Isn't it amazing how difficult it can be for any of us to change a bad habit or behavior? It can be a habit that is very simple such as losing your temper behind the wheel of a car or a more challenging one such as trying to break a serious addiction to say, smoking or over eating. Which ever it may be, it's important for you to know that you're not alone.
One reason why change can be so difficult is because we have engaged in the habit or behavior for so long, it has become second nature. It's almost like we're on "automatic pilot." As a result, we just engage in the behavior without thinking that we have a choice to do something different in the moment. We forget that we're blessed with a free will to choose.
Based on the research that's been conducted over the last twenty years on the brain, we now know much more about how the brain works. The benefit to this information is that we can begin to understand why we often do the things we do in regard to behavior and actions in our lives.
Various studies have shown that our conscious mind is only responsible for 2 - 4% of our thought patterns and behavior. This is why when we use will power and persistence to over come a bad habit or change a behavior, we usually have sub-par results. Short term the action or result may change but if we want to realize lasting change in our life, we must start at the beginning of the cycle, which is thought and behavior.
Recent brain research has shown that the subconscious or implicit memory system is responsible for up to 96% of our thought patterns and behavior. Based on the mechanics of the mind, if we really want to illicit change in our life, this is where we need to focus. As these studies are fairly new, just learning how to change our approach to habit and behavior is a re-learning experience in itself.
We begin to develop brain connections at a very early age, say five years old or so. When we develop brain connections, we are also creating what is referred to as cellular connections. Over time and repetition, the brain and cellular connections actually leave a foot print on our neural network in the brain. They become fixed in our subconscious and wha-la, we have developed a habit or behavioral pattern.
All success and happiness begins with your thoughts based on where you think you want to be in life. Your present circumstances will always control your thoughts and behavior based on your perception of reality, unless you're consciously aware of you're behavior. Studies indicate that all results are effects or a function of what we're thinking, feeling or doing based on our past.
So, what can we do to change our thought patterns and behavior?To change your thought patterns and behavior, you first need to recondition the thought patterns of your past. This is the key to realizing long lasting change. Because thought impacts emotions, what you end up feeling loops back to what you're thinking. As a result, you continue to repeat the behavior or action, which is why you end up with the same results based on your present circumstances.
It's a vicious circle but it doesn't always feel like one because we've become comfortable with the behavior. Over time we actually begin to accept that it's who we are. Believe it or not, we can experience joy from a negative or painful behavior based on our personal association with the behavior. If the behavior feels familiar, we become comfortable with it, so we think it's good for us. We feel secure and in control because it's a familiar emotion.
Your subconscious, which represents your interpretation of past events,is responsible for your perceptions, feelings and behavior in the present. I refer to these as The Big 3. To change the Big 3, we must change our self-image, habits and beliefs, The New 3. This is where you ReTrain the Brain!
Essentially, what you need to do is create a release program in your brain, which will allow you to recreate your self-image. To create a new self-image, we first need to create new patterns of thought and behavior. This can be achieved by experiencing new affirmations, as well as visualization or meditation. These new affirmations and visualizations need to be created with emotion. They need to become more real than your present circumstances in order for the new affirmations to over ride or recondition your thought patterns and behavior.
Daily repetition first thing in the morning upon rising and most importantly, lastly before you retire are key. Initially, this will require discipline on your part but the rewards are life changing. If you change the inside, your behavior, you'll begin to change the outside, your results. If you're willing to pay the price now i.e. discipline, you won't pay the price of regret later in your life.
Look for my new workshop entitled "ReTrain the Brain Success Workshop.
Remember, if you change your habits, you can change your life!
Larry Agresto is a Life & Business Coach and the founder of Peak Performance Coaching.
He is also a writer, author and speaker. His work and writings focus on "breakthrough changes" in life and business. His latest work "The Power of Magical Thinking," is about empowering people to realize their "true potential," enabling them to live a life of success and happiness.
In your work with Larry, you'll learn to leave behind the self-limiting beliefs of your past experiences that hold you back. In doing so, you will begin to experience the unlimited thinking of your true potential, which in turn empowers the opportunity for unlimited possibilities into your life and business.
He has written several e-books; "The Principles of Success, The Journey, What's Stopping You, The Bulls Eye Business Plan and The 21 Day Breakthrough." His latest e-book is entitled "The Power of Magical Thinking."
Larry spent 25 years in Corporate America, the last 13 in senior management. He transitioned into a Life & Business Coach after he lost his wife and suddenly became a single parent in May of 1995. He has a BA from Bentley College in Business/Government and an AA in Psychology/Education.
Think Magic
Larry Agresto
Life & Business Coach
Peak Performance Coaching
(978) 649-1020
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Start building an anti-fragile lifestyle, complete with FU Money today. These are not the views the Pravda Press would share. Be lean, nimble, free of bad debt and exceedingly competent.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
How to Develop a Millionaire Mindset
You might have a hard time figuring out the millionaire mindset that you need to succeed. You can indeed find a way to make your living while still chasing down the things you want to do most. With the millionaire mindset, you'll be able to look at each day as an opportunity to become wealthy and get the things you want and live the life you want.
Mirror What Successful People Do
You won't find a more effective method than this. Study those who do it. Emulate the actions of a successful person that you aspire to become. You can use that person as an example to show yourself you can succeed.
* For example, if you want to become a successful entrepreneur in the food business, you might want to study a highly successful restaurateur.
Examples are a great way to learn the ropes. Ask successful people questions on how to achieve success. When someone is successful, they often want to show people how they can have success of their own. There's no limit to success, so why wouldn't they? It's indicative of the millionaire mindset!
Positive Thinking Is The Key
Your dreams are only as far away as your will. The slightest doubt can often diminish your ability to succeed. Keep in mind that it's perfectly normal to have intermittent doubts sometimes. However, in the long run, you have to believe that you can do it in order to get it done.
* Think about how good it will feel once you have it done.
Prosperity is much easier reached when you allow yourself to try new things. Embrace change and don't lose your motivation.
Plan Out Your Tasks and Set Deadlines
No matter how much you dream about what you'd like to do, you won't achieve it without formulating some plan of action. Figure out what the long term goals of your life are, and conjure practical ways to achieve them.
* Deconstruct the steps needed to get there.
Keep Up Hope
Success depends almost entirely on dedication and motivation, and the slightest roadblock can derail you from your path, so keep the faith. You'll often hear from successful people about the pitfalls they experienced on their road to prosperity as you interview the people you want to emulate. They managed to break through their doubts and fears stemming from those setbacks and worked their way to success.
* Acknowledge your doubts, but don't let them dominate your mindset.
Life Coaches Can Help
Not every one with a millionaire mindset is the same. Success means different things for each of them, and they go about achieving their success in their own ways. However, there are several commonalities you can find among them. Life, to them, is an opportunity to be seized and they know that they have to stay positive in order to get what they want.
Life coaches can help those people who want to develop a millionaire mindset, but for some reason don't have the strength or the wherewithal to do it on their own, or have lingering doubts that need addressed. You'll get their help to deconstruct what you feel is holding you back and have an action plan that can overcome those obstacles. Just heed the preceding advice, and gain the help of a life coach, you'll have a new millionaire mindset that will see you through life.
To your outrageous success,
P.S. Who else wants to learn more of the secrets to achieving incredible success? I have brought together 48 personal development bloggers and writers to co-author one of the most powerful success eBooks on the web - The 77 Traits of Highly Successful People - and it is available to you FREE! To learn more of the secrets of success, grab your free copy of the eBook now at -
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Mirror What Successful People Do
You won't find a more effective method than this. Study those who do it. Emulate the actions of a successful person that you aspire to become. You can use that person as an example to show yourself you can succeed.
* For example, if you want to become a successful entrepreneur in the food business, you might want to study a highly successful restaurateur.
Examples are a great way to learn the ropes. Ask successful people questions on how to achieve success. When someone is successful, they often want to show people how they can have success of their own. There's no limit to success, so why wouldn't they? It's indicative of the millionaire mindset!
Positive Thinking Is The Key
Your dreams are only as far away as your will. The slightest doubt can often diminish your ability to succeed. Keep in mind that it's perfectly normal to have intermittent doubts sometimes. However, in the long run, you have to believe that you can do it in order to get it done.
* Think about how good it will feel once you have it done.
Prosperity is much easier reached when you allow yourself to try new things. Embrace change and don't lose your motivation.
Plan Out Your Tasks and Set Deadlines
No matter how much you dream about what you'd like to do, you won't achieve it without formulating some plan of action. Figure out what the long term goals of your life are, and conjure practical ways to achieve them.
* Deconstruct the steps needed to get there.
Keep Up Hope
Success depends almost entirely on dedication and motivation, and the slightest roadblock can derail you from your path, so keep the faith. You'll often hear from successful people about the pitfalls they experienced on their road to prosperity as you interview the people you want to emulate. They managed to break through their doubts and fears stemming from those setbacks and worked their way to success.
* Acknowledge your doubts, but don't let them dominate your mindset.
