Monday, April 13, 2009

Ten Tips To Achieve Success

It is unfortunate but, most people settle for what life gives them and never realize their full potential. There are some of us who won't settle for less than complete and total success. I suspect that if you are reading this, you are among the second category. Here are a few simple tips to help you reach for the stars. There is no particular sequence to this list.

Set a target. If you write down a goal or at least an intention, you are far more likely to have a greater degree of success. It has often been quoted that only 2% of the population have written goals but that 2% controls somewhere between 80 and 95% of the world's wealth.

Birds of a feather, flock together. Choose your friends carefully. Take a look at your 5 closest friends. In all likelihood you have all reached about the same level of success as you. If all your friends are making 30 thousand a year then likely that is also your income. Think about joining Toastmasters, local business groups, charitable fund raisers, art societies or other similar groups. Chances are that members of these groups are in a much higher income bracket and if you start to develop friends in these groups, you may very likely raise your own standard of living.

Be charitable. Wealthy people are not greedy. In fact, they are the biggest supporters of charities and if you someday wish to be wealthy then you should, within your means, dedicate a portion of your income to charity. Stay within you means but don't be greedy.

Be a life long student. You can never acquire enough knowledge. I am 62 and I still make it a point never letting a day go by without learning something new. In fact, I still take an occasional college class. It keeps the mind sharp and you never know when this new knowledge may be of use to you.

Do what you love and love what you do. Life is too short to be stuck in a job that you hate and you are far more likely to be successful if you are doing something you love. Procrastination is never a problem when you are doing what you love to do.

Take action toward your goals everyday. Even if it is only a small step, every action you take will result in progress. If a day goes by without taking some sort of goal oriented action, just remember we only have so many days before our stay on this planet is over and every single day is the most valuable things that we have.

Last thing at night or first thing in the morning, write down your daily accomplishments and then write out a plan for the new day. Call it a journal, a daily planner or a to do list, you will get far more done if you study what you have done and plan what you are going to do.

Seek success in all areas of your life. You can become a multi-millionaire and still be a failure if you don't take time out for family, friends, spirituality and just plain fun. Life is short and you should try to enjoy every moment that we have.

Find and use the tools that work for you. Goal setting, hypnotism, NLP, self fulfillment and success programs and much more are available to you to help you reach success. When you find the right tools for you, use them. For me, all I have ever really needed was goal setting and affirmations. No single program or method works for everyone. Search out the right tools for you.

Forgive and forget. It does us no good to relive past failures and offences. It is just a waste of precious time. In addition, it does us no good to worry about our future. If you are to live your live your life to the fullest, you can only do in the moment. The only thing that truly exists is today and you owe it to yourself to live it like there will be no tomorrow.

I hope you find this helpful. This is the way I have been living my life and it has worked for me. I have been around awhile-I am in my sixties going on 21.

Stan Pontiere has been an avowed self-help geek since high school-more than 40 years ago. For more information on self-fulfillment please visit: or my blog at:
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