Saturday, March 19, 2011

Five Keys to Sustainable Success

Sustainable success starts with a vision. Read on to find out how these 5 simple steps can help you to make your dream a reality.

When you first set out to be a success you need to have some ideas about what that's going to look like when you get there. Imagine a military mission without a clear understanding of success and what you wind up with is a futile and dangerous exercise. In our 5P Planning Model, we call that "Commander's Intent." It's the vision of what the desired outcome should be.

Almost everyone has daydreams about what they "want to do" some day, and all too often that's where the exercise ends-as a daydream. Even if you are just dreaming about your own, personal future, you need to have a vision of what you want to accomplish. Once you have that, you need a plan to get there.

The reality is that very few people ever stop to think about how they are going to get from point A to point B. They fail to identify where they are now, and worse, have no plan in place to get to the point of success that they daydream about. That of course is a huge problem. You need to develop the foundation you're going to work from to achieve your success, you need a clear understanding of where you're going, and then you need a plan to get there. Otherwise, you're going to find yourself wandering aimlessly around the battlefields of business.

Between my years as a Marine officer and the owner of several successful businesses I've adapted some basic concepts of military planning to business operations. Based on these concepts, here are 5 keys to success that will help you to establish a solid foundation upon which to base ongoing business operations.

1. The Why - For whom, or for what, do you want to be successful? In other words, what is the purpose of your mission. Taking a hill for the purpose of taking a hill is pointless. And striving to occupy a corner office should be about a lot more than working in a corner. There's no fulfillment in that. Be honest with yourself here. If you dream of success, understand the reasons behind your dream, and then work to make them real. In my case I have a few core "whys." I made myself a success so I could support my family. I also focus on helping others excel in their chosen professions and in raising money for charity.

2. The Courage - Fear isn't a sign of failure, nor is it a sign of weakness. In fact, going into combat without at least some sense of fear is idiocy. You need to respect what you're facing. But being paralyzed by fear is something else entirely. And the tool you need to stare down your fear if courage. Developing courage allows you to do whatever it takes in order to achieve your goals and successfully complete your missions. In business, just like in combat, it takes courage to move forward-and win. The more you learn to proceed-especially when you're afraid-the more successful you're going to be in business and in your life.

3. The Knowledge - In the both the military and in business, knowledge is truly power. Whether it's an understanding of what the enemy is doing at a given time, or the skills necessary to fire your weapon, knowledge is the key. The same principles apply to business. The more you know about how your business works, and the more skills you acquire, the more successful you are likely to be. And the more you understand about your products and services, how they are received in the marketplace, what your competition is up to-the list goes on-again, the more success you'll experience. I see it this way: learning is a lifelong process - nothing bad ever comes from knowing more.

4. The Will - Your will is your fuel-it's what powers your courage. Will is nothing more than the determination to win, a trait that has been drilled into every Marine since the Corps was formed in 1775. I also believe that will represents discipline-the ability to see a task through to completion regardless of what it takes to complete it. In other words your will-your discipline-to do things that you might not necessarily enjoy but that are part of accomplishing your mission and achieving your goals is a critical and essential aspect of your success. A strong will enables you to do whatever it takes, to go the extra mile, to put forth the 110% effort necessary to win.

5. The Priorities - Prioritizing keeps you firmly focused on your "why." Knowing what's most important and focusing primarily on those critical elements is also an essential aspect of achieving success. You're going to run into a lot of potential distractions on your road to success. Pick your battles wisely, and win those you choose to fight. Evaluate each opportunity carefully to make sure it fits well with your overall goals. I also believe that setting priorities isn't a casual pursuit. Spend the necessary time to evaluate all that is in front of you before you set off on any given mission.

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