Life Coaches Can Help
Not every one with a millionaire mindset is the same. Success means different things for each of them, and they go about achieving their success in their own ways. However, there are several commonalities you can find among them. Life, to them, is an opportunity to be seized and they know that they have to stay positive in order to get what they want.
Life coaches can help those people who want to develop a millionaire mindset, but for some reason don't have the strength or the wherewithal to do it on their own, or have lingering doubts that need addressed. You'll get their help to deconstruct what you feel is holding you back and have an action plan that can overcome those obstacles. Just heed the preceding advice, and gain the help of a life coach, you'll have a new millionaire mindset that will see you through life.
To your outrageous success,
P.S. Who else wants to learn more of the secrets to achieving incredible success? I have brought together 48 personal development bloggers and writers to co-author one of the most powerful success eBooks on the web - The 77 Traits of Highly Successful People - and it is available to you FREE! To learn more of the secrets of success, grab your free copy of the eBook now at -
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Saturday, December 19, 2009
Tips for Million Dollar Income
If you have ever wanted to get into business for yourself, now is the time. Never before have people needed the freedom that comes with self employment as they do now. And never has there been so much opportunity. Sure, the job market may be scarce, but the rich are still getting rich, and many others are planting seeds that will soon land them the fortune they have been seeking as well. There is no bad time to get into business, as long as you are well equipped with the knowledge that is needed for true business success.
When you know what to do and how to do it, the chances that you will succeed are greatly enhanced. Ready to build a six or seven figure income? Ready to be in business for yourself, successfully? Are you ready to build a million dollar income? Then the following 5 tips will set you ahead of the masses who also have these goals, but who will never likely reach them. Follow these six principles to build your current business or if you start one fro scratch. They are principles of business success success and wealth creation that anyone can utilize.
Be In the Right Industry
Building wealth means that you need to be alert and aware of the ever changing world of opportunities. Being in the right industry at the right time is crucial for amassing a fortune. For example, many fortunes were made in the railroad industry, but that is probably not the best one to get into now. Real estate, business, and the internet offer much potential for wealth, as well as a number of other industries that are thriving and poised for even further growth.
Learn from the Best
Most people get business advice from their friends, coworkers, relatives, and a bunch of other people who do not really know what they are talking about. Opinions are cheap because everyone has more than one. Do not work based on speculation, and do not learn from those who are not successful themselves. Do what rich and successful people do; learn from the best of the best in your field. Read, attend seminars, and get mentors. The more you learn from the best, the better you will be too.
Leverage Yourself
People who make money from their own efforts alone do not usually accomplish a whole lot. Making millions in business will require you to use leverage. You can leverage your ideas by using ideas of others. You can leverage your experience by learning from more experienced people. You can leverage your time by getting free or affordable help. You can leverage your money by borrowing from reputable lenders. No matter what, the more you are able to leverage your own efforts, the more you will be able to achieve.
Automate Your Business
Million dollar incomes are usually not generated all from one source. Most wealthy people have multiple income streams, which gives them unlimited earning power. When you automate part or all of your business, it still works to generate profits without your effort. The more automated your business, the more additional income streams you can begin adding to your overall passive income. Over time you can develop a huge income from a variety of sources, which is just what the rich do. Always make sure that you are earning the most money possible with every venture you pursue.
Ben is a young entrepreneur who has several successful businesses under his belt, and enjoys sharing information on a wide range of business, financial, and entrepreneurial topics. Visit A Millionaire in the Making and the Resources for Entrepreneurs
Article Source:
When you know what to do and how to do it, the chances that you will succeed are greatly enhanced. Ready to build a six or seven figure income? Ready to be in business for yourself, successfully? Are you ready to build a million dollar income? Then the following 5 tips will set you ahead of the masses who also have these goals, but who will never likely reach them. Follow these six principles to build your current business or if you start one fro scratch. They are principles of business success success and wealth creation that anyone can utilize.
Be In the Right Industry
Building wealth means that you need to be alert and aware of the ever changing world of opportunities. Being in the right industry at the right time is crucial for amassing a fortune. For example, many fortunes were made in the railroad industry, but that is probably not the best one to get into now. Real estate, business, and the internet offer much potential for wealth, as well as a number of other industries that are thriving and poised for even further growth.
Learn from the Best
Most people get business advice from their friends, coworkers, relatives, and a bunch of other people who do not really know what they are talking about. Opinions are cheap because everyone has more than one. Do not work based on speculation, and do not learn from those who are not successful themselves. Do what rich and successful people do; learn from the best of the best in your field. Read, attend seminars, and get mentors. The more you learn from the best, the better you will be too.
Leverage Yourself
People who make money from their own efforts alone do not usually accomplish a whole lot. Making millions in business will require you to use leverage. You can leverage your ideas by using ideas of others. You can leverage your experience by learning from more experienced people. You can leverage your time by getting free or affordable help. You can leverage your money by borrowing from reputable lenders. No matter what, the more you are able to leverage your own efforts, the more you will be able to achieve.
Automate Your Business
Million dollar incomes are usually not generated all from one source. Most wealthy people have multiple income streams, which gives them unlimited earning power. When you automate part or all of your business, it still works to generate profits without your effort. The more automated your business, the more additional income streams you can begin adding to your overall passive income. Over time you can develop a huge income from a variety of sources, which is just what the rich do. Always make sure that you are earning the most money possible with every venture you pursue.
Ben is a young entrepreneur who has several successful businesses under his belt, and enjoys sharing information on a wide range of business, financial, and entrepreneurial topics. Visit A Millionaire in the Making and the Resources for Entrepreneurs
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Thursday, December 17, 2009
Rules that Guarantee Financial Independence
If you want to win the lottery, you first must buy a ticket.
This simple rule is no more simple than the rules for guaranteeing that you achieve financial independence; that is, if financial independence is important to you. My dad instilled in me that I should rely on no one -- certainly not the government -- if I wanted to live in my old age as well as I had lived when I was working.
There was a time when many workers in my age group thought that we could depend on Social Security to fund our retirement, but today we all should realize that possibility is unrealistic.
There is one simple rule for guaranteeing your FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE: Start Early. While it is relatively easy to secure your financial future when you start building your next egg while you’re in your twenties, it’s next to impossible if you wait until you’re in your fifties to start, but regardless of your age, begin immediately.
You don’t have to be a financial genius to be financially independent; I am living proof of this fact. But you do have to develop the discipline to follow a few simple rules. I learned these rules from the very best and the very brightest. These rules are FREE. Follow them and your financial future is virtually guaranteed.
1. The secret to financial independence is the understanding of the basic principle of COMPOUNDING OF WEALTH. If you don’t grasp this principle, you will most likely have to win the Powerball Lottery to be independently wealthy.
The main key to financial success is forcing yourself to live on 80% to 90% (10% reserved for giving and 10% for investing) of your take-home income and invest each month the 10% that you didn’t spend.
As an example, the stock market has increased at a compounded rate of approximately 11% per year over the last 100 years. So $1,000 invested in, say, 1963 (my first year in the work force) would have been worth $88,897 by 2006.
Even if I had invested just $500 (10% of my take-home pay in 1963), that investment would have been worth $44,449 in 2006.
Now, think about what you'd be worth if you invested $1,000 every year between your present age and 65 years of age. Wow! Becoming financially independent is really easy when you start early.
Go to for a compounded calculator and do the math yourself.
Could this principle be any clearer?
Is this enough said about the power of compounding of wealth?
Here are some more rules:
2. Minimize your investments in assets that depreciate.
Automobiles, as an example, are essential for most of us, but they are lousy investments. A new car or truck that costs you $25,000 will depreciate approximately $2,500 to $5,000 in the first year of ownership. Those of us who feel the need to drive prestige cars, i.e., a Mercedes, BMW, Lexus, etc., will suffer $5,000 to $10,000 a year ($400 to $800 per month) in depreciation.
If you can live with driving a pre-owned car, you’ll reduce both the investment itself and the portion of your investment that disappears via depreciation each month.
Other examples of depreciable assets are furniture and clothes. No matter how much you pay for these two assets, they will be worth next to nothing after just a few days of use.
3. Maximize your investment in assets that appreciate.
Over the long haul, most investments in real estate, i.e., your home, stocks, bonds, etc., will grow in value. So if you can discipline yourself to maximize your investments in these kinds of investments and minimize your investments in “fluffy” kinds of assets, you’re much more likely to realize financial independence before it’s too late.
4. Do your very best to pay cash and except for a first mortgage on your home, AVOID DEBT. This means paying off your credit cards each month, paying cash for furniture and automobiles, etc., to avoid unnecessary interest expense.
5. Establish a personal spending budget and live within it. There is no better tool for controlling spending and living within your income than developing the discipline to live by a spending budget.
When many people begin their business careers, and begin for the first time to generate some discretionary income, they go a little bit nuts. They spend everything they earn and then some. Perhaps the first sign of trouble is when they begin to generate credit card debt that they don’t have the income to pay off each month. So they begin making the minimum payment, paying exorbitant rates of interest and digging a deeper hole for themselves each month.
The first step is to recognize what is happening, but the second step is to force yourself to plan your spending so that it doesn’t exceed your after-tax income. I believe strongly that a budget should include an expense category for both saving and giving. It has been my personal experience that individuals who can discipline themselves to save and tithe (give 10% of your income to the church or other charities) can manage other aspects of their financial lives equally well.
