Monday, June 27, 2011

Be Bold if You Care About Your Future - No one else does

Forget the rules some of the Wall Street gurus have for you: bearish funds, options, and specialized funds do not make you un-American, nor will they land you in eternal hell. Going long in a fund that charges 2% a year in fees does not make you popular or smart. Be flexible. You are in a world of unlimited possibilities.

You are responsible. You do not really want someone responsible for you. No one cares more about your future than you.

In my MBA program, there was a guy in an entrepreneurship class who proposed the government provide us peons with more entitlements. Where was that guy the last ten years? The US is facing the downgrade of its credit rating. A third round of QE may be necessary. The world isn’t fantasy land. You shouldn’t buy things you can’t afford.

Tea Party supporters reading this are thinking of the coming election, where the bums are thrown out. Well I have news for you. I have learned the hard way that most politicians and their staffers are on their own side. Many progressives are not afraid of economic collapse. They seem to think they will come out strong after a real meltdown or collapse.

Too many people, even in the GOP, attack easy targets, like Howard Stern and other entertainers. They do not go far enough in resisting Obama, Napolitano, and our “dumb them down” educators. Too many republicans are way too dependent on government, and many are too mentally lazy to go to LI, read, or even contemplate strategy, read financial books, or do something besides farm and look at porn. There is still too much of a "you can't fight city hall attitude." Lib teachers and pastors agree.

Christians should not hang their heads. If the lib at church makes you feel that you should hang your head all the time, tune into something different. Stand up for yourself.

You need to be your own bailout. You must do things that “they” do not approve of. You need to ask yourself the tough questions. You need to approve of yourself and make an honest attempt at achieving your heart’s desires.

Pretend nothing is off limits. Explore your options. Do math. Attempt a business venture that sells what the marketplace demands. Listen to your customers and attempt to outperform your competition. Cut yourself off from the perhaps well intentioned people who say, “You can’t do that!” Read a lot. Look at things that your superiors say are not suitable for your class, demographic, or personality type.

Be bold!

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