Sunday, May 15, 2022

VERY Foreign Interests in FI-RE, the Manosphere and the Tea Party

 Foreign interests seem to have a need to water down the tea in organizations that could be very influential and effective.

Wealth confiscation proponents in the FI-RE movement?

Israel and the PRC calling conservative INC plays?

Don't go to the Leadership Institute? (Bad advice.)

Let's get young men and women chasing their tails? Crushing outliers for free? Pushing the globalist-feminist narrative?

If you know there are genuine alternatives, you will love Black Book.

Watch the trailer and read Gerald Loeb's review at Bitchute:

Black Book of the Master Mind - Trailer (

Thank you for your time.

1 comment:

  1. Here's one very common yet foreign interest:

    #cuck #damagecontrol #disinformation