Make sure you have an emergency fund equal to six months of salary as a contingency in the event you were to lose your job or have an equally major emergency.
Hire a fee-based financial planner to assist you with your investments. I use Ron Blue & Company. Edward Jones is another investment firm that has an office in just about every community, large and small:
THE key to successful investing is a broad-based portfolio. Don’t speculate. Don’t try to time the market. Stay invested even when things look bleak. If you miss those rare days when the market rises 300-to-500 points, your portfolio won’t grow at historical compounded rates. NO ONE can time the stock market.
Make sure that you and your spouse are in agreement on an investment plan and the goals for your plan.
Once you and your fee-based financial advisor agree on a plan, stay the course.
Bill Lee is author of Gross Margin: 26 Factors Affecting Your Bottom Line ($21.95) and 30 Ways Managers Shoot Themselves in the Foot ($21.95) Plus $6 S&H for the first book and $1 S&H for each additional book. To order, See Shopping Cart at
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This simple rule is no more simple than the rules for guaranteeing that you achieve financial independence; that is, if financial independence is important to you. My dad instilled in me that I should rely on no one -- certainly not the government -- if I wanted to live in my old age as well as I had lived when I was working.
There was a time when many workers in my age group thought that we could depend on Social Security to fund our retirement, but today we all should realize that possibility is unrealistic.
There is one simple rule for guaranteeing your FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE: Start Early. While it is relatively easy to secure your financial future when you start building your next egg while you’re in your twenties, it’s next to impossible if you wait until you’re in your fifties to start, but regardless of your age, begin immediately.
You don’t have to be a financial genius to be financially independent; I am living proof of this fact. But you do have to develop the discipline to follow a few simple rules. I learned these rules from the very best and the very brightest. These rules are FREE. Follow them and your financial future is virtually guaranteed.
1. The secret to financial independence is the understanding of the basic principle of COMPOUNDING OF WEALTH. If you don’t grasp this principle, you will most likely have to win the Powerball Lottery to be independently wealthy.
The main key to financial success is forcing yourself to live on 80% to 90% (10% reserved for giving and 10% for investing) of your take-home income and invest each month the 10% that you didn’t spend.
As an example, the stock market has increased at a compounded rate of approximately 11% per year over the last 100 years. So $1,000 invested in, say, 1963 (my first year in the work force) would have been worth $88,897 by 2006.
Even if I had invested just $500 (10% of my take-home pay in 1963), that investment would have been worth $44,449 in 2006.
Now, think about what you'd be worth if you invested $1,000 every year between your present age and 65 years of age. Wow! Becoming financially independent is really easy when you start early.
Go to for a compounded calculator and do the math yourself.
Could this principle be any clearer?
Is this enough said about the power of compounding of wealth?
Here are some more rules:
2. Minimize your investments in assets that depreciate.
Automobiles, as an example, are essential for most of us, but they are lousy investments. A new car or truck that costs you $25,000 will depreciate approximately $2,500 to $5,000 in the first year of ownership. Those of us who feel the need to drive prestige cars, i.e., a Mercedes, BMW, Lexus, etc., will suffer $5,000 to $10,000 a year ($400 to $800 per month) in depreciation.
If you can live with driving a pre-owned car, you’ll reduce both the investment itself and the portion of your investment that disappears via depreciation each month.
Other examples of depreciable assets are furniture and clothes. No matter how much you pay for these two assets, they will be worth next to nothing after just a few days of use.
3. Maximize your investment in assets that appreciate.
Over the long haul, most investments in real estate, i.e., your home, stocks, bonds, etc., will grow in value. So if you can discipline yourself to maximize your investments in these kinds of investments and minimize your investments in “fluffy” kinds of assets, you’re much more likely to realize financial independence before it’s too late.
4. Do your very best to pay cash and except for a first mortgage on your home, AVOID DEBT. This means paying off your credit cards each month, paying cash for furniture and automobiles, etc., to avoid unnecessary interest expense.
5. Establish a personal spending budget and live within it. There is no better tool for controlling spending and living within your income than developing the discipline to live by a spending budget.
When many people begin their business careers, and begin for the first time to generate some discretionary income, they go a little bit nuts. They spend everything they earn and then some. Perhaps the first sign of trouble is when they begin to generate credit card debt that they don’t have the income to pay off each month. So they begin making the minimum payment, paying exorbitant rates of interest and digging a deeper hole for themselves each month.
The first step is to recognize what is happening, but the second step is to force yourself to plan your spending so that it doesn’t exceed your after-tax income. I believe strongly that a budget should include an expense category for both saving and giving. It has been my personal experience that individuals who can discipline themselves to save and tithe (give 10% of your income to the church or other charities) can manage other aspects of their financial lives equally well.
Make sure you have an emergency fund equal to six months of salary as a contingency in the event you were to lose your job or have an equally major emergency.
Hire a fee-based financial planner to assist you with your investments. I use Ron Blue & Company. Edward Jones is another investment firm that has an office in just about every community, large and small:
THE key to successful investing is a broad-based portfolio. Don’t speculate. Don’t try to time the market. Stay invested even when things look bleak. If you miss those rare days when the market rises 300-to-500 points, your portfolio won’t grow at historical compounded rates. NO ONE can time the stock market.
Make sure that you and your spouse are in agreement on an investment plan and the goals for your plan.
Once you and your fee-based financial advisor agree on a plan, stay the course.
Bill Lee is author of Gross Margin: 26 Factors Affecting Your Bottom Line ($21.95) and 30 Ways Managers Shoot Themselves in the Foot ($21.95) Plus $6 S&H for the first book and $1 S&H for each additional book. To order, See Shopping Cart at
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Andrew Carnegie's Secret of Success
In his all time best selling book, Think And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill mentions in his first chapter that throughout the book he will be referring many times to The Carnegie Secret. He said he would not tell you what that secret is, but when you are ready, it will jump off the page and into your brain. He said, When the Student is ready – the master will appear. The doors will open. The lights will turn green. The ideas will come. The money will come. The people will be there to help you.
Since 1970 we have been teaching the principles of success that Andrew Carnegie commissioned Napoleon Hill to study and share with the world. Napoleon Hill spent his entire lifetime researching the most successful people of all times from around the world.
Many, many times in our classes, workshops, talks, rallies and in our Master Mind Alliance Success Club meetings we have asked this question to those in our audience who had read the book Think and Grow Rich,
What is The Carnegie Secret that Napoleon Hill referred to in his book?
We got all kinds of guesses and some answers that were somewhat close.
1. Have A Definite Major Purpose.
What is the most important thing you would like to accomplish in your lifetime? Try to define it in one paragraph, even if you have to keep rewriting it a hundred times until it gets as clear as possible. It has to be the most important thing in your life. Mahatma Gandhi’s definite major purpose was to win independence for India from their British rulers. He succeeded. Dr. Martin Luther King’s was equality and the end of oppression for black people. Doctor Jonas Salk’s was to find the cure and end for polio. Thomas Edison’s was the incandescent light bulb. What is yours?
If you don’t currently have what you feel is a definite major purpose, then have a definite major purpose to find your definite major purpose.
It has to be something you want so bad that you think about it all of the time.
2. Be Willing To Stake Your Entire Existence On Achieving It.
Don’t Quit. There Are Many Starters In Life, But Very Few Finishers – When The Going Gets Tough They Quit. A person with a definite major purpose never gives up – no matter how long and tough the road is; instead, they become more determined. Jack London was rejected over 600 times before he finally sold his first piece of writing. Thomas Edison actually failed over 9,999 times before he perfected the incandescent light bulb, and over 5,000 times before he perfected the world’s first phonograph record player. There will be times when everything in you will tell you to quit – to stop trying, but if you hang in there, eventually, you will – you must succeed. Quitters never win and winners never quit.
Persistence is the power to hold on in spite of everything - to endure. It’s the ability to face defeat repeatedly without giving up—to push on even in the face of great difficulty or danger. Persistence means taking pains to overcome every obstacle, to do all that is necessary to reach your goals. You win, because you refuse to become discouraged by your defeats. Those who conquer are those who endure.
3. Keep Intensifying Your Desire.
There are many “firemen” in life that will come along and try to put your fire of desire out. They will give you all kinds of reasons why your idea or goal won’t work and tell you to give it up, forget it, or tell you “You can’t do it.” You have to become an Arsonist. An arsonist sets fires. Every morning when you wake up you have to re-light and re-build the intensity of your fire of desire. You have to eat it, sleep it, walk it, talk it, and concentrate on it until it becomes a red-hot flaming, burning, obsessional desire that will eventually mow down all of the opposition you will face throughout each day. If you don’t, your Sizzle of desire will fizzle down to nothing. I’m not suggesting that you stop talking to or seeing your family and friends – what I’m saying is to keep focused day and night, seven days a week. This will bring into play: THE LAW OF HARMONIOUS ATTRACTION. Your burning desire becomes a magnet. You will attract that which you need; the ideas and plans, the money you need, and the people you need to help you. They will eventually gravitate toward your desire.
