Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How Do I Get Rich? How Could I Get Cash Fast to Get Started?

Here is a starting point:

There are 64 ideas to get cash fast on that page.   Read the entire page if you would.

Now, it's tough to get overtime due to Obamacare. 

CNBC calls the current economy the "new normal."  People hope for an apartment and a part time job in the new normal.

If your hopes of getting rich aren't completely dashed by now, take a look at my site.

Be advised though, my imbecile detractors will say you have an entitlement mentality whether you genuinely do or not.   Don't put your hope in sellout politicians or in their volunteer thought cops.

Leave the obese, flatulent, dishonest, out of kilter pick pockets behind and get to work on your:

- Dreams
- Deadlines
- Hopes
- Adventure

Click the link, read, and get to work:

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