Friday, June 18, 2021

News Blurbs From 2030


“Former POTUS and Elon Musk confined to Mars outpost.”

“There’s not enough room in my pod for a party.  There’s no food but grasshoppers.”

“There is no such thing as a worthless major,” space studies prof says to PhD's.

““Wuh ih eh?”  And other phrases of elite college alums.”

“Cub Scout charged with treason for being interested in politics.”

“How is the right transphobic?  We had the first trans First Lady?”

“You read Rich Dad, Poor Dad? You’re a Bernie Madoff.”

“Teachers ask central banks for longer school years to combat terrorism.”

“Don’t talk about Ron Paul, Ayn Rand or Alex Jones,” LP official says.

“We need wealth confiscation because it will bring people closer to God.”

“We need Rush Limbaugh about now.  He made us just look silly and nonthreatening.”


Well, you’ve just seen news blurbs from the future.  Truth be told, some are actual incidents from as far back as the 1980s.

Members of my MasterMind group have hypothesized that the elites have wanted to put the nation’s finest in space or working as battering rams against the public, as Wall Street employees and social media lawyers.  This requires an education that grows more expensive and gets more dumbed down every year.

It’s the dream though!

Everyone else is a “trader” to quote local GOP spokesmouths.

Q: Is there anything a sheeple can do?

A: No.

Q: Is there anything people of value can do?

A: Yes, read The Black Book of the MasterMind 4th edition, and go from there.

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