Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Be Wary

Be wary of phony friends, RINO and LINO student "leaders" who try to angle for your money.
If these guys were really business experts, they would have a business.

Sure, on campus, the enemies of the socialists are constantly told they have no social skills, or they are all ignorant.  But, starting a business while you are a student is a good idea. Expect trouble.

Scrape the barnacles off your boat.  I have been a student leader.  Most of what I recall from the RINO and LINO business experts/ student leaders is bullshit, marxism, cronyism, fraud, and constant bait and switch tactics.

Ignore the well credentialed losers.  Again, scrape the barnacles off your boat.

If you don't start a business or at least appreciate entrepreneurs, all you will be after graduation is a thought cop  in a service sector job.  There are way too many thought cops at local businesses in the U.S..

If our education system was that great, we would have more entrepreneurs, less corruption, less crime, better literacy rates, and grads would have real skills.

You can get money for a business and you can save way more money than you think.  You can be guided by good principles.  And, you can make an actionable plan.


If Obama is Reelected...

...and you plan to start a business, start a business that sells something to the government.  Or start a business that sells services.

Capital Gains Tax, Hedge Funds, and Opting out of Social Security

Even if you don't have a reservoir of capital or even a good job, a cut in the capital gains tax would help you.

If the capital gains tax were cut, companies would expand (spend money) and hire.  Think back to your old economics lecture on the Multiplier.

Sweden has a low capital gains tax rate.  I thought we were supposed to admire the Europeans?

Ignore the phony conservatives and phony libertarians who frown on activism.  You have the right to lobby the government for whatever you want.  Don't worry about what "they" say.

Sure, it will take more than cutting the capital gains tax, allowing all citizens to invest in hedge funds, and allowing us to opt out of social security to escape the rat race.  But it is a good start.  Many gurus are way too chicken to debate on this.

People who think win/win are asking for a cut in the capital gains tax.

Again, don't worry about the "they".  The "they" have either been in charge of Oregon for the last 30 years or have done little to resist the "they".  Don't wait on RINO's or LINO's.  Stand up for yourself.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

History Repeats?

Back in medieval times the average joe was a guy who was owned by the piece of land he lived on, ate no meat and had no weapons.
What an amazing coincidence that our enlightened betters want the same thing for us now.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Institutions of Porn and Scorn...

... are obsessed with making sure you abandon your heroes.

Continue to ignore your college professors.  Be wary of the communists they uphold.

Find some good role models, like The Donald, Ronald Reagan, or whoever and let the professors and their legions of office people say and overanalyze whatever they want.