Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Dealing With Inflation and Other Woes

Inflation is on the rise.

Inflation can eat away at asset prices and returns.  One thing you an do about diminishing purchasing power is to start a side-hustle. You can see a list of over 100 potential side-hustles (most don't scale) and a few ways to get cash fast, here.

Side-hustles are better for inflation woes.  But you might plug a few financial leaks by reading this.

HODLing and/or defy (loaning or borrowing your crypto for interest) could help you stay ahead of inflation.

I've been hearing since 2010 that the U.S. may turn into a high tech South Africa (extreme wealth inequality, crime, etc.).  I don't know how to invest for that, but there is a page for crisis investing you can reach by clicking here.

This is not a complete plan and you are responsible for losses and gains.  BUT, a younger person might want to read Free and Low Cost Education, a Kindle eBook with 30+ alternatives to traditional college. It's a whole $1.

Getting in debt and spending time taking unnecessary classes doesn't seem like a good move to me at this time.  Although you can "escape reality" for 4 years.

Why not read documents the admin frowns upon?  Source documents as they are called by history departments are mostly readily available.  Info Wars has made incredible use of source documents as have investment managers, "rogue" pols, and solopreneurs.

Another thing you can do is read the "rules" for the new economy.  See, Commandments.  Being indispensable is excellent. But today, we must go beyond.   

You may also want to be cynical or a even little paranoid with for the masses advice and commentary.  You and I have to remain brilliant longer than the bad guys remain evil.  Look how scoundrels operated in your life.  It's possible you could deduce or infer a "hidden meaning" in some content.

Back to side-hustles.  Side-hustles frequently crash for one reason or another.  One thing to do about it is treat the hustle like a business from the start.  (You might benefit from reading this glossary I put together.) 

There are many venues where you could be told you're an "executive."  Don't buy into this BS.  Use the "card" I'm an executive at a job interview and look very foolish.

Plus, the elites want to reduce "carbon" and not have cows that fart.  The carbon they want to end is YOU.  Don't fall for "you're an elite" or "you're an executive" after graduation or anyplace.  After graduation 98% of people sure don't feel elite.

Doing a list of random personal finance actions is usually OK.  But don't put off an overarching strategy (and a plan B.)  If you're looking for lists of financial fidgets, read and watch the videos at the site above.  It should be good for getting seed money.

Lastly, keep in mind a lot of faux elites will hover around you and discourage you from taking correct action.  They're there to keep people from committing thought crimes or for ever being a miniscule threat.  They can out "spin"  90% of the U.S. population. 

1 comment:

  1. What businesses can stand the test of time?


