Friday, September 17, 2021

Attempting to Predict the Future


Oh, so you want to bring out the spammers, trolls, lazy non-hackers, the unbelievably bright eyed but intergalactically dumb, and all the normie CCINOs who want to bust up anyone’s and everyone’s great time?


Sure, let’s risk setting off the woke mob and their die-hard servants in their faux-opposition and discuss the future and how to try to predict it.


Let me start off by identifying where *I* get my sources.   I don’t necessarily care what sources are prescribed by public schools or colleges.  I don’t necessarily care what CCINO “alt” media has to say.  You’ll see why.


First, Aaron Clarey, an economist and online consultant.  Go to YouTube and search “aaron clarey future.”  Clarey can be wrongly dismissed because he is not in the preferred demographic of the universities.  His message is not suitable for their purposes, nor the faux-opposition.


Second, Robert T Kiyosaki, an entrepreneur and writer.  Kiyosaki is critical of the Federal Reserve, so there’s no telling what the universities, news outlets and woke mob in CCINO churches will say about him.


Third, I draw on my body of work that includes 20+ eBooks, including The Black Book of the Master Mind series, and The Future of Personal Finance.  Numerous Hutts, experts, grifters, strawmen, and various second rate instructors of all fields demand free copies and simultaneously mock faith, alpha males (even young ones), books, libertarianism, capitalism, and being different what the universities and mainstream news outlets prescribe.  This includes preparing for retirement and being an autodidact.


Fourth, I listen to (mostly) anon accounts on Twitter and Gab.  True, I can’t “prove” meaning discredit them because they’re not under the thumb of CCINOs who are in turn under the thumb of the woke mob.  Illimitable Man, Corporate Machiavelli, and numerous other anons post excellent content without consulting globalist pastor or feminist teacher.  There are several public people I follow too, see above and Spike Cohen and numerous crypto people.


Fifth, I listen to Info Wars and The Dollar Vigilante.  Again, these guys go off the CCINO reservation and sometimes outmaneuver schools, newsrooms and CCINOs who pledge to moderate themselves for rewards that usually aren’t honored.


Sixth, I usually read every investment newsletter I subscribe to.  Analysts can provide excellent insight, although (seemingly all) normie CCINOs strongly disagree.  Not every newsletter and special report contains a huge story that makes all parties happy.  But they frequently do show you one aspect of the future in regards to tech companies, etc.


When the touted gurus, writers, and video bloggers get “pumped” by the traditional media, I usually quit following.  The bigger the audience the worse the info.  When a sock puppet gets doxed by RINOs, that’s pretty much the end of that source.


I believe I went to college while the getting’ was still somewhat good.  Sure, there were some fraud professors.  I had a worse time with normie RINOs who were on a mission to make sure “everyone” was totally equal and didn’t commit thought crimes, and were under the thumb of the local kingpins.


The Internet seems to have replaced the faltering schools.  But not to worry, Big Tech is the new kingpin, mafia enforcer, and babysitter.


The thing about predicting the future is to keep it simple.  Look at the official documents of any and all governments, industry reports, CEOs, quarterly & annual reports, etc.  You can also go by the advice or statements issued by professionals you have to do business with.


You can go on the dark web and look up documents of politicians, churches, and other businesses who made a motion and then “tabled it.”  But if a churchian, let’s say, knew you were coming, they could leave fake documents and viruses. 


Republicans and Libertarians yell about dumbing down school curriculum.  Then they forget all about it.  Let us pretend we spent $10billion digging up the facts and then ask ourselves how long it will take before the U.S. turns into an idiocracy, (see, Idiocracy (2003) Mike Judge).


Wallets don’t fully understand they are wallets so when they get rugged, they search for other wallets to “sacrifice” to fully logical, unerring, compassionate, socially skilled tyrants.  If one wants to see the results of D/new age/progressive/communist/hush hush/counterfeit instruction and public policy, send your “prayed up” spies to the PNW, similar to what Abraham did in the Bible.  (You can look it up, not me.) 


It used to be we looked at communist countries on the news for examples of what communism does.


If you want one single example of a trend that’ll affect people in the future, it’ll be doxing by CCINO churchians on behalf of the woke mob.  I asked a family member if he ever heard of Illimitable Man on Twitter.  I showed him the link.  He read the feed.  He then started shouting, “WHO IS HE??? WHO IS HE?? WHO IS HE??”  I didn’t understand then, but I do now.  He wanted him doxed.


The same family member shouted about the guy I started the College Republicans with and the woke mob eventually got the guy discredited.  It’s friends that hate you the most.  The woke mob will never stop.  The opposition will not stop doxing and demonizing significant individuals who lead us to take our eyes off the state, and spread mistrust and wrongthink. 


That leads me to conclude autodidactism and nontraditional education will be banned or severely taxed or watered down in short order.


One thing the cucks will say is being critical of The Federal Reserve is anti-semetic.  It’s not.  Don’t be an asswipe.  Are Michael Savage and Spike Cohen anti-semetic?  Pass along the secret, non-occult rule book please.  Or at least a secret message.  Eat my Ovaltine?   Didn’t you assholes tell the kids there’s no free lunch in the 1970s and 1980s?  What happened with that?


I am not your volunteer, shit-for-brains.

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