Thursday, November 22, 2012

Write Out Your Goals

You have probably heard this several times in your life:

Write up all your goals ( and wishes and hopes ).

Review your page of goals.  This reminds you why you work, not just for your employer, but why you save, research, improve yourself, raise good kids, and act responsibly.

Don't let the weeds take the garden, as Jim Rohn used to say.

Visit .  Watch the videos there.  They will get you motivated.  The rest of the site will help you formulate a plan for reaching your financial goals.         

Should I Pay Off Debt or Invest?

Unless you are facing eviction, apply extra money to debt reduction and investing.

Big deposits to the brokerage or big crdit card payments are minor accomplishments.  But I believe I and probably you need a financiacushion in this uncertain economy.

Increasing your income is a good idea too.

Stop by and check out the money saving ideas page and the fast cash ideas page.  This will increase your cushion fairly rapidly.  Take a look at the other pages at the U too.

Should I Invest or Pay Off Debt?

Unless you are facing eviction, apply extra money to debt reduction and investing.

Big deposits to the brokerage or big crdit card payments are minor accomplishments.  But I believe I and probably you need a financial cushion in this uncertain economy.

Increasing your income is a good idea too.

Stop by and check out the money saving ideas page and the fast cash ideas page.  This will increase your cushion fairly rapidly.  Take a look at the other pages at the U too.

Make a Wealth Plan

People make all sorts of plans, retirement plans, honeymoon plans, business plans, marketing plans....

How about a wealth plan?

To make a wealth plan, write out all the things you should, would, could do.  Then prioritize them and continue planning.

After the wealth plan is finalized, get to work.  Check off each item after it is completed.

With a wealth plan, you won't forget your ideas.  It will be a little tougher for some slop to get you off track.

You can have your Master Mind group help you with your plan.

Use to help you formulate a plan.

MasterMind Quotes - Alchemy - MBA

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Budgeting and Painless Money Saving Ideas

I have added about 20 easy, painless money saving ideas to my site.

You can save way more than you know, without feeling deprived.

It is a good idea to have a cushion against this economy.

I have added some ideas for generating extra money, too, on another page.

No excuses, fund your emergency fund right away.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Be Wary

Be wary of phony friends, RINO and LINO student "leaders" who try to angle for your money.
If these guys were really business experts, they would have a business.

Sure, on campus, the enemies of the socialists are constantly told they have no social skills, or they are all ignorant.  But, starting a business while you are a student is a good idea. Expect trouble.

Scrape the barnacles off your boat.  I have been a student leader.  Most of what I recall from the RINO and LINO business experts/ student leaders is bullshit, marxism, cronyism, fraud, and constant bait and switch tactics.

Ignore the well credentialed losers.  Again, scrape the barnacles off your boat.

If you don't start a business or at least appreciate entrepreneurs, all you will be after graduation is a thought cop  in a service sector job.  There are way too many thought cops at local businesses in the U.S..

If our education system was that great, we would have more entrepreneurs, less corruption, less crime, better literacy rates, and grads would have real skills.

You can get money for a business and you can save way more money than you think.  You can be guided by good principles.  And, you can make an actionable plan.

If Obama is Reelected...

...and you plan to start a business, start a business that sells something to the government.  Or start a business that sells services.

Capital Gains Tax, Hedge Funds, and Opting out of Social Security

Even if you don't have a reservoir of capital or even a good job, a cut in the capital gains tax would help you.

If the capital gains tax were cut, companies would expand (spend money) and hire.  Think back to your old economics lecture on the Multiplier.

Sweden has a low capital gains tax rate.  I thought we were supposed to admire the Europeans?

Ignore the phony conservatives and phony libertarians who frown on activism.  You have the right to lobby the government for whatever you want.  Don't worry about what "they" say.

Sure, it will take more than cutting the capital gains tax, allowing all citizens to invest in hedge funds, and allowing us to opt out of social security to escape the rat race.  But it is a good start.  Many gurus are way too chicken to debate on this.

People who think win/win are asking for a cut in the capital gains tax.

Again, don't worry about the "they".  The "they" have either been in charge of Oregon for the last 30 years or have done little to resist the "they".  Don't wait on RINO's or LINO's.  Stand up for yourself.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

History Repeats?

Back in medieval times the average joe was a guy who was owned by the piece of land he lived on, ate no meat and had no weapons.
What an amazing coincidence that our enlightened betters want the same thing for us now.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Institutions of Porn and Scorn...

