Sunday, August 3, 2008

Recruiting for Your Mastermind

A mastermind can begin with only two people. But where do you find more members? Try online forums, unemployment offices, look up old ambitious friends, invite a good, and positive leader that you know, attend seminars, go to a local Rich Dad club, or, go to an investment club. Here's an idea. Strike up a conversation with someone you know is also trying to put together a mastermind. Find a person who is positively out of step with the masses, and invite him/her. You could recruit a multilevel marketer who can actually get by exclusively on their MLM income.

You have to be a leader to recruit. Be the man or woman with a plan. Be personable. Be a coach. Even if you are a leader, with coach like skills, you will encounter negativity, fear, complacency, and my favorite: what are the guaranteed benefits and income? Some people are kinda out there.

Who do you want to recruit? I cannot say. Recruit people similar to you. People with similar goals. Here are some possible traits of potential mastermind members:
1) Driven 2) Ambitious 3) Audacious 4) Thorough planner 5) Good communicator 6) Thorough knowledge of the market(s) you are in 7) Has an excellent attitude 8) Entrepreneurial. Is already in business 9) Someone with good accomplishments, and wants financial independence. 10) Specialized knowledge

Don't kid yourself about the person's capacity, attitude, etc. You could take on a project, though.
Be fully prepared to follow through on your plans of developing your mastermind. Remember, a leader has a plan. So, make sure you are prepared to execute, and improve your plans, using the feedback from your mastermind.

David K Drews runs a site that offers help in planning your escape from the rat race, and help with finding the best info and products for your financial journey. There is a chat room for recruiting for your mastermind.

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