Monday, February 17, 2020

How to Count Yourself Back In by Creating a #Strategy that Works for You!

Focus your mental powers on a definite and defined outcome.

Ask and continue to ask yourself (the right) questions until you’ve found your strategy and/or have reached your goal.

You will likely have to act somewhat unconventionally to sell your products, win enough votes, or reach your goal.

Let’s look at some modern examples of out of the box strategies:

Info Wars produced a video documentary called End Game to reach and inform common people about the stated aims of the New World Order. This one must have worked to a degree. Today, conservatives are said to be making a documentary on the scandals in the Ukraine.

How often do MLMs or other businesses make sales infomercials to answer the questions and potential objections of leads and prospects?

Both Richard Branson (Virgin Airlines, et al) and DJT sometimes created spectacles that caught the attention and imagination of TV watchers. Branson drove a tank that crushed Coca-Cola cans in the street to promote Virgin Cola. The Donald aired a TV show called The Apprentice.

Michael Dell in the dawn of the Internet, built cost effective yet quality PC’s for any consumer and sold direct. Middle men were cut out. Dell had considerable profits in a relatively short time.

Another way to achieve a victory is to stand out. One politician I knew used specially designed logos on his signs to capture the eye. His volunteers stacked two stakes and raised his signs above competitors signs where there was a lot of competing signs.

A great one for sales pros (and assembly lines) is NET or No Extra Time. Tony Robbins touts NET as a time management strategy. It’s essentially working every waking second. Multitasking is good for listening to audiobooks while on the treadmill or making phone calls while you’re in the jaccuzi. Focusing all attention and all available time is preferable to multitasking.

Tai Lopez says to invert your thinking. To do this ask yourself what you’d have to do to fail? And then don’t do it.

In the 2012 presidential debates, Gov. Gary Johnson didn’t qualify for the debate due to low polling numbers. Johnson’s staff recorded a video of Johnson answering all debate questions himself and uploading the video of his answers to YouTube the same night. Johnson was in the next debate (although he dropped out of the race later IIRC).

If you have believable yet lofty or maybe impossible goals for 2020 and beyond, how can you find a creative strategy to succeed?

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