Sunday, July 13, 2014

You Should Experiment With Visual (Video) Subliminal Messages

It doesn't matter if it's a fad or not.   Subliminal messaging works.

What you program It yourself to do does matter though.

For example, many money and wealth affirmations just make you greedy.

You'll sit there saying you want to be rich.

So as you will see, using subliminal messages for learning, memory, focus and concentration can help you. 

Don't expect results like you'd see in Limitless.  But you can help yourself learn faster, concentrate, and do better on tests.

Let me give you some sample affirmations for learning:

- My mind is clear and focused.

- Logic and math are easy.

- I effortlessly retrieve any memory from my mind.

- I am capable, organized, and efficient.

- I have a knack for accounting (or any subject).

- I need a doctorate in ___________ with a 4.0 GPA.

- I gain a lot from studying, even when I don't feel like it.

- I automatically get my work done.

You can change your messages and affirmations easily and even change them back if you want.

If you see no improvements from using the subliminal program, you have 30 days for a money back guarantee.  Also, be sure to back up your files so you can do a system restore -and keep your program after a virus.

Here are some more tips to help you with "programming" yourself

- Don't say "I want."  If you wanted to feed the homeless, you'd go do it or donate cash yourself.  "I want" does nothing unless back by consistent action and resolve.

- You can throw in an anchor (an NLP term), or an incantation, or even a chant or a cheer. 

- An idea is to remind yourself of the emotional payoff involved.  If you do x, you avoid guilt.  I do x, you will feel great.

- Keep your messages simple.

- Genius and intellect are great, but let's not overlook being observant, or listening.  Observe or listen.  Then question and find all the vital details.  Then try to solve the problem.

- Usually a writer can expect to write 3-10 pages a day.  Use affirmations for focus, concentration, memory, typing, and maybe wit or some attribute that's not real strong with you.

Again, don't expect to turn into Eddie Mora from the movie Limitless.  But do expect improvement when your desired results are under your control.  Like I said, you can enhance memory, focus, and much more.

Subliminal Power 2 offers pre-made sets of affirmations, should you not have the right words now.

You can even have pictures flash on your screen while you work or read email.

Give Subliminal Power 2 a try for up to 30 days.  If you're not satisfied, ask for your money back.

You can have your Subliminal Power software running in a few minutes.  And remember:

YOU choose what you put in your head with this software.

Be careful which affirmations you have flashing on your screen before bed.  You may not want to stay up all night.

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