4. Have Bulldog Determination And Perseverance That Will Eventually Mow Down All Opposition.
Expect lots of problems, adversities, and discouragement along the way. Go around it – go over it – go under it – or dig a hole through it – but don’t ever turn back. Make your Definite Major Purpose the dominating thought in your mind. It is a known fact that people who have had great achievement – formed the habit of making an “obsession” of their Definite Major Purpose. Andrew Carnegie said to put all of your eggs in one basket and then watch the basket. Andrew Carnegie’s definite major purpose, which he wrote down at an early age and kept in his desk, was to earn as much money as he can in life and then, in the end, to set up the Carnegie Foundation to give it all away to worthy causes. Even after his death long ago, the Carnegie Foundation is still giving away millions every year to help mankind.
I have been teaching The Science of Success Achievement Course since 1970. There were many times when I taught the course to as many as ten different groups per week. Some in major hotels, some in large corporate training rooms, in the YMCA, in hundreds of real estate and insurance offices, in prisons, rehab centers, and for many sales and marketing groups of people.
In all of my classes, (There were ten separate 4-hour classes to the course,) I always told my students at the end of the first class – “For your homework this week, I want you to read the first four chapters of Think And Grow Rich (I always had stacks of the book there to sell them.) As you read each page, write a list of all of the things the author is telling you to do and the things he is telling you not to do. Then, I want you to carry that list with you every day and keep reviewing your list and keep doing the things the author told you to do. And then come back to class #2 next week and tell the class about the list you made, what actions you took as a result of reading the book, and what results you got.”
At the beginning of the class on the following week I would always start out by asking - By a show of hands, how many of you read the first four chapters of Think And Grow Rich? About 2% would raise their hands. The rest didn’t take the time to read it. Then I would ask the 2% How many of you read the first four chapters and made the list I told you to make of all of the things the author told you to do? Usually about three hands went up. I asked each of them - How many items do you have on your list of the things the author told you to do? The first person said three. The second person said nine. The third person said – 90 items
I asked the person who had ninety on her list to come to the front of the classroom.
I said to the others - You people paid good money to take this course because you wanted to achieve greater success. How can you expect the results you hoped for if you aren’t willing to take notes and to put in practice what you are learning?
Then I had the lady read from her list of 90 items. And the class was surprised at how powerful and important the things on her list were.
I asked the class - How many of you are speed reader? All kinds of hands went up. Then I told them about an incident when I was at a party and someone asked me what I do for a living. I told him that I teach a course based around the book Think And Grow Rich. He said, “That’s a book that we teach from at our speed reading school.” Then I asked him, “What were the greatest lessons you learned from the book?” He tried to think and then said, “I don’t remember that book so well.” I later found out that he was a speed-reading instructor. I thought to myself – There’s a guy that can read 10,000 words a minute and remember nothing.
Think And Grow Rich is so powerful that it’s the kind of book you have to read very slowly and carefully, many times until it becomes a part of your life and habits. I have been reading the book every year since 1970. Each year I pull it back off the shelf and let it fire me up for the achievement of my new goals for the year.
Excerpt From The book
“The Science Of Success Achievement Course”
By Rick Gettle © 2006
Rick Gettle
Success Achievement Publisher/Author/Consultant/Speaker - Since 1970
Article Source:
Since 1970 we have been teaching the principles of success that Andrew Carnegie commissioned Napoleon Hill to study and share with the world. Napoleon Hill spent his entire lifetime researching the most successful people of all times from around the world.
Many, many times in our classes, workshops, talks, rallies and in our Master Mind Alliance Success Club meetings we have asked this question to those in our audience who had read the book Think and Grow Rich,
What is The Carnegie Secret that Napoleon Hill referred to in his book?
We got all kinds of guesses and some answers that were somewhat close.
1. Have A Definite Major Purpose.
What is the most important thing you would like to accomplish in your lifetime? Try to define it in one paragraph, even if you have to keep rewriting it a hundred times until it gets as clear as possible. It has to be the most important thing in your life. Mahatma Gandhi’s definite major purpose was to win independence for India from their British rulers. He succeeded. Dr. Martin Luther King’s was equality and the end of oppression for black people. Doctor Jonas Salk’s was to find the cure and end for polio. Thomas Edison’s was the incandescent light bulb. What is yours?
If you don’t currently have what you feel is a definite major purpose, then have a definite major purpose to find your definite major purpose.
It has to be something you want so bad that you think about it all of the time.
2. Be Willing To Stake Your Entire Existence On Achieving It.
Don’t Quit. There Are Many Starters In Life, But Very Few Finishers – When The Going Gets Tough They Quit. A person with a definite major purpose never gives up – no matter how long and tough the road is; instead, they become more determined. Jack London was rejected over 600 times before he finally sold his first piece of writing. Thomas Edison actually failed over 9,999 times before he perfected the incandescent light bulb, and over 5,000 times before he perfected the world’s first phonograph record player. There will be times when everything in you will tell you to quit – to stop trying, but if you hang in there, eventually, you will – you must succeed. Quitters never win and winners never quit.
Persistence is the power to hold on in spite of everything - to endure. It’s the ability to face defeat repeatedly without giving up—to push on even in the face of great difficulty or danger. Persistence means taking pains to overcome every obstacle, to do all that is necessary to reach your goals. You win, because you refuse to become discouraged by your defeats. Those who conquer are those who endure.
3. Keep Intensifying Your Desire.
There are many “firemen” in life that will come along and try to put your fire of desire out. They will give you all kinds of reasons why your idea or goal won’t work and tell you to give it up, forget it, or tell you “You can’t do it.” You have to become an Arsonist. An arsonist sets fires. Every morning when you wake up you have to re-light and re-build the intensity of your fire of desire. You have to eat it, sleep it, walk it, talk it, and concentrate on it until it becomes a red-hot flaming, burning, obsessional desire that will eventually mow down all of the opposition you will face throughout each day. If you don’t, your Sizzle of desire will fizzle down to nothing. I’m not suggesting that you stop talking to or seeing your family and friends – what I’m saying is to keep focused day and night, seven days a week. This will bring into play: THE LAW OF HARMONIOUS ATTRACTION. Your burning desire becomes a magnet. You will attract that which you need; the ideas and plans, the money you need, and the people you need to help you. They will eventually gravitate toward your desire.
4. Have Bulldog Determination And Perseverance That Will Eventually Mow Down All Opposition.
Expect lots of problems, adversities, and discouragement along the way. Go around it – go over it – go under it – or dig a hole through it – but don’t ever turn back. Make your Definite Major Purpose the dominating thought in your mind. It is a known fact that people who have had great achievement – formed the habit of making an “obsession” of their Definite Major Purpose. Andrew Carnegie said to put all of your eggs in one basket and then watch the basket. Andrew Carnegie’s definite major purpose, which he wrote down at an early age and kept in his desk, was to earn as much money as he can in life and then, in the end, to set up the Carnegie Foundation to give it all away to worthy causes. Even after his death long ago, the Carnegie Foundation is still giving away millions every year to help mankind.
I have been teaching The Science of Success Achievement Course since 1970. There were many times when I taught the course to as many as ten different groups per week. Some in major hotels, some in large corporate training rooms, in the YMCA, in hundreds of real estate and insurance offices, in prisons, rehab centers, and for many sales and marketing groups of people.
In all of my classes, (There were ten separate 4-hour classes to the course,) I always told my students at the end of the first class – “For your homework this week, I want you to read the first four chapters of Think And Grow Rich (I always had stacks of the book there to sell them.) As you read each page, write a list of all of the things the author is telling you to do and the things he is telling you not to do. Then, I want you to carry that list with you every day and keep reviewing your list and keep doing the things the author told you to do. And then come back to class #2 next week and tell the class about the list you made, what actions you took as a result of reading the book, and what results you got.”
At the beginning of the class on the following week I would always start out by asking - By a show of hands, how many of you read the first four chapters of Think And Grow Rich? About 2% would raise their hands. The rest didn’t take the time to read it. Then I would ask the 2% How many of you read the first four chapters and made the list I told you to make of all of the things the author told you to do? Usually about three hands went up. I asked each of them - How many items do you have on your list of the things the author told you to do? The first person said three. The second person said nine. The third person said – 90 items
I asked the person who had ninety on her list to come to the front of the classroom.
I said to the others - You people paid good money to take this course because you wanted to achieve greater success. How can you expect the results you hoped for if you aren’t willing to take notes and to put in practice what you are learning?
Then I had the lady read from her list of 90 items. And the class was surprised at how powerful and important the things on her list were.
I asked the class - How many of you are speed reader? All kinds of hands went up. Then I told them about an incident when I was at a party and someone asked me what I do for a living. I told him that I teach a course based around the book Think And Grow Rich. He said, “That’s a book that we teach from at our speed reading school.” Then I asked him, “What were the greatest lessons you learned from the book?” He tried to think and then said, “I don’t remember that book so well.” I later found out that he was a speed-reading instructor. I thought to myself – There’s a guy that can read 10,000 words a minute and remember nothing.
