First, resolve never to quit. Never, ever quit. Sleeping on a big decision is OK. Going to the beach for inspiration is an idea. But never quit your quest. Don't talk to people who tell you to give up on your goal. This is important. You cannot afford to have negative people drain you. Don't slack off on your goals. Slacking off is pretty much like quitting.
Second, go to places where there are millionaires and billionaires in the making. Here and there, you will have problems with dunces wasting your time. When this happens, cut your losses and move on. If you have to quit a lot of jobs, you have to quit a lot of jobs. Few jobs will really lead you to millions or billions of dollars. Focus on your side businesses or your side projects. Move if you need to.
Get around people who are going places and people who have similar goals.
Third, learn what you need to learn to do business, invest, create your product, and anything else you need to learn. Stay up 'til 2AM if you have to. If you need to learn HTML, then learn it. If you need to practice IRR calculations or something you learned in a class, do it.
Fourth, practice frugality. This one is unpopular. But I'll tell you what. If you can't get seed money together for a business, even a web based business, you are doomed to fail. If you want a billion dollars and are starting from scratch, you are really swinging for the fences. Swing for the fences with individual stocks. Get a good broker if you need help. Ultimately, you will have to learn to manage your finances. Anyway, you can't buy any growth stocks with no money.
Don't listen to people that tell you to part with all your capital. The guy saying, "Oh, we'll make 100K a month when we do this deal..." is probably full of it. Remember to associate with people who are going places and can do basic math.
Fifth, learn to think creatively. Whether you call it thinking outside the box, or lateral thinking, just do it. Be observant and use the assets you already have. Whatever you do, question. What behind what the guru says? Who pays him? Research and read the fine print. Look at news sources that aren't for sheeple.
That's enough for now. Stick with practicing these ideas for a few days and see if you can handle it. Be a one man, kick butt think tank. Then join forces with others much like you, in a closed master mind group. Your master mind needs to be completely closed to negativity and outside influences.
David K Drews runs You can meet other people that are serious about becoming financially independent at RU. Check out the chat room and the forum. Be sure to take a look at the best financial books for you to read on this journey. One of the books available is The Black Book of the Master Mind, by David K Drews. David is an MBA candidate and has been an investor for 21 years.
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