Monday, April 29, 2013

Learn Everything About Your Field

Anthony Robbins read everything about human development,  personal development, and NLP.

Stephen Reynolds of the One Master Mind read everything about marketing.

Read everything in your field.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

One Idea that Indirectly Leads to Wealth...

... is to focus on doing what you love or are really good at.  Chasing money doesn't always work.

Learn or practice a skill that helps you. Learn something new. Or take a short vacation.

Make sure you are growing.  Go even a little outside your comfort zone.  Spend thirty minutes at my site and be sure to check out the videos.

Cash Solves Lots of Problems

Having cash boosts your self confidence.

Working to get cash boosts self esteem.

Having plans and back up plans brings confidence,  security,  and enhances your leadership ability.

The world throws tons of BS your way.
BS clouds your judgment and fools you.

Detach from the media's nonsense. Detach from the canned crap you hear at work.

Forget senseless advertising.

Spend 30 minutes at:
Boost self confidence,  bs advertising,  back up plans

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Threats to Your Business and Investments

You job and business and investments can be helped or hurt by:
- globalization.
- technology (robotics, nanotechnology, computers, software, cell phones, and on and on...)
- demographic and cultural trends

Your environment is quickly changing. Determine what changes will affect you and take appropriate actions.

Detach from your situation and get a clear objective view.

What has helped you to this point? Write down everything that has helped you.
Can you get more of what helps you?  Do you need other types of help?

Can you incentivize the changes you need?  Can you rally or consult your chief stakeholders and see what actions will lead to profits?

Eventually, a recession and a currency crisis will arrive.  Are you ready?  Plan now.

Are your phony allies and bad advisers telling you everything will be rosy?  You can't fail?
Ditch them and do your own research.

If you are going to prosper in the future, its up to you.  Not your boss or fraudulent advisers.

Research your business, career, and maybe investing problems and threats.  Don't be afraid of heresy.
Do your own research.  Remember, sometimes the scandal is what's legal. Ask questions.

Spend some time at every page of this site:

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Lies From Authorities are Still Lies

Don't listen to "Authorities" or critics who talk in one word sentences or who use lame sales talk or play the delay game.  One word sentences and the delay game are dead give aways of socialists and other cons.

Even if you drink the kool aid at school, work, or church, your "super
iors" are not interested in seeing you retire early, learn real skills, or even make a living wage.

That's my rant for the day

Thursday, April 4, 2013

An Idea I Have Touted Many Times - Try It!

Fill up a page of paper with your greatest accomplishments.

You best achievements: graduation, an A+, a sales record, an award, being the one guy who got hired out of hundreds, your first stock doubler, meeting a celeb, anything you achieved.

Write it or type it all and print it out.

Now, when you need confidence ( or self esteem ) just read this paper.

I bet you'll have the idea that you at least need a new great accomplishment after you read your paper.

Don't let fraudulent hypocrite enemies see your sheet.

How did you feel before and after you reached your accomplishments?

Reviewing your greatest accomplishments paper must be at least as beneficial as a pericetum pill.

This is one of my all time fav hacks.

Global and Exponential

"Things are not local and linear anymore.  But life was linear and local for generations. 
Today, we live in a world that is global and exponential."

-- Peter Diamandis (paraphrased)

Check out the new page of quotes at

One Way to Become a Billionaire

Clean tech, recycling, waste disposal, and environmentally friendly products could lead to billion dollar fortunes, jobs, and tax revenue.

Nanotechnology will doubtlessly play a role in the above industries.

If you can curb pollution, you could become a billionaire.

Look at what other entrepreneurs have done.  Maybe you can greatly improve on an existing service.

Automate Your Online Business

Plan to automate your online business after you have done all your market and keyword research. 
Before your try to automate as much as possible, learn about your target audience and your initial customers.

Here are three more things to keep in mind:

- You can outsource lots of tasks at fiverr dot com

- You need to start an opt in list from the beginning

- I don't know how you outsource JV's.  But do JV's to sell your product and build your list.

Get Rich in the Next Recession

Recessions are where you get rich.

You buy a business, or stocks, and real estate while while investors, business owners, and workers are fearful.

In the midst of a recession, you can lock in great dividend yields from CEF's and stocks.

If you are sure you are right and can afford the risk, you can use leverage.

Are you prepared for the next recession?

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Challenge: Wealth From Scratch

1st: save money and pay off debts.

2nd: buy real estate, businesses, silver, gold, value stocks, or other paper investments from distressed sellers.  Use your brain.  What is your horizon for your investment? Due your due diligence.  Make sure business and real estate have positive cash flow from the start.  Know what you are doing, strain your brain. Avoid phony friends and advisors that are really salesmen.

3rd:  spread your money around.  You'll look silly if the government confiscates gold or retirement accounts.  Don't put 100% in either. Consider putting a little cash in a life insurance policy and/or an annuity, after you have maxed your Roth IRA.

4th:  Check your credit score.  Pay bills on time.  See if you can raise your credit rating.  This makes financing business and real estate much easier.

5th:  Get the right kind of peer pressure in your life.  You need a Master Mind group.  You don't need seasoned sheeple TV watchers.

If you or someone in your Master Mind is considering starting or buying a business, do research.  Talk to customers who buy X.  Make sure there is sufficient demand for your product.  I'd probably stick with the strongest demand in a field you are comfortable in. will give you more ideas.

How to Think Big

This is an article I wrote in 2009.  It's time for a review.  Leave a comment if you want to add anything.

Most people think too small. They chase small rewards, and that's what they get, small rewards. Donald Trump has been quoted as saying that it's a good thing most people think small, because that leaves the big stuff for him. "If you're going to think at all, you might as well think big", says the Donald.

How do you think big? Rather than say, "I plan to release a one hour audio", you could say, "I plan to release a series of excellent audio programs which will be a must have in my industry."

A good idea is to think in broader terms. You can take a job where you do one little thing all day, or you can prepare a business that will serve many, either through automation or more employees, or both. If you can add more value to your product or service than anyone else, and effectively serve more people than anyone else, wealth and success will follow.

Solving bigger problems leads to massive success. I used to work with a guy who worried way too much about tiny problems and issues at work. When he wasn't doing that, he was proposing to the company things that would not make money or add to the bottom line at all. When you think about solving a problem, think in terms of the World, or your country, or your industry, or a whole demographic, etc. Solve a big problem and sell your service to people who have that problem. Then get to work making a business plan and finding investors. Make sure your services are seen as superior and worth the price paid by your customers. If the world thinks your products or services solve their problems, you have succeeded on a big scale.

Associate with people who think big. Work for a company that is trying to make it big, by solving big problems. Start or join a mastermind made up of people who have serious ambition. Enjoy some coffee with those studious and ambitious business majors at school.

Piggy back on the back of an entrepreneur by working as an assistant, or at least follow his/her books, articles, corporate web site, and blog. This will give you some insight as to where that entrepreneur is going and where your industry is headed. You could invest in the company (or fund) that your role model entrepreneur is running. You are more likely to follow it if you own some of it.

When you make decisions regarding your success in business and life, ask yourself questions like: how will this increase the bottom line of my business? Am I taking a big enough project? Is the time requirement worth the reward? Will this help me take on bigger projects in the future? Can I take this company public? Can I expand this business internationally? Am I managing enough risk? You get the idea, think big.

In conclusion, make sure you are working hard enough on the things that matter the most, and be sure to always follow through when it comes to your customers.
David K Drews runs - a site that will get you started thinking big, and preparing for a dream retirement. The best books and audio programs for people who think big are featured in the bookstore.
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