Think And Grow Rich is so powerful that it’s the kind of book you have to read very slowly and carefully, many times until it becomes a part of your life and habits. I have been reading the book every year since 1970. Each year I pull it back off the shelf and let it fire me up for the achievement of my new goals for the year.
Excerpt From The book
“The Science Of Success Achievement Course”
By Rick Gettle © 2006
Rick Gettle
Success Achievement Publisher/Author/Consultant/Speaker - Since 1970
Article Source:
Billion Dollar Secret
In a recent TV appearance, billionaire Donald Trump was asked what is the secret to making it big. His answer was short and precise: do what you love and never quit. Does that sound too simplistic? Now follow me through this article and see what wisdom lies in Trumps advice
1. Do what you love
In fact the advice to do what you love was the same message given by another billionaire. Warren Buffet also said that the key to success is doing what you love and doing it well.
Doing what you love is the key to having abundance in your life. Look around and see all the big achievers and you will notice this one truth always present in their lives; they are all following their passion. Doing the thing they love doing best. Bill Gates and computers, Oprah Winfrey and her talk show, the Google boys and the internet, Tiger Woods and golf; the evidence is clear everywhere.
Now why do these people who follow their passion excel above others? The answer is in the fact that every person has a gift. Every human being is blessed with some talent. No one knows better than you what you want to do so listen to your heart and be clear about what exactly you want out of life.
The tragedy is that most people do not get to find that one thing that is their special gift or talent. Some do know their areas of expertise but are stunted by the fear that they may not be able to make money out of it; or they get lost in the crowd by following others; doing what their friends are doing or taking their cue from their family or friends. This will never lead you to success.
If all your friends are studying medicine or if your family wants you to be a doctor, that is no good reason for you to go in for medicine. Choose for yourself the career you truly love and be confident that you will be successful in your career. In the words of the best-selling author and philosopher Dr. Wayne Dyer, there is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living out of what you love doing; there is only a scarcity of resolve to make it happen.
Don’t you know that one of the reasons why people get bored at work or have the tendency to shirk is that they are not excited about what they do. If you truly love the kind of job you are doing and that job is suited to your talents boredom and laziness will never bother you because work will then be a source of excitement and bliss for you. Have you ever seen Michael Jordan bored and uninspired on the basketball court. No, never, it is because he does the job he loves doing best.
2. Do not quit
Donald Trump’s second piece of advice on how to make big money is to never give up. How right he is. This one piece of device has been here for millions of years. Persistence is the key to victory and outstanding success. No one ever attains any great height without going through tests. Your faith will surely be tested along the way but if you keep on keeping on, you will end up triumphant.
The problem with most people is that when they try something and get resistance, they give up but such an attitude will not get you anywhere. If you view your trials with a positive attitude, you will come to realize that they are always accompanied with great benefits.
Oscar-wining actress Jennifer Hudson wanted to become a star in showbiz. She auditioned for American Idol; she lost but that loss did not make her to give up in her mind. She went in for an acting role in the movie Dream Girls and won an academy award from that single movie. Truly persistence pays.
Carve out a path for yourself to your dreams. Choose to do what you love and never give up in the face of any obstacles. If you do it as Donald Trump teaches you to do, your dreams will come true.
Momodou Sabally is the author of "Instant Success: The Ten Commandments of Personal Achievement and The Road to Enduring Riches". He has developed a series of articles for instant self-motivation available FREE at His articles will help you generate motivation and enthusiasm for success instantly.
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1. Do what you love
In fact the advice to do what you love was the same message given by another billionaire. Warren Buffet also said that the key to success is doing what you love and doing it well.
Doing what you love is the key to having abundance in your life. Look around and see all the big achievers and you will notice this one truth always present in their lives; they are all following their passion. Doing the thing they love doing best. Bill Gates and computers, Oprah Winfrey and her talk show, the Google boys and the internet, Tiger Woods and golf; the evidence is clear everywhere.
Now why do these people who follow their passion excel above others? The answer is in the fact that every person has a gift. Every human being is blessed with some talent. No one knows better than you what you want to do so listen to your heart and be clear about what exactly you want out of life.
The tragedy is that most people do not get to find that one thing that is their special gift or talent. Some do know their areas of expertise but are stunted by the fear that they may not be able to make money out of it; or they get lost in the crowd by following others; doing what their friends are doing or taking their cue from their family or friends. This will never lead you to success.
If all your friends are studying medicine or if your family wants you to be a doctor, that is no good reason for you to go in for medicine. Choose for yourself the career you truly love and be confident that you will be successful in your career. In the words of the best-selling author and philosopher Dr. Wayne Dyer, there is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living out of what you love doing; there is only a scarcity of resolve to make it happen.
Don’t you know that one of the reasons why people get bored at work or have the tendency to shirk is that they are not excited about what they do. If you truly love the kind of job you are doing and that job is suited to your talents boredom and laziness will never bother you because work will then be a source of excitement and bliss for you. Have you ever seen Michael Jordan bored and uninspired on the basketball court. No, never, it is because he does the job he loves doing best.
2. Do not quit
Donald Trump’s second piece of advice on how to make big money is to never give up. How right he is. This one piece of device has been here for millions of years. Persistence is the key to victory and outstanding success. No one ever attains any great height without going through tests. Your faith will surely be tested along the way but if you keep on keeping on, you will end up triumphant.
The problem with most people is that when they try something and get resistance, they give up but such an attitude will not get you anywhere. If you view your trials with a positive attitude, you will come to realize that they are always accompanied with great benefits.
Oscar-wining actress Jennifer Hudson wanted to become a star in showbiz. She auditioned for American Idol; she lost but that loss did not make her to give up in her mind. She went in for an acting role in the movie Dream Girls and won an academy award from that single movie. Truly persistence pays.
Carve out a path for yourself to your dreams. Choose to do what you love and never give up in the face of any obstacles. If you do it as Donald Trump teaches you to do, your dreams will come true.
Momodou Sabally is the author of "Instant Success: The Ten Commandments of Personal Achievement and The Road to Enduring Riches". He has developed a series of articles for instant self-motivation available FREE at His articles will help you generate motivation and enthusiasm for success instantly.
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Self Made Billionaires are Innovators and Risk Takers
Do you think that dropping out of college to start a business is a risk? Are you a risk taker? Would you drop out of college to start a business? Bill Gates did. He dropped out of Harvard to start Microsoft, which became one of the most innovative companies ever. He's like many self-made billionaires and entrepreneurs; he is a risk-taker and an innovator (actually, that also describes many self-made millionaires).
Risk tolerance and innovation are just two of the personality characteristics of self-made billionaires. Here are more:
They are entrepreneurial
They "step up to the plate" when an opportunity arises
They see opportunity where nobody else does
They don't procrastinate, they "make it happen"
They are full of optimism
They accept mistakes because there is an opportunity to learn from failure
They enjoy success and thrive to achieve it
They appreciate their own personal success
They are motivated
They know how to invest
They make money doing things that they love
They practice time-management, meaning they don’t waste their time on meaningless tasks
They are influential and persuasive
They surround themselves with smart people
They have business sense
They are fearless
They are intelligent
Of course, these are just some of the common characteristics of self-made billionaires. Not all self-made billionaires carry these traits but all have an incredible desire to succeed and most could do it all over again if they lost it all.
Tino Buntic created TradePals is a B2B and B2C directory of business professionals, salespeople, entrepreneurs, trades people, and freelencers across North America.
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Risk tolerance and innovation are just two of the personality characteristics of self-made billionaires. Here are more:
They are entrepreneurial
They "step up to the plate" when an opportunity arises
They see opportunity where nobody else does
They don't procrastinate, they "make it happen"
They are full of optimism
They accept mistakes because there is an opportunity to learn from failure
They enjoy success and thrive to achieve it
They appreciate their own personal success
They are motivated
They know how to invest
They make money doing things that they love
They practice time-management, meaning they don’t waste their time on meaningless tasks
They are influential and persuasive
They surround themselves with smart people
They have business sense
They are fearless
They are intelligent
Of course, these are just some of the common characteristics of self-made billionaires. Not all self-made billionaires carry these traits but all have an incredible desire to succeed and most could do it all over again if they lost it all.
Tino Buntic created TradePals is a B2B and B2C directory of business professionals, salespeople, entrepreneurs, trades people, and freelencers across North America.
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009
If You Want to be Rich Don't Go to College
In school we are taught that we need to get good grades so that we can get into a good college, then get a good job. This is old advice. You don't need a college degree to become rich. In fact most of the super rich today dropped out of high school or college. If you want to be rich don't go to college, instead you should read this article.
Going to college will not make you rich. Our school systems are designed to create employees, people who work for money. But the richest people in the world are not employees, they are business owners and investors. You do not need to have higher education to become rich, and funnily enough it is the people with the advanced educations who have the most bad debt and are in the worst place financially.
Going to college will teach you the skills you need to get a job and to get an income. Most people thinks it stops there. They believe that you need to have a high income in order to become rich. This is not true. You will become rich not based on how much you earn, but what you do with your money.
