Friday, July 18, 2008

Resilient Mindset

Developing a resilient mindset of a millionaire by re-wiring your subconscious for wealth creation we will need to answer a few simple questions about financial pressure. When I refer to financial pressure I'm not necessarily talking about being broke and struggling. You can be wealthy and still have financial pressure. There is no right or wrong answers, only answers applicable to you.
1. When was the last time you felt financial pressure?
2. Do you currently feel financial pressure in your life?
3. Does having more money really create less financial pressure?
4. When have you felt completely free from financial pressure?
For some people being completely free from financial pressure might have been as far back as when they were at school. It could have been when they would get pocket money and had to determine whether to buy a Mars bar or put it in their piggy bank and for others, it may have been never.
Apart from happiness, what is it you think that people really want in their life? A resilient mindset, more often than not people are looking for a financial future they are certain about. You want the certainty to be able to manage money, have plenty of it and never have to worry about not having enough of it. Anyone would want that. Another word for that is security.
I believe that people really want to be certain that in the future they will not have to experience pain that instead they will have the financial freedom to do whatever they want, whenever they want, as much as they want using their a resilient mindset.
I know the quest for financial security drove me, because I had so much pain in my life and I never wanted to experience that again. So I was driven to become financially successful to avoid that pain. Pain drove me in the beginning more than pleasure. Pain is what drives people the most. If you've made a decision to start changing your life, or changing your financial future, eventually it will lead to more pleasure, but more than likely it's pain that drove you to your initial decision to change. Subconsciously you were probably thinking, "If I don't learn how to master money now, what will it cost me in the future?"

Author: Greg Dempsey - Investor/Marketer Title: Resilient Mindset
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