Friday, June 28, 2013

A Major Skill for Today's World ...

... is to take the negative information, news, opinions, and emotions and channel them into doing good work.

Cronyism and shell games abound.  But its essential not to get down.

Sure, professors and others will look you I'm the eye and lie.  But know there is and are shell games and you need to expose them, be wary of them, and try to make them obsolete.

Don't delude yourself into thinking you have no help for wealth.  People with serious problems like panic attacks and ulcers sometimes escape the rat race.

Anyway, take a look at the links above for MMU and the Yahoo group and see if those help.  Yes its a lot of reading.  But its much cheaper than mortgaging your future for political thought disquised as career or financial education.

Channel negative input into excellent valuable work

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