College will not make you rich, but financial education will. There are a lot of smart people in the world who have been to college and got their degrees but who are financially uneducated. Every time they get a pay rise they go further into debt, every time they get a bonus it doesn't even begin to help them financially. They are so wound up in debt and expenses that they cannot afford to quit their jobs and live the life of their dreams.
If you want to become rich then you need to understand finances. Instead of just working hard and handing your money over to someone else to invest it for you, you need to take an active interest in your money. Every dollar you invest is like an employee that works for you. It is up to you to make them work hard and bring you a good return.
I am not saying that you shouldn't go to college. I am saying that going college and earning a lot of money won't in itself make you rich. It is what you do with your money after you come home from work that will determine whether you become rich or stay poor. So what should you do with your money in order to become rich?
1. Invest in Assets
Assets are things that put money in your pocket on a regular basis. Don't believe their banks at their word when they say anything you own is an asset. This definition may be correct, as far as the English language is concerned, but this definition will make you poor.
Invest your money into things that generate you money on a regular basis. Real estate that generates more income from rent than all of its expenses is an example of an asset that generates regular income.
2. Buy Assets First and Then Use The Asset To Buy Your Liabilities
Liabilities are things that take money out of your pocket on a regular basis. Most people fail to become rich because they use their money to purchase liabilities first, then they have nothing left over to buy assets. Rich people buy assets first and then use that money to buy their liabilities.
Maybe you get a bonus from work of $20,000. You could use that money to buy a new car, or you could buy a positive cash flow property. Then with the cash flow from that property you could purchase a car. At the end of the day you will still get the car you want, but you will also have an asset that generates you income each and every month.
Join the thousands of people already learning how to become rich WITHOUT making any more money. You can learn how to become rich without any costs for training. Go to and sign up to start your free training today. Everyone who signs up today will receive a free audio teaching worth $27, so hurry while it is still available.
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Going to college will not make you rich. Our school systems are designed to create employees, people who work for money. But the richest people in the world are not employees, they are business owners and investors. You do not need to have higher education to become rich, and funnily enough it is the people with the advanced educations who have the most bad debt and are in the worst place financially.
Going to college will teach you the skills you need to get a job and to get an income. Most people thinks it stops there. They believe that you need to have a high income in order to become rich. This is not true. You will become rich not based on how much you earn, but what you do with your money.
College will not make you rich, but financial education will. There are a lot of smart people in the world who have been to college and got their degrees but who are financially uneducated. Every time they get a pay rise they go further into debt, every time they get a bonus it doesn't even begin to help them financially. They are so wound up in debt and expenses that they cannot afford to quit their jobs and live the life of their dreams.
If you want to become rich then you need to understand finances. Instead of just working hard and handing your money over to someone else to invest it for you, you need to take an active interest in your money. Every dollar you invest is like an employee that works for you. It is up to you to make them work hard and bring you a good return.
I am not saying that you shouldn't go to college. I am saying that going college and earning a lot of money won't in itself make you rich. It is what you do with your money after you come home from work that will determine whether you become rich or stay poor. So what should you do with your money in order to become rich?
1. Invest in Assets
Assets are things that put money in your pocket on a regular basis. Don't believe their banks at their word when they say anything you own is an asset. This definition may be correct, as far as the English language is concerned, but this definition will make you poor.
Invest your money into things that generate you money on a regular basis. Real estate that generates more income from rent than all of its expenses is an example of an asset that generates regular income.
2. Buy Assets First and Then Use The Asset To Buy Your Liabilities
Liabilities are things that take money out of your pocket on a regular basis. Most people fail to become rich because they use their money to purchase liabilities first, then they have nothing left over to buy assets. Rich people buy assets first and then use that money to buy their liabilities.
Maybe you get a bonus from work of $20,000. You could use that money to buy a new car, or you could buy a positive cash flow property. Then with the cash flow from that property you could purchase a car. At the end of the day you will still get the car you want, but you will also have an asset that generates you income each and every month.
Join the thousands of people already learning how to become rich WITHOUT making any more money. You can learn how to become rich without any costs for training. Go to and sign up to start your free training today. Everyone who signs up today will receive a free audio teaching worth $27, so hurry while it is still available.
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How the Rich and Famous Obtain Their Wealth and Live Their Dreams
Everyone wants to be successful and many people want to be rich. They stand in the background and watch the Bill Gates, the Robert Kiyosakis and the Oprah Winfrey's make it in the world and they wonder what it is that makes people rich. In each case, these people seem to have had an idea that made them money. They climbed the ladder of success with no problem. But they all made it to the top and we wonder how it happened.
Most people think that the reason people are wealthy is because they had a great idea and they ran with it. Others think that the secret to wealth is saving money and investing wisely. You can put in the search terms, "how to be wealthy" into your favorite search engine and you will find thousands of ideas for how to become wealthy and each one will probably be an investment into network marketing.
The point is that anything that you do can eventually build wealth for you, but the way the rich and famous did it was more basic than what is described here: the real secrets to wealth have more to do with attitude, commitment and behavior which are sometimes difficult to achieve for the average person.
What We Know
After researching this issue for a long time we realized that although the rich and famous do have ideas and do create wealth there is no magic crystal ball that tells them what to do. When you talk to them they all say a variation of the same thing. In every case, we talked to the individuals said it was attitude, commitment and behavior that were the reasons they were wealthy. Once they had these three things in place they were able to make good decisions about how to advance their careers and how to move their lives forward.
Commitment and How it Works
In each case the rich and famous start out by committing to what they want. They make a firm decision about what they want and they look at all aspects of it. You might say that they create a plan that says what they want and they detail it from start to finish. They decide what they want and in the amount of time they want it within. They leave a lot of this information to change like the how of getting it. Some wealthy people created a picture of what they wanted by cutting out pictures from a magazine and putting it on poster board so they could look at it often. Other people took inspirational quotes and put them around. They did everything they could to reinforce their commitment on a regular basis.
The Attitude Of Wealth
Each person said that they had the attitude that they were already wealthy. They looked around at the things they wanted that they would have once they had created their wealth and they opened their minds to accepting the wealth. They said that in wanting wealth and accepting it are two different issues. They keep their attitude on the fact that they had a right to have what they wanted and they combined this with their commitment and their behavior towards it.
In every single case each wealthy person began certain behaviors that promoted wealth. They talked to financial advisors ahead of time, they saw themselves with lots of money and they did whatever came to them as inspiration. They learned to think differently. Suze Orman, financial coach and author said in her book, 'The Courage To Be Rich', that thinking was as much a part of the work towards wealth as anything else: "The way each of us thinks and feels about our money is the key factor in determining how much we ultimately have".
So the point that everyone makes here is that if you want to be wealthy you have to start thinking differently about money. You also have to stop stressing about it and do the things that will promote wealth. Some of our wealthy people earned money through stocks, others through small business and other ideas but everyone agreed that the only reason they were wealthy was because of their attitude, commitment and behavior.
Finally, all the people we talked to had some sort of understanding of gratefulness. They each said that being grateful for what they had and continuing to be grateful for those things that showed up, whether they labeled it as positive or negative, was a big part of how their wealth happened.
Kenneth Small has dedicated his life to helping people around the world combat anxiety and negative thought patterns which adversely impact on their lives. His research has led him to finding many proven programmes which are being used with great effect across the world in eliminating these problems. To get a free copy of the wealth creation seminar please visit
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Most people think that the reason people are wealthy is because they had a great idea and they ran with it. Others think that the secret to wealth is saving money and investing wisely. You can put in the search terms, "how to be wealthy" into your favorite search engine and you will find thousands of ideas for how to become wealthy and each one will probably be an investment into network marketing.
The point is that anything that you do can eventually build wealth for you, but the way the rich and famous did it was more basic than what is described here: the real secrets to wealth have more to do with attitude, commitment and behavior which are sometimes difficult to achieve for the average person.
What We Know
After researching this issue for a long time we realized that although the rich and famous do have ideas and do create wealth there is no magic crystal ball that tells them what to do. When you talk to them they all say a variation of the same thing. In every case, we talked to the individuals said it was attitude, commitment and behavior that were the reasons they were wealthy. Once they had these three things in place they were able to make good decisions about how to advance their careers and how to move their lives forward.
Commitment and How it Works
In each case the rich and famous start out by committing to what they want. They make a firm decision about what they want and they look at all aspects of it. You might say that they create a plan that says what they want and they detail it from start to finish. They decide what they want and in the amount of time they want it within. They leave a lot of this information to change like the how of getting it. Some wealthy people created a picture of what they wanted by cutting out pictures from a magazine and putting it on poster board so they could look at it often. Other people took inspirational quotes and put them around. They did everything they could to reinforce their commitment on a regular basis.
The Attitude Of Wealth
Each person said that they had the attitude that they were already wealthy. They looked around at the things they wanted that they would have once they had created their wealth and they opened their minds to accepting the wealth. They said that in wanting wealth and accepting it are two different issues. They keep their attitude on the fact that they had a right to have what they wanted and they combined this with their commitment and their behavior towards it.
