Tuesday, April 3, 2018

A Few Excerpts From Free and Low Cost Education

DIY Experimenting

If you are inclined to experimenting and inventing, read this chapter. Nikola Tesla’s mother was an inventor. Inventing was in Tesla’s childhood environment. It’s helpful to have the use of a lab to do your own experimenting for inventions. Tesla must have had some necessary tools at his parent’s home which he could use. After leaving college, Tesla went to work for Thomas Edison.
If you have the space, equipment, and funding to do your own experimenting, this is a plus. Otherwise, you need to start networking, sending emails, and polishing fundraising presentations for your research funding needs.
You can also, although you might irritate people, frequently ask “why?” or “why not?’ Look at a problem or opportunity and ask, “What do I need to do to fail at _____?” “Look under the hood.” You also may want to consider cause and effect relationships in day-to-day life. This can be a good way to become more “mindful” and knowledgeable about your world. You’ll look like a kid, too.
Test theories you hear about or think of, if appropriate.
Obviously, you could also learn from skilled family members, friends, and neighbors.
Take a Reading and Conference Course

If you want to take a class not listed in any college’s course catalog (something specialized), consider a reading and conference. In a reading and conference, the student and professor agree on the subject and the books, articles, and videos to read and view. Then, every week, the student summarizes the reading and draws conclusions which he/she discusses with the professor. Depending on the professor, and the tuition, this could be an idea.
Buy a Property

If you can afford the risk, go look at 100 properties, and bid on a few you think are best. Then, buy one. This will obviously teach you about the field of real estate. The fear can be paralyzing. I have heard real estate professionals suggest to just get your feet wet, if you can handle the risk. Realtor dot org and real estate classes at your local community college are options to consider.

Free and Low Cost Education Part 2 is available and will be updated soon.

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