Monday, November 30, 2015

Discover this Guy If You Haven't Already

I found Tai Lopez last Spring.  I heard Tai say stuff like:

How can I deserve it?
Toughen up. 
Be reliable.

Then I made some changes.

Here's Evan Carmichael's Top 10 Success Tips from Tai Lopez.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Mindset Can Overcome the System

What a quote! Most people aren't well positioned CEO's running huge companies.

It's often a good idea to think unconventionally.  Pivoting, using natural strengths, and studying opponents are good ways to succeed.  (But you have to know who your enemies are.)

If someone you know says using the above ideas do no good, tell him the scandal is perfectly legal.

Free Subliminal Messaging Software

Someone came along and blew an affiliate program away. The software seems fine. My antivirus scanned it. So now there's no excuse not to be productive while at your PC or laptop.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

How Are Your Resolutions Coming? Here Are Some Ideas To Consider For Making This YOUR Year

Tell yourself:

"I am humble enough to learn."

"I enjoy the daily grind."

"My daily work outs are my power ritual."

"I quickly comprehend new material."

"I remain positive about challenges."

"I do difficult work very well."  (Work that your coworkers don't want to do.)

"I make rock solid bets."

"I take action on my long term goals every day."

"I live my dreams, not my fears."

"I seek out the cold hard truth."

What would happen if you plugged some of these statements into your Subliminal Power 2?

You could use questions or afformations as well.

"What is the best use of time right now?"

"How can I deserve ______?"

"How can I enjoy ________ more?"

"What is important about _______?"

"What idea can I borrow from a billionaire?"

"How could I tap dance through the day?"

"How can I improve my plan (or idea)?"

"How can I pull away from the 97%?"

Reinforce new ideas your hear, read, or observe by having Subliminal Power 2 flash your messages across your screen.

Use SP2 and OWN the rest of the year starting now.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Financial Independence Assignments

1) Contact your favorite writer, speaker, guru, professor, etc. and ask him or her a good question.

2) Create a very simple program using C++.

3) Look at 100 properties. One or two a day (or more) for 50 or so days.

4) Play a game of cashflow 101 if you've never played.

5) Become familiar with a stock screener tool, like the one Yahoo offers.  Run it several times.

6) Resolve not to complain or say anything negative within reason for one week.

7) Get a dictionary or financial terms and read it a little every day.  You could also get a medical, legal, or other dictionary and read it a little every day.

8) Look for potential products that could make another product obsolete.

9) Brainstorm what kind of automated machine could Coinstar make next?

10) Practice afformations.  Afformations are affirmations posed as questions.  How can I become more resourceful?  Don't let yourself off the hook.  Find answers.