Saturday, July 12, 2014

Staying Focused and NOT Giving Up Central to Financial Independence

How often we see individuals coming up with what seems to be a brilliant business plan, only to give up halfway through due to obstacles of various kinds along the way!

Unfortunately it is circumstances such as these which prevent a lot of us from achieving the kind of financial freedom and independence which we so eagerly seek. 

For inspiration, you need not look further than any of the major corporations around us, with the tech ones being especially very good examples. Take Google for instance, which was borne out of a simple idea to aggregate online information and put it together in such a way that users could easily search for and find the information in question. Today it is a multi-billion dollar, global enterprise. Had its founders given up on their idea, we would never have been searching online for information in the same manner that we do today. Likewise, if you look at many of the retail giants in the country – as indeed around the world, you will find that they had really humble beginnings and only because their founders had the kind of self belief which is so earnestly required; could they grow their ventures ultimately to the behemoths which we recognize them as, today.

These are of course instances of major corporations but the same metaphor and learning can easily be extended in the case of much smaller enterprises as well. Take for instance a niche website which you are developing that you intend to monetize through advertisements alone, while ensuring that the content remains free to audiences. Now, when it comes to traffic to websites, it often takes time to build, and then significant effort to sustain. Giving up too soon will not bear you any fruit, while staying persistent will more than likely pay rich rewards.

Therefore the learning for you from this post has to be that when it comes to success in any venture you are conjuring – discipline and focus are absolutely pivotal. Without them, you will certainly not be in a position to get anywhere as far as your ultimate objective of financial freedom and independence is concerned.

Accordingly, each time you find yourself wandering, or maybe straying away from what is your ultimate goal as far as the venture at hand is concerned – maybe you are just not making the kind of headway that you hoped you would, remind yourself that success for all the successful folks out there never came overnight; they had to work hard and stay focused for it.

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