Saturday, March 19, 2011

3 Quotes About Money That Will Change Your Life

"All riches have their origin in mind. Wealth is in ideas - not money." - Robert Collier

Robert Collier is a self-help book author from the 20th century. He wrote a lot about success and how it's strongly correlated to ideas. People like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates are not rich because of an inheritance but because they had a vision. Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin came up with an idea to rank page betters and made billions thanks to that single idea.

Maybe you don't have A Ph.D. in computer science like the founders of Google or Steve Wozniak but you still have ideas with massive value. Think about Twitter. The idea is very simple. However, the company now worth billions.

To become rich you just need one original idea.

"Many folks think they aren't good at earning money, when what they don't know is how to use it." Frank Howard Clark

I have a friend earning 4000-5000 dollars a month. Not the best paid job in the world, but more than enough to live comfortably, at least in her town. However, she always has money problem and she's often complaining about it. That's because she doesn't even know the meaning of saving. She has an iPod, an iPad, computers. I don't blame here for loving technology but when I think she should have priorities. Saving money is more important than having the last smart phone. If she had invested half of the money she spent on gadget, she could be a millionaire by now.

To become rich learn how to use money. Read books and articles about personal finance. It doesn't matter how much money you have right now. A lot of lottery winners are broke after a couple years. They bought a 3 million dollar mansion and then failed to pay the yearly expenses. In the other hand, people who are making 5000 dollars a month become millionaire after a few years because they know how to invest and use their money.

"A man with money is no match against a man on a mission". Doyle Brunson

Doyle Brunson is one of the most famous poker players in the world. His skills allowed him to make millions of dollars on the tables. He also has an online poker room called Doyle's room. His biography is very interesting. He comes from a little town in Texas called Fisher County. With a lot of will, he managed to become one of the best college basketball player in the country. Unfortunately, a serious injury prevented him from realising his dream to play in the NBA. But, even after such a disappointing event, he knew he was a "man on a mission". He knew that being laser focus was far more important than being born rich. That's the reason why he decided to become a poker player. He knew that was really difficult at them time because gambling was prohibited in most states. But he also knew that he had enough skill to have massive success. That's exactly what he did. After enough winning sessions, he finally settled to Las Vegas and became a poker legend.

What's important in Doyle Brunson's story is that poker is a lot like life. People with enough passion will always find a way to earn money. So what counts is not the amount money you have right now but rather your will.

Hello, my name is Mike. If you have money problems you need to know about debt relief scams and debt relief definition.

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This is the best wealth building article I've seen on ezinearticles in a long time.

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