Monday, August 1, 2022

Question the Hypnosis of the Culture

 What does this mean?

I mean, challenge the narrative. Challenge clown world aka hyper reality.

Don't participate in mass psychosis and follow along with the wardens.

I don't know you but I don't believe you're hopeless or helpless.

The narrative dictates you probably are.

One thing you can do in the face of soft tyranny is read this:

The Black Book

Would you walk into an ambush over a $4 ebook? Why would I?

Would you volunteer to be a mouthpiece for the elites for false promises? Why would I?

See what the cucks (translated the "compromised") are fuming about.

Do your One Worlder friends compromise for you?

Why would you or I compromise for them?

If they had their way, the masses would eat bugs.

No real work would get done. People studying worthless subjects would starve in cafeterias.

Please understand I won't chase influencer through clown world for $4.

People say there is an awakening but I wonder sometimes.

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