Tuesday, November 23, 2021
FI-RE, Become a Billionaire and Dystopia Memes 2021 (Part 2)

Friday, November 12, 2021
Friday, November 5, 2021
30 Steps to Becoming a King
30 Steps to Becoming a King
1) Work for yourself. Own income producing assets. Don’t be a wage slave. (Kiyosaki)
2) Don’t worry about what other people think. It might be ok if you are feared. (Liu)
3) Be action oriented. Be vigilant in defending your kingdom and seizing opportunity. (Tracy)
4) Avoid bad debt.
5) Sacrifice short-term pleasure for long term results.
6) Write the rules. Find loopholes and workarounds in existing rules. (Ferriss)
7) You are not necessarily a slave to your subjects. (Rand)
8) Avoid distractions from achieving your vision.
9) Be strategic, not random, compulsive or manic.
10) Maintain standards for yourself, your servants and your subjects.
11) Don’t be afraid to confront enemies. (Liu)
12) “A king conquers his fears and doubts.” (Liu)
13) “A king is a beacon.” (Liu)
14) Don’t bend over backwards to please people. (Liu)
15) Establish sovereignty. (Resources, arable land, insurance, a space force…)
16) A king takes full ownership of himself and his kingdom. (Liu)
17) You might need to outshine a master. (Drews)
18) Understand risk, scale, and limits to growth. (Landrum)
19) Maintain good health.
20) Hire the best teachers and coaches for your children. (Keep anti alphas away. They’ll want in.)
21) In building your kingdom, remember you could bear any difficulty necessary for a minute at a time. (Bilzerian)
22) Understand/know what various tests do to your brain. (What words cause panic, scarcity, fear, fight or flight, etc.)
23) When in considerable doubt ask yourself if there’s even a chance.
24) Loser, troll, marketer, wannabe gangster will approach you with no real business and try to get you to quit a solid course of action. Years later you’ll find them homeless.
25) Use a framework to make your own blueprint. (Lopez)
26) Your pronouns are “king/conqueror.” (Illimitable Man)
27) Remove parasites from your kingdom.
28) Don’t allow internal enemies. Keep foreign interests out.
29) Begin with the end in mind. (Covey)
30) Ascertain who sent strawman, detractor, saboteur, etc. to your kingdom.
See eBook, The King's Mindset.