... are obsessed with making sure you abandon your heroes.

Continue to ignore your college professors.  Be wary of the communists they uphold.

Find some good role models, like The Donald, Ronald Reagan, or whoever and let the professors and their legions of office people say and overanalyze whatever they want.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Use Other People's Money to Make Money

Everyone has heard that it takes money to make money. If you have $10,000 you can turn it into much more with time and know-how by investing in stocks, real estate and other business ventures. The problem is that it's finite. You only have $10,000. If you had double or triple that amount, you could double or triple your profits.
There's a way you can multiply your profits even if you have a limited amount to invest. Business owners call it OPM or Other People's Money. If you have a plan to turn some money into much more money, you can borrow money to invest as long as the profits will be enough to cover the interest and then some. There's never been a better time to do exactly that than right now because interest rates are unbelievably low. What's more, these great rates are available to regular people. Home mortgage loans and equity lines of credit are available at less than 5%. Other types of loans can be obtained at rock bottom prices too.
In order to make money rather than lose it, you need to fully research your making money plan. The thing that you're bringing to the money-owner is expertise. Whether you plan to buy an investment property, start a business or invest in some other scheme, you need to do your homework. Figure out how much you expect to make, when you will receive the profits, what risk is involved and more. Do all the research and work that you would do if you were investing your own hard-earned dollars because you are. If it takes longer than you expect to see results, the interest costs will increase. If your venture fails, you'll have to pay back the loan out of your own pocket. That could be very painful.
Be especially careful with variable rate loans. They're ideal for shorter-term investments when rates are low. As the timeframe rises, so does the interest expense. The unknown factor of what the interest rate will be next year or the year after that increases your risk significantly for a long-term venture.
Once you get proficient at using other people's money to earn profits, your earning potential is almost unlimited! Take the money you earn on your first venture and invest it in more ventures. Each time you successfully invest you'll have more capital to use on your next venture.
Investing in real estate is a tried and true way to earn money in the long run. Mortgage loans are readily available to people with good credit histories, and you won't have to prove that you have successfully invested before. If you buy something like residential real estate, lenders already know that it's a good investment. Just stick with properties that are likely to appeal to large numbers of buyers, like these San Diego homes.

Article Source:

Increase Your Savings by Steven Hart

Everybody needs to be saving at least 10% or more of their income. Unfortunately many of us fail to save even a fraction of that amount. This can lead to serious problems because without regular savings you will have no way to set money aside for retirement. Here are some ways that you can increase the amount you save.
Automate You Savings
Most of us receive our salaries, government benefits and other income payments through some sort of electronic direct deposit that goes straight to our checking accounts. The problem with this arrangement is that it puts the money in a place where you can spend it quickly.
You can use direct deposit to divert of your income as soon as you earn it. That keeps you from spending those funds and ensures that they are saved. You can set a direct deposit up so that a percentage of it goes straight to your savings or retirement account. A good mix would be 5% to your savings or money market and 5% to your investment account or deferred annuity.
You should work out a budget before you take this step and make sure you will not be short on bills or extra funds in your account. A good rule of thumb is to have $1,000 more than you normally spend in your checking for emergencies or unexpected spending.
Keep Some Savings in Your Checking Account
Many people make the mistake of not keeping enough funds in their checking accounts. This forces them to dip into their savings or even their investment funds to cover normal expenses. Try keeping $1,000 or $2,000 in your checking so you will have extra cash available.
One arrangement to try and avoid is allowing your bank to automatically transfer funds from your savings to your checking if it gets low. The danger from that is that all of your savings could be depleted if your checking account becomes overdrawn or gets plundered by identity thieves. Keep the accounts separate if you really need to transfer money you can authorize one.
Put all Windfalls Straight into Your Savings
Next time you receive an unexpected windfall from something like a tax refund, gambling winnings, investment income, a bonus or the sale of some item put it into the savings. You can get your federal and state tax refunds automatically deposited into your savings. Any investment income can also be put into savings. If you're trying to sell stuff through Ebay you can set Paypal to put your earnings into your savings as well.
Never get into the habit of spending windfalls or relying on something irregular like tax refunds or investment profits. Instead make sure that money gets saved.
Get an Additional Source of Income that Goes into Your Savings
There are opportunities for additional income all around us that you can use to augment your savings. Some of these include second jobs, part-time work, consulting work, freelance work, rental properties and sales of items through outlets like Ebay.
If you have a large number of antiques or collectibles see about selling some of them. You probably will not make a lot of money but you can earn some extra income. If you spend a lot of time on a hobby - see if there is a way you can turn it into a part time business. Something to remember is that any money you spend on a part-time business can be written off on your taxes.
Finally, there are many opportunities for freelance and consulting work out there. Websites like elance, and contain opportunities for paying freelance work. You may not get rich but you can earn a few hundred extra dollars a month. Those services can even deposit whatever you earn straight into your savings account.
Steven Hart is a freelance writer and a Financial Advisor from Cary, IL. He writes about Annuity topics like Annuity Calculator, Annuity Interest Rates, and Annuities Good or Bad. Everybody needs to be saving at least 10% or more of their income. Unfortunately many of us fail to save even a fraction of that amount. This can lead to serious problems because without regular savings you will have no way to set money aside for retirement. Here are some ways that you can increase the amount you save.