In every single case each wealthy person began certain behaviors that promoted wealth. They talked to financial advisors ahead of time, they saw themselves with lots of money and they did whatever came to them as inspiration. They learned to think differently. Suze Orman, financial coach and author said in her book, 'The Courage To Be Rich', that thinking was as much a part of the work towards wealth as anything else: "The way each of us thinks and feels about our money is the key factor in determining how much we ultimately have".
So the point that everyone makes here is that if you want to be wealthy you have to start thinking differently about money. You also have to stop stressing about it and do the things that will promote wealth. Some of our wealthy people earned money through stocks, others through small business and other ideas but everyone agreed that the only reason they were wealthy was because of their attitude, commitment and behavior.
Finally, all the people we talked to had some sort of understanding of gratefulness. They each said that being grateful for what they had and continuing to be grateful for those things that showed up, whether they labeled it as positive or negative, was a big part of how their wealth happened.
Kenneth Small has dedicated his life to helping people around the world combat anxiety and negative thought patterns which adversely impact on their lives. His research has led him to finding many proven programmes which are being used with great effect across the world in eliminating these problems. To get a free copy of the wealth creation seminar please visit
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Monday, November 23, 2009
How to Create a Master Plan for Success
In order to have a clear plan for success, you must have your goals written down. Yeah, I know you've probably heard this before, but why do you think you've heard it so many times? Because writing down your goals works!
A client of mine didn't want to write down his goals. When we first started working together, he told me that he had been in business for 20 years, was earning $120,000 and didn't think goal setting would work for him to grow his business. I explained to him that it would give him clarity and something to strive for. After his initial resistance, he finally listened to me and told me that one of his goals was to double his business to $240,000. Within 6 months of working together, he doubled his business and made the most amount of money he has every made in his entire career. Why do you think this happened? Because having clarity and a master plan with goals pays off!
To improve your chance for success, you should create a master plan. This is your big picture... a visual map of how success looks to you.
Here's how you can create a game plan for focusing on your goals:
Think of 101 things you want to accomplish in the next 10 years. Have fun with this and let your imagination run free. Be specific and personalize your list by beginning each sentence with "I am" or "I will." For example, "I will exercise at least three times a week. "Or I am the most successful salesperson in my company".
To get you started, here are a few questions that can help you gain focus:
What do I want to do?
What do I want to have?
Where do I want to go?
What contribution do I want to make?
What do I want to become?
What do I want to learn?
Whom do I want to spend time with?
How much money do I want to earn, save and invest?
How much time do I want off for fun?
What will I do to improve my health?
Once you make your list of goals, prioritize them. Place a 1 by the most important goal, 2 beside the next most important and so on. But before you do that, write down the most important reason you want to accomplish each goal and the biggest benefit you will receive from each. This will help you stay focused and motivated.
To improve your focus on your new lifestyle, create a picture book of your most important goals. Simply start collecting pictures in a large photo album. For instance, if your goal is to travel to France, start clipping photos of places, people and items associated with that country. For a real-life example, a client of mine wanted to obtain 60 new clients, so he cut out pictures of people's faces and pasted them on a large poster board with the number 60 around it. This helped him visualize his goal, making it seem more achievable.
Get a basic notebook and jot down your daily observations and insights. This is a powerful tool to expand your awareness. You can use your book for business ideas, sales tips presentation skills, money-making projects or quotes you have read. If you're more of a computer person, you can start a Word document called "Great Ideas."
Use your imagination to create positive, winning pictures. The sharper your images are and the more intense you feel, the more likely you are to create the result you desire.
Surround yourself with people who have more experience in areas where you are lacking. Your master mind group should have four to six people who meet regularly to share ideas and support each other. These are power alliances that can help you achieve your goals much faster than you could on your own.
Pamela Dunn, founder of Executive Coaching International, is passionate about helping successful professionals and entrepreneurs achieve their highest vision of success. As a former trainer for world-class success coach Tony Robbins, Pamela has a tremendous amount of insight into personal and professional success. Her unique High Performance Coaching System is a results-oriented program that has helped countless professionals find focus, build efficiency, and eliminate overwhelm. For information about Pamela's coaching program, or to sign up for more free, high-performance articles like this, please visit her online at
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A client of mine didn't want to write down his goals. When we first started working together, he told me that he had been in business for 20 years, was earning $120,000 and didn't think goal setting would work for him to grow his business. I explained to him that it would give him clarity and something to strive for. After his initial resistance, he finally listened to me and told me that one of his goals was to double his business to $240,000. Within 6 months of working together, he doubled his business and made the most amount of money he has every made in his entire career. Why do you think this happened? Because having clarity and a master plan with goals pays off!
To improve your chance for success, you should create a master plan. This is your big picture... a visual map of how success looks to you.
Here's how you can create a game plan for focusing on your goals:
Think of 101 things you want to accomplish in the next 10 years. Have fun with this and let your imagination run free. Be specific and personalize your list by beginning each sentence with "I am" or "I will." For example, "I will exercise at least three times a week. "Or I am the most successful salesperson in my company".
To get you started, here are a few questions that can help you gain focus:
What do I want to do?
What do I want to have?
Where do I want to go?
What contribution do I want to make?
What do I want to become?
What do I want to learn?
Whom do I want to spend time with?
How much money do I want to earn, save and invest?
How much time do I want off for fun?
What will I do to improve my health?
Once you make your list of goals, prioritize them. Place a 1 by the most important goal, 2 beside the next most important and so on. But before you do that, write down the most important reason you want to accomplish each goal and the biggest benefit you will receive from each. This will help you stay focused and motivated.
To improve your focus on your new lifestyle, create a picture book of your most important goals. Simply start collecting pictures in a large photo album. For instance, if your goal is to travel to France, start clipping photos of places, people and items associated with that country. For a real-life example, a client of mine wanted to obtain 60 new clients, so he cut out pictures of people's faces and pasted them on a large poster board with the number 60 around it. This helped him visualize his goal, making it seem more achievable.
Get a basic notebook and jot down your daily observations and insights. This is a powerful tool to expand your awareness. You can use your book for business ideas, sales tips presentation skills, money-making projects or quotes you have read. If you're more of a computer person, you can start a Word document called "Great Ideas."
Use your imagination to create positive, winning pictures. The sharper your images are and the more intense you feel, the more likely you are to create the result you desire.
Surround yourself with people who have more experience in areas where you are lacking. Your master mind group should have four to six people who meet regularly to share ideas and support each other. These are power alliances that can help you achieve your goals much faster than you could on your own.
Pamela Dunn, founder of Executive Coaching International, is passionate about helping successful professionals and entrepreneurs achieve their highest vision of success. As a former trainer for world-class success coach Tony Robbins, Pamela has a tremendous amount of insight into personal and professional success. Her unique High Performance Coaching System is a results-oriented program that has helped countless professionals find focus, build efficiency, and eliminate overwhelm. For information about Pamela's coaching program, or to sign up for more free, high-performance articles like this, please visit her online at
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Sunday, November 15, 2009
Keyword Research
SEO may be the answer to the age old question of which method of traffic generation should I use? SEO or Search Engine Optimization is guarantee to long-term website visibility and ranking. Now when you combine the power of good seo with the intent of locally marketing your product or service you are setting yourself up for complete domination of.
When promoting your company locally it becomes increasingly more achievable to get to that highly- sought after front page. When you are on the front-page of the search engines your business is more likely to be seen by consumers looking for what you have and giving you more of a chance to make the sell. There are several factors that will help propel you to the front page and we will talk about them briefly.
Keyword research is at the heart of good seo. This is probably the most essential element of the SEO processes and crucial. You must find the right keywords that consumers are using to browse the net to find your product or service.However, these keywords are not going to just jump off the page into your content, you have to do some research to find them. In order to find them you will have to do a little research, usually called keyword research.
When performing keyword research it is important to remember that not all keywords are equal. A keyword is a term used to retrieve documents in an information system such as a catalog or a search engine. There are literally billions of search words and phrases that are available for people to look upon and gain information.
The term 'long tail' was is used to describe the strategy of targeting less-competitive niche markets rather than the hugely competitive broad keywords. A long tail keyword is something like "Macon Internet Marketing Specialist" while a short wail keyword is something like "Internet Marketing". Long tail keywords are said to be more of direct keyword because if a searcher is going to go thru all the trouble to type in exactly what they are wanting to find chances are they will make a purchase.
Jimmy R Williams is an Online Website Promotion Specialist. If you want to succeed in local marketing, download your free traffic guide on how to use the internet to Double or Triple your website traffic within the next 30 days. Available for the next 24 hours only, click below for instant access:
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When promoting your company locally it becomes increasingly more achievable to get to that highly- sought after front page. When you are on the front-page of the search engines your business is more likely to be seen by consumers looking for what you have and giving you more of a chance to make the sell. There are several factors that will help propel you to the front page and we will talk about them briefly.
Keyword research is at the heart of good seo. This is probably the most essential element of the SEO processes and crucial. You must find the right keywords that consumers are using to browse the net to find your product or service.However, these keywords are not going to just jump off the page into your content, you have to do some research to find them. In order to find them you will have to do a little research, usually called keyword research.
