Sunday, October 26, 2014

Why You Want to Choose the Best Money and Wealth Ideas Now

This article is about finding the best wealth ideas for yourself. Do some research and don't be afraid to question well-credentialed crooks. The first and easiest options aren't always the best. Find what's better and what's best.
Signing up for the 401(k) at your entry-level job is definitely better than nothing. But you should only pay state taxes on a Roth IRA. The capital gains tax you'll pay for a regular account is lower than the income tax you'll pay on your 401(k). Plus your 401(k)'s options will be very limited.
If you chose to learn a programming language in school in school, you can make a program for a company or for all consumers. You can work on a side-project after your usual job and quit if the business starts to put cash in your pocket.
Buying common shares or an option to common shares can be good. But buying enough to get on the board is better. I feel it is highly advisable to pursue entrepreneurship if turning around a big corporation is what you want.
You can buy any shares a salesman says is right for you at any given price. But being your own broker/analyst is probably superior. If you don't want to become your own broker/analyst at this time, just buy index funds. You especially want to buy more index funds during recessions, corrections, and panics. Keep in mind index funds carry very low fees.
You could compete in an established industry, by "doing it better" than anyone at present. Or you could seek a monopoly, and sell your product with no real competition. Remember, if there is no significant barrier to entering a market, this may be a sign that your venture won't pan be rewarding.
You can always join an existing MLM. Or, you can start your own. The failure rate for new MLM's (and new MLM reps) is very high.
You can watch movies and drink beer after work. You could also start researching the companies and the new technologies that will one day put millions out of work. There are lots of salesmen selling stocks and funds. You will have to sort out fact from opinion. Then make your best bets.
There are pros and cons to pretty much everything. Don't take "advice" at face value. Feel free to question and research. Be very wary of well-credentialed crooks and interests that oppose you.
David K Drews is the web master of Stop by, if making excellent financial decisions is what you intend. You'll find many more wealth building ideas, great videos, and many more resources for you.
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