Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Paths and Requirements to a Billion Dollar Empire

Monumental odds and monumental risk characterize the undertaking of making a billion dollars.

You must have a strong drive and be smarter than average to become a billionaire. Look at Donald Trump. Trump only sleeps 4-5 hours a night. Trump works all the time. If you are to become a billionaire, you need drive, better than average smarts, some seed capital, and the right ideas.

Where will the next billionaires come from? Likely from the fields of:
- nanotechnology
- Internet/Computers/Software
- neurotechnology
- biotechnology
- alternative energy
- and certainly, many more billionaires will be innovators, inventors, turn around specialists, money managers, and others.

If you are dreaming to the point of opening brokerage accounts, taking college classes, Anthony Robbins seminars, and starting businesses, you are cordially invited to my Yahoo Group called "IndependentWealth - Investing for Early Retirement 101". There are several "high achievers" in my group.

If you want to associate with people who are going places, by all means, sign up. Do me a favor and vote in the polls section.

Also, take a look at There you should at least find a way out of the rat race. You can also sign up for my group there too.

Hopefully, I will be writing a lot more about creating a billion dollar empire.

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