1) Bank gas savings. Invest or pay off debt with the cash you save at the pump. Use your store rewards card and save a little more.
2) Ask your new U.S. Representative to repeal laws that discourage overtime.
3) Call your creditors and ask for better terms. If your creditors say yes, you can pay off debt faster. Shop around if the answer comes back no.
4) Open a second checking account.
5) Start using TOR and Lifelock.
6) Keep an eye on oil & gas stocks. Buy some DVN when gas stocks bottom out.
7) Use YouTube, your library, and/or Kindle Unlimited for self-education and DIY projects.
8) Use Vanguard Index funds. Calculate what you save on fund expenses over 10 or even 40 years. Find out how much all expenses you'll incur with each account and fund.
9) Another idea is to open a brokerage account at a discount brokerage. Holding 10 to 20 good stocks is cost effective as well. Again: compare fees. 10 or more well chosen stocks can be as good as a mutual fund.
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