 70% of all employers.


Maintaining finances while virtually homeless

What happens if you decide to travel for a long period of time? What happens if you lose your job and crash at a friend’s house? Dufus sharks will smell the blood and attempt to suck it all out. They’ll say, “We understand. But we don’t know what you’re doing.” Reading law books and forums could be an idea. I think minimizing possessions and bills and seeing the world is a great idea. But this goal brings well-credentialled crooks.



If people have VR headsets on all day, why should *we* “invest” in infrastructure and education? A new dog-and-pony-show will emerge along with hundreds of other lesser do-and-pony shows: is it right to be in the Metaverse all day? If you wanna be a moral sounding busy body, there’s a ripe grift. One could even get into various crimes against VR users.

The technology isn’t 100% here. Ready Player One and Ready Player Two level tech aren’t available at this time.


Job displacement due to technology

A person needs to be FI before he/she reaches 65.


Anons and their blue checkmark critics

Being anonymous heads off many online and offline problems. Being that it’s a good solution, grifters bitch. Doxing is huge business.


Private towns and cities

This is just a matter of time. Cities can and do go broke. Then wealthy person buys it and runs it. Read The Sovereign Individual.


Political Right will win meme wars but will have victories stolen

Libertarians and conservatives tend to win the meme war, while progressives can hardly make a pithy meme. Yet, official conservative organizations distance themselves from people who don’t know “who is actually to be served.” Plus, conservatives and libertarians in my home state should be used to stolen elections. But they strive to have “good attitudes” and want to volunteer to punish people the elites see as a threat.

Political grifters will make promises and excuses and lo and behold the situation worsens.


Remote employment and its critics

People are increasingly working remotely. Dave Ramsey says its not as good as being there.

Let’s look at the pro’s of working at home or at the vacation home:

-          No fighting traffic.

-          You can eat at home.

-          No time lost commuting.

-          Less cash is needed for nice clothes.

-          Less risk of divorce due to “hot” coworkers.

-          No daycare expense for kids.

-          Privacy (but for how long?)


Past as prologue (HUGE clues from the past)

The number one thing about using past as prologue is, every grifter, virtue signaler, spindoctor and people trying to penetrate the ranks of the elite will say (if not demand) that history not be a guide.

Let me tell you a true story. If you tell this story, expect reprisal from kingpins.

In 1984, I had a political job. The representative I worked for (contracted to) essentially told me he wanted to work for The Federal Reserve and the LDS church. Politics was not/ is not what people thought/ think.

Previously, on a trip to D.C., an aide told me lobbyists would pay to hold Congressmen’s piss pot and seek favor. The will of the people in the district doesn’t even matter.

Looking at the history of Weimar Germany and especially The Roman Empire is very useful, regardless of what the woke mob and their cucked buddies dictate to us via the “qualified” opinions of influencers and pundits.

What were you told in your youth about the future? What did Alex Jones say about the future in 2007? What did technology titans say about the future when you were a kid? What did scientific futurists say about the future? What did grifter CCINO demand you and I say about our levels of prosperity in the future? Who wrote which capitalist manifesto and then scrubbed it off the Internet?

Who’s record seems the best?


Dumbing us down

Public schools offer a lot of filler instruction that just helps the house. The outcome is for the student to go to college and learn basic academic skills there. But that doesn’t always happen.

There is a large divide between people with high IQs and low IQs. People with bad or outdated information tend to make real bad decisions. People who listen to legacy media get gaslighted and then are prone to make very bad decisions. Low IQs listen to advertisements and act like they’ve got some guaranteed wins lined up.

There have been recent headlines about medical schools and engineering schools dumbing down their curriculum. When I was young, the Teacher’s Union was blamed for demanding easier duties which included not teaching difficult subjects to brats.


Give us donations and we still won’t hear you

This has been the story in Oregon for most of the last 40 years. Look the national GOP not understanding Trump’s popularity. A similar situation occurred when pop icon Michael Jackson married supermodel Brooke Shields. Mikey didn’t know what to do.

“Deaf donations” are common outside of politics. Look at churches and charities. Look at pressure groups and civil rights organizations. There are organizations that have been relentlessly fighting x for so long, but the problem just gets worse.



Universal Basic Income was floated during the 2020 primaries. Silicon Valley and interested parties elsewhere touted the idea because of increasing homelessness and the threats of automation and AI.

(Trump vowed to help homeless veterans but while in office said homelessness is a state and local issue.)

A Universal Basic Living allowance was floated by the BowTied Bull. UBL would be an allowance for people with low incomes to help with keeping a roof over their heads and food on the table.


Sales practices will get worse

One Summer while in college, I sold cars. One manager during a sales meeting said, “Every sucker is gonna lose his wad anyway, make him blow it here!!”

I believe its going to get worse. How about this? “That young man may be broke now, but we can get his future income and future assets and make his employer and landlord’s lives miserable. Now, in 2021-22 they can angle for his sperm too.


Doxxing will become more common (like kidnapping and extortion)

Driving an expensive sports car or living in a mansion makes you a target for serious crime. Being at a meeting practically anywhere can get you doxed, defamed, and on various lists.

For years, I’ve considered writing a book for College Republicans. I recently decided against it, because of the threat of doxing, crime, and authorized but unwanted attention is too great of a threat.

You can be anonymous online. Screw the critics and the non-judgemental pop-psychology peddling (Leftist) idiots.


Legalized grifts

Local kingpins, well-credentialled crooks or whatever you want to call them know the law and legal loopholes. They can publicly say one thing and behind the scenes be a bottom fishing org.


The Two Great Diamonds

Former banker and current consultant Aaron Clarey says, “Sanity is the future of wealth.” Just as important is self-esteem. The two are connected and related. I once drew the friendly fire of a country comedian (doubtlessly a Bush-bot) who said in the middle of his routine self-esteem isn’t important.

It may not be important to the elites. But it certainly is to individuals pursuing FI-RE.

Other great diamonds are beautiful and virtuous women. Another great diamond might be healthy sperm.

What the post-modernists wanted over a hundred years ago is here. What you choose to tell your tribe about it matters. If you ignore all investing besides VOO and VTSAX I feel your tribe swore an allegiance unnecessarily.

Sure, find a recently minted cuck and use him as a battering ram. Why is the guy who sold out and drank the commie cool-aid a person to emulate?

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