If you are like me you have probably read all of the books, and invested a lot of time and money in figuring out how to get rich. Getting rich basically boils down to 3 things.
1. The Right Mindset: Your reality starts in your mind. Your thoughts are powerful. Your thoughts eventually turn into your words, which make up your belief system, which dictates the actions that you take, and your actions create the results in your life.
When we see specific results, those results trigger more thoughts, and the cycle continue.
Our thoughts are affected by programming. We are programmed by the different people and things in our life.
I call the person or thing that influences us the most our dominant influence. Your dominant influence could be a relative, a friend, a mentor, an enemy, a religious organization, a religion, a government, the media (i.e. television, radio, internet, newspapers, etc...), music, any thing or person that you listen to mostly, any thing or person that you see mostly, etc...
If your dominant influence is not supporting the thought process and belief system that is giving you the results that you want in your life, then you need to be reprogrammed.
2. A Positive Personal Cash Flow: Regardless of how much money you make, if you spend more than you make you will be broke.
Having a positive personal cash flow is a matter of habit. Some people have a habit of spending money on stuff. They buy all of the latest technology, nice clothes, nice cars, and nice houses.
They will never get rich because they are more interested in looking rich.
Every time you by a product that is supposed to teach you how to or help you get rich, you are cutting into your personal cash flow.
Rich people by assets and assets put money in your pocket. Poor and middle class people buy stuff, which keeps them poor and middle class, while possibly making them look rich.
Having a positive personal cash flow will give you more money to save and invest. You will have money to invest in assets.
3. Good systems: In order to get rich you will probably need a combination of businesses, real estate, and paper assets.
Since we all have only 24 hours in a day you need to have good systems in place in order to run your assets without your total involvement.
Good systems will free up your time so you will be more productive and be able to focus on developing your mind and knowledge, increasing your cash flow, and buying more assets.
Jeremiah Carstarphen, The Cartoon Coach
You can get rich if you have 3 things: The right mindset, Good money management skills, and good systems. Get better, be better, do better. Pick up my FREE e-course at:
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeremiah_Carstarphen
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