When performing keyword research it is important to remember that not all keywords are equal. A keyword is a term used to retrieve documents in an information system such as a catalog or a search engine. There are literally billions of search words and phrases that are available for people to look upon and gain information.
The term 'long tail' was is used to describe the strategy of targeting less-competitive niche markets rather than the hugely competitive broad keywords. A long tail keyword is something like "Macon Internet Marketing Specialist" while a short wail keyword is something like "Internet Marketing". Long tail keywords are said to be more of direct keyword because if a searcher is going to go thru all the trouble to type in exactly what they are wanting to find chances are they will make a purchase.
Jimmy R Williams is an Online Website Promotion Specialist. If you want to succeed in local marketing, download your free traffic guide on how to use the internet to Double or Triple your website traffic within the next 30 days. Available for the next 24 hours only, click below for instant access:
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How to Think Big
Most people think too small. They chase small rewards, and that's what they get, small
rewards. Donald Trump has been quoted as saying that it's a good thing most people
think small, because that leaves the big stuff for him. "If you're going to think at all, you
might as well think big", says the Donald.
How do you think big? Rather than say, "I plan to release a one hour audio", you could
say, "I plan to release a series of excellent audio programs which will be a must have in
my industry."
A good idea is to think in broader terms. You can take a job where you do one little thing
all day, or you can prepare a business that will serve many, either through automation or
more employees, or both. If you can add more value to your product or service than
anyone else, and effectively serve more people than anyone else, wealth and success
will follow.
Solving bigger problems leads to massive success. I used to work with a guy who
worried way too much about tiny problems and issues at work. When he wasn't doing
that, he was proposing to the company things that would not make money or add to the
bottom line at all. When you think about solving a problem, think in terms of the World, or
your country, or your industry, or a whole demographic, etc. Solve a big problem and sell
your service to people who have that problem. Then get to work making a business plan
and finding investors. Make sure your services are seen as superior and worth the price
paid by your customers. If the world thinks your products or services solve their
problems, you have succeeded on a big scale.
Associate with people who think big. Work for a company that is trying to make it big, by
solving big problems. Start or join a mastermind made up of people who have serious
ambition. Enjoy some coffee with those studious and ambitious business majors at
Piggy back on the back of an entrepreneur by working as an assistant, or at least follow
his/her books, articles, corporate web site, and blog. This will give you some insight as
to where that entrepreneur is going and where your industry is headed. You could invest
in the company (or fund) that your role model entrepreneur is running. You are more
likely to follow it if you own some of it.
When you make decisions regarding your success in business and life, ask yourself
questions like: how will this increase the bottom line of my business? Am I taking a big
enough project? Is the time requirement worth the reward? Will this help me take on
bigger projects in the future? Can I take this company public? Can I expand this
business internationally? Am I managing enough risk? You get the idea, think big.
In conclusion, make sure you are working hard enough on the things that matter the
most, and be sure to always follow through when it comes to your customers.
David K Drews
rewards. Donald Trump has been quoted as saying that it's a good thing most people
think small, because that leaves the big stuff for him. "If you're going to think at all, you
might as well think big", says the Donald.
How do you think big? Rather than say, "I plan to release a one hour audio", you could
say, "I plan to release a series of excellent audio programs which will be a must have in
my industry."
A good idea is to think in broader terms. You can take a job where you do one little thing
all day, or you can prepare a business that will serve many, either through automation or
more employees, or both. If you can add more value to your product or service than
anyone else, and effectively serve more people than anyone else, wealth and success
will follow.
Solving bigger problems leads to massive success. I used to work with a guy who
worried way too much about tiny problems and issues at work. When he wasn't doing
that, he was proposing to the company things that would not make money or add to the
bottom line at all. When you think about solving a problem, think in terms of the World, or
your country, or your industry, or a whole demographic, etc. Solve a big problem and sell
your service to people who have that problem. Then get to work making a business plan
and finding investors. Make sure your services are seen as superior and worth the price
paid by your customers. If the world thinks your products or services solve their
problems, you have succeeded on a big scale.
Associate with people who think big. Work for a company that is trying to make it big, by
solving big problems. Start or join a mastermind made up of people who have serious
ambition. Enjoy some coffee with those studious and ambitious business majors at
Piggy back on the back of an entrepreneur by working as an assistant, or at least follow
his/her books, articles, corporate web site, and blog. This will give you some insight as
to where that entrepreneur is going and where your industry is headed. You could invest
in the company (or fund) that your role model entrepreneur is running. You are more
likely to follow it if you own some of it.
When you make decisions regarding your success in business and life, ask yourself
questions like: how will this increase the bottom line of my business? Am I taking a big
enough project? Is the time requirement worth the reward? Will this help me take on
bigger projects in the future? Can I take this company public? Can I expand this
business internationally? Am I managing enough risk? You get the idea, think big.
In conclusion, make sure you are working hard enough on the things that matter the
most, and be sure to always follow through when it comes to your customers.
David K Drews
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
How to Make Your Dreams Come True - 3 Tips to Get the Life That You Want
Is it really possible to make your dreams come true and life the live that you actually want? The answer is a fully yes. Most of the people are not aware of who they really are. They think that life is one big struggle but the reality is that we are born as creators and manifesting beings.
Get rid of limiting beliefs
First of all it is crucial to get rid of limiting beliefs. There are limiting beliefs in many forms for example the opinion of other people, negative thoughts inside you and negative information you have heard on the news. Eliminating these negative believes is the first step to get make your dreams come true and to manifest the life that you want.
As you may know anything and everything in your life and this universe is energy. Limiting believes and negative thoughts are a form of energy too. However these negative believes are forming a mental, emotional and energetic block. Get rid of negative believes and abundance and positive energy comes into your life very soon.
The past and future do not exist
In fact time is an illusion and in reality it does not exist, at least not in our three-dimensional world. Your only time of power, the only moment where you can create or do is the now. You can think back about something you have done five years ago but the action where you did it was in the now. Living in the now, in this very moment is the second step to make your dreams come true
Consistency and discipline
Another reason why you probably struggle with your life is because you don't have enough discipline. In most cases you will have to take a lot of small steps to take your goals. You need to work on your goals every day. Sure at first glance it is much easier to watch TV than actually working on your dream life.
Throughout the day ask yourself this action. Is the action that I do in this very moment bringing me towards my goal or not.
Imagine creating the life of your dreams in only twenty minutes a day. Spend only twenty minutes a day and become a manifestation magnet. Get an instant boost right into your mind straight from the start. Yes the videos are that powerful. Click here if you want to change your life to it's fullest potential. Or you can still walk the road you do right now... The choice is yours.
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Get rid of limiting beliefs
First of all it is crucial to get rid of limiting beliefs. There are limiting beliefs in many forms for example the opinion of other people, negative thoughts inside you and negative information you have heard on the news. Eliminating these negative believes is the first step to get make your dreams come true and to manifest the life that you want.
As you may know anything and everything in your life and this universe is energy. Limiting believes and negative thoughts are a form of energy too. However these negative believes are forming a mental, emotional and energetic block. Get rid of negative believes and abundance and positive energy comes into your life very soon.
The past and future do not exist
In fact time is an illusion and in reality it does not exist, at least not in our three-dimensional world. Your only time of power, the only moment where you can create or do is the now. You can think back about something you have done five years ago but the action where you did it was in the now. Living in the now, in this very moment is the second step to make your dreams come true
Consistency and discipline
Another reason why you probably struggle with your life is because you don't have enough discipline. In most cases you will have to take a lot of small steps to take your goals. You need to work on your goals every day. Sure at first glance it is much easier to watch TV than actually working on your dream life.
Throughout the day ask yourself this action. Is the action that I do in this very moment bringing me towards my goal or not.
Imagine creating the life of your dreams in only twenty minutes a day. Spend only twenty minutes a day and become a manifestation magnet. Get an instant boost right into your mind straight from the start. Yes the videos are that powerful. Click here if you want to change your life to it's fullest potential. Or you can still walk the road you do right now... The choice is yours.
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Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Art of Becoming Unstoppable
As a business owner, I have discovered something quite remarkable over the course of the past thirty years. What I have realized is that absolutely no obstacle is ever too great for people who possess an unstoppable spirit.
People with an unstoppable spirit keep their focus on their hopes for the future rather than dwelling on grievances of the past. In fact, I have noticed that the one common link among people that I consider unstoppable is that they have all struggled, have all tripped and stumbled, and have all experienced setbacks and failures. Yet they pulled themselves up and kept going. Their dreams demanded their all, and they gave it. And with each trial, they emerged stronger, more sure, and more deserving of attaining their dreams and goals.
You see, the size of the goal really is not what constitutes an unstoppable spirit. I believe that an unstoppable spirit is actually personified in anyone who identifies a goal and refuses to give up until that goal is achieved.
I have noticed that there are seven basic characteristics that can be found in every unstoppable person:
They devote themselves to their true purpose.
They follow their heart's passion.
They believe in themselves and their ideas.
They prepare for challenges.
They ask for help and build a support team.
They seek creative solutions.
They persevere, regardless of the challenges they face.
Pursue Your Purpose
Having a purpose can ignite your spirit and provide personal meaning as well as deep satisfaction in your life. