Saturday, January 30, 2021

Wealth Confiscation and the Sum of All Fears

 Hiya everyone,

So some guys on Reddit beat up on a hedge fund over Gamestop (GME.)

Reddit has over the years pumped other stocks and cryptos.

So this isn't really news here.

BUT, what is news to me is 90% of the FI-RE movement have their panties in a bunch because of the Reddit traders.

The reddit traders aren't putting their $ in index funds.

Oh no!

Just because the SJW / Globalist / Feminist FI-RE peeps "only" do index funds, this means everyone has to?

I'll invest and trade as I see fit.

But anyway, the important part is after the bankers and their FI-RE shills mandate everyone into index funds...

They'll go for confiscation.

Seriously, look at the twitter feeds of Zero Hedge, Pomp, and the FI-RE girlie guys.

Like I stated above, the FI-RE people are leftists.  You can lose a lot of money using the services of businesses they promote.  You can make an ass of yourself virtue signaling, and doing all sorts of trolling to live the dream of being a financial guru who cries about microagressions, but turns a blind eye to the Downsize DC people and let's not forget the wealth confiscation crowd.

I started my main site in 2006.  There were only a few other early retirement sites before mastermind-university dot com (which in 2006 was independent wealth dot us.)

Those of you who read my eBooks for free or for a couple bucks got the idea of what was to come.

Those days are here.

If you're outside the US and are smart and can work, you could come to the US and stake your claim.

In 08, main street USA advertised how dumb it was.

Now that everyone is a FIRE blogger, the fem glare guys and their wives are advertising very mixed financial and social messages.  Dolts climb other other dolts for validation or useless prizes.

If you play games and spin your wheels and delay and defer and kiss ass and kick the can down the road...

I don't care.

But if you're here and you're seriously interested in the subject matter (mastermind groups and money) you want to read the Black Books (maybe without clown world's supervision!).

Idk maybe some of you guys have BAD support networks.
maybe clown world has you working to fulfill their grandiose promises for free.

I won't help with that.

But if you found my sites useful, you'll find the Black Books even more useful.

But if "special ops guru" "sjw influencer" or "globalist/elitist pastor" has you in a bind, I understand.

I won't acknowledge non-hackers, BUT the republican party will, dufuss marketers might, or you can chase your tail for some other GREAT salesman.

Jesus said you cannot serve two masters!  Is that simple enough?

Did Jesus tell fem glare guys to be concern troll care bears?
I think not.

YOU know what YOU have to do.  If you don't have one or more "masters" in clown world to answer to and you still can't get shit done...YOU might be the problem.

There's a million chubby bureaucrats lording over people online and most Libertarian and conservative activists and office holders can't see them or find their results.

It's as if conservative INC is useless.

Yes, I've been saying that for years.

If you're at all interested in this channel of thought, read the Black Books.

And if you see fit to take action...

Take action.

Don't worry about retarded judgement from clown world!

To YOUR success,


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