Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Is It Time to Explore Classic and Underground Books on Extreme Saving?

First, there's the classic Tightwad Gazette.

Then, there's Ragnar Benson's Eating Cheap.

And, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less.

Plus the old 200+ item list I had in the Financial Crisis of '08 is now here:  Save $1000 Per Month.

And a fresh, new, pro-humanity guide to retirement:  Poor Richard's Retirement.

And the mega-classic:  Cashing In on the American Dream.

If you want to quickly explore lower cost alternatives to college, see: Free and Low Cost Education.

In Lieu of an MBA can save you $30,000 ++ on MBA tuition. Grab a B-School synopsis. Unless you want to be a CPA.  Then you need an MBA.

Don't just read hundreds of ways to save.  Explore mindset and motivations to be a cash and cash flowing asset hoarder.

Color outside the lines if your heart so desires.

There's an older widely acclaimed minimalism book I read long ago.  I'll add that to this list when I remember it.

And remember, status is slavery!

1 comment:

  1. See if any of the ideas here help you get extra cash. https://excesscash.net/2019/09/17/ways-to-get-some-cash-in-a-few-hours-in-two-weekends/
