Tuesday, April 6, 2021


17)  Certain powers may try to demonetize gold and silver.  This would seem to benefit technology oligarchs, bankers, and pols, who want to roll out MMT. This obviously hurts gold bugs.

18)  The snitches, hackers, and investigators that will likely be hired to employ people and control information and news in the new economy will claim to be moral and have family values.  President Clinton’s diversity officers did this to an extent.  Again, watch for these guys to fudge the numbers like the Clinton administration did in 1999.  The snitches may well force all web sites and tell social media posters (and even people using chat apps) to not contradict DC/Fed/WEF data.  The Feds may well insist their snitches are private contractors, so it seems they’re being fiscally responsible.  Watch for a staged Return of Christ and/or a new elite backed world religion. 

19)  Global warming mandated lockdowns?

20)  Expect deflation to offset inflation.  Immigration, the aging of the population, and technology/automation cause deflation.

21)  Taxes will go up.  The D’s are driven to spend. Look at Oregon’s tax and spend practices since 2015.  Notice the spending hasn’t helped the homeless problem or enhanced education outcomes. What percent of the March 2021 stimulus went to regular people? What percent was pork or waste?

22)  Marketers and influencers get retail investors to dump perfectly good holdings.  RINO candidates field “competitors” to divide their opponents.  The strawmen carefully craft statements targeted to the beliefs and values of the voters to confuse and divide.  I believe people with an agenda will go to greater lengths to shake retail investors out of good investments.  The marketer/influencer can use the belief system of the target retail investor to scare or otherwise manipulate them into selling.  It seems most marketers/influencers represent cult companies that aren’t all that.

23)  Watch for unprecedented leverage by financial firms and by central banks “injecting” cash into stocks.  What do you suppose this will do to the wealth gap?

24)  Beware a worsening of parents (parrrre-RENTS) not leading their youngins to private school or home school.  Carrots and sticks and overt and covert psywar are present in public school.  Cucks won’t even acknowledge, which has been the case since 1995 or so.  Teach your kids real skills.  Let them be great tall poppies.  Don’t let teacher, or any volunteer thought cop imprint anything on the minds of your kids that is counterproductive or inhibitive of growth. 

A side note: gender studies Ph.ds and other easy to earn doctorates are making life much more difficult for the engineers and those who enjoy what the engineers build.

25)  Watch for advertisers and influencers who serve mega corp to lie ridiculously to anyone who will listen, especially the labor pool.  Advertisers are free to lie.  Watch for nothing to be done as the LP and GOP will go along get along, like they do with and vaccination mandates from mega corps.  Basically, mega corps advertisers want to steer, if not manipulate, and shake people out of solid courses of action to get cash, data, minimum wage employees, and etc.

Having said that, I still hold AnCaps will rebuild America if they’re not killed Pol Pot style.

26)  Watch for the shadow banning of real skills in education and job training situations.  What if you or your kids weren’t allowed to teach or discuss framing (in the marketing or psychology sense)?  What if you or your kid couldn’t dissect propaganda or hit pieces with, “Well that’s chunking up, that’s chunking down.  They’re diverting attention.  They’re flattering you.”  Teacher and marketer might even silence people from asking if their peers notice patterns.

27) As the system collapses, people with worthless assets like a Ph.d in gender studies and others will lobby for cash benefits and other payments from the government. The same parasites will persuade private sector employees not to open stock or crypto brokerage accounts.

28) The switch to cryptocurrencies will probably accelerate. Earn negative interest in a bank savings account or earn 8% from a crypto company? You might test the cryptocurrency waters by opening a CoinBase account if you’re in the U.S. or a Binance account if you’re outside the U.S. 

Again, a MasterMind group could be a big help to navigating finance at this time, provided your MMG operates in a spirit of unity and harmony and it is closed to outside influences. If you need to learn skills or retool your skills, see Free and Low-Cost Education ($1). If you don’t have a cryptocurrency account, scroll back up to open a crypto account from me, if you would.

Be wary of people who intend to bilk person after person for their life savings. They’ll have hopelessness and the wealth gap and all sorts of excuses to lie and break the law. The people and the reasons why grifters want to be grifters are almost surprising.

This post is not financial advice.

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