Excellent Article on Wealth Creation by Glenda Nicholls

I wondered this from about age 8 onwards. I felt poor and didn't want that for my future.
I decided that I'd go to uni and get a professional career and earn loads of money and that would do it. Nuh - uh.
That got me an average salary (can't believe I didn't check that before studying like crazy for 4 years at uni) and a mortgage.
It was only after I'd paid off the mortgage and wondered what to do next with my extra cash that I got enlightened, after going on a number of wealth creation courses. Do YOU wonder how to become wealthy?
Here is what I've found - as usual with me - there are 2 things:
1. It is by owning assets that grow in value over time.
2. These assets need to be in demand and saleable at the point that you decide to convert them into cash.
A person is not wealthy just because they have a grand house and a flash car or 2 or 3. A person is not wealthy just because they are on a huge income. A person IS wealthy because they own assets of significant value that can be sold for cash at any time. That's it.
Consider the big names - Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Gina Reinhart, Rupert Murdoch, the Packer family. They all own (and have often created) vast empires of businesses and property.
How are YOU going to become wealthy? How are YOU going to acquire assets that will grow and be convertible into cash?
1. You start by keeping some of the cash you earn.
2. Then you use that cash, and often other people's cash (borrowed money) to buy or create assets that grow faster than your cash will.
What kind of assets do you buy? Growth property, Growth Shares, Businesses/Company's with growth potential.
What kind of assets do you create? You can build or renovate property. You can create, or renovate a business. You can invent something that is of value to the world.
How do you know how to do this? You have to seek education and mentoring from people who have done it. Very few people can set out and do this well, without making costly mistakes, without this investment.
So in summary, all you have to do, to become wealthy is to
1. Want a certain level of wealth
2. Determine the best types of assets to invest in or create - depending on your identity and operating style.
3. Get help from an experienced source. I have a load of resources for you to do these 3 things. Check out the sidebar of my blog, or the products on my website.
How to become wealthy is no longer a mystery for you. Now you have to decide whether to take that first step.
My system (the money success system) involves designing your life as step 1. In order to want a certain level of wealth, you need to have a good think about what you really want for your life. Once you know that any level of wealth is achievable, you have the freedom to design your life first. This then gives you your money target, and you're ready to move to step 2 and beyond, to make the money happen.
My personal story is that after I realized how to do it, I went and bought growth property, growth shares, and created businesses. I reached my 25 year target in 10 years. It wasn't difficult or complicated. I just followed the instructions I learned. And now I'm teaching them to people who know what they want out of life.
To your Money Success,
Glenda Nicholls is a Wealth Strategist, who connects people to their best strategies for wealth building, depending on their personal styles and situation. Her online educational and coaching programs make this knowledge accessible to all.
Glenda set a target for her net worth when she was in her 20's, and didn't have a clue how she was going to reach that multimillionaire goal. She reached in 20 years later - 15 years earlier than expected! She now helps others do the same.
Check out and subscribe to her blog:
Review her company website for resources and products:

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Design. Don't Just React - Design

Its not always right to wait for forces out of your control to rescue you.

The traffic lights will not all turn green at the time you want to go.

Get with your MasterMind and plan. Design the next deal, marketing campaign, or any project you want to launch and launch it.

Don't slack. Don't get lazy or get in a rut.  Be like a coach, a boss or a good friend.

Emphasize your designs and plans, rather than just reacting to what happens.

Don't just state goals and hope the Universe comes to your aid.  Make a plan you can put into action.  What are the first steps? The baby steps? Plan as thoroughly as necessary.  Have back up plans.  Who do you need to meet? Find out how to be prepared.  What will the people involved say to you or ask you?

There is no telling what knowledge your goal will require you to get.

Be persistent.  Hopefully your goal gets you out of bed.

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Best Wealth Building Quotes

I added about 15 motivational and wealth building quotes to my site.

Please do me a favor and send or post the link to others who would love the quotes too.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Note: Planning is Good. Goals are Good

You won't achieve much without good planning and goal setting.

People who won't set realistic goals and create good plans are basically lazy.

These guys will be controlled by their circumstances.

Don't react to life. Design your life.

Where Will the Crowd Go? Where Will the Niche Go?

When you read a new cutting edge book like the Start Up of You or the Fastlane to Millions, ask yourself:

What will I do next?  What will the others do next?  What will my competitors do next?

Good ideas will spread and become the standard fodder. Than what?

Having good answers to these questions in your specific situations may help you:
- write a life changer
- get in early on a hot stock
- assist in life planning decisons

Talk to Me if You Want to Become a Billionaire

Get around people who want to become billionaires at this group:

You need to get around people who are comfortable with success, managing risk, and being accountable to their goals.  Your income will be close to the incomes of your 5 closest friends.

Internet Marketers Should Attempt to Outsource Work

Gurus say this all the time.  But it's true.  Try to get some work you can outsource.

This frees your time and energy up to focus on more profitable activities or doing things with your family.

But you must understand the work you are outsourcing.

Elance is one place to find writers, graphic artists, and other specialists.  Take a look around Elance dot com.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Corporations Run Public Schools

"The financial education taught in schools is funded and taught by the big banks and corporations. It’s like having the cat train the mice." -- Robert T Kiyosaki

I agree completely.

Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, and Paul supporters should take note.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Early Retirement Extreme

If you read Early Retirement Extreme (and you should), I will tell you your results and reach can be multiplied with a MasterMind group. 

The Delay Game

If you love yourself, don't play the delay game on yourself.

If you are like me, you don't like for others to delay your reaching your objective.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pascal Quote

"Nothing is so insufferable to man as to be completely at rest, without passions, without business, without diversion, without study. He then feels his nothingness, his forlornness, his insufficiency, his dependence, his weakness, his emptiness. There will immediately rise from the depth of his heart weariness, gloom, sadness, fretfulness, vexation, despair.”

-Blaise Pascal

Friday, January 6, 2012

Affirmation for Taking Action

Conditions are perfect for                                          .

As Tim Ferris said conditions will never be perfect and the universe won't line up the pins.  People have read the 4 Hour Work Week and still screw this up.

So use this affirmation and launch your plan.  Take your shot. 

To an awesome 2012.

Monday, January 2, 2012

When You're Hot You're Hot, When You're Not You're Not

Don't attempt to force success.  You know when you are hot.  You know when you are not.

Dolts frequently try to get us to attempt things prematurely or when we are cold.

When you are on a hot streak, keep it going.  If you're on a roll, stay on it.

Use your momentum.  Its tough to use your momentum when you are cold.

I have seen a lot of marketers and salesmen grasp at straws when they are cold or when the deck is stacked or the game is rigged.

Look at what loser politicians do when they are down - they'll attack and smear or worse.

Keep away from toxic people, phony friends and losers when you are hot (or cold, lol).
Also, keep an open mind and clear perspective when you are on a roll.
Once you become complacent or overconfident you will self destruct.

If you are really cold and not on a hot streak:
- get a good workout
- get in touch with your values, strengths, vision, plan, and purpose.
- attempt things, at first, that suit your strengths and skill set.

I hope this helps you achieve your 2012 Resolutions.

Think BIG and Improve People's Lives

People say to think big all the time.  But how many of these people who say think big are thinking big?
In what way should we think big?

Ask yourself these questions:

- How I provide my service or product to as many businesses as possible across the world?
- What could I sell to people across the world over and over?
- Could I improve an existing product and by doing so transform any field or niche?
- How can I add more value than my competitors?

As MJ Demarco said, "to make millions - impact millions."

Also, ask yourself these questions:

- Is the delivery fast enough?
- Are the instructions easy to understand?
- Does my product improve people's lives?
- If so, do you have testimonials?
- How good is our customer support?
- Are we listening to our customer's praise, suggestions, complaints, etc.?
- Do we have add on products? Are our add on products excellent?
- Is your product better and cheaper?

The point here is to listen to the people in your niche and over deliver.  Impact people in an awesome way by improving their lives.

You need your customers to sell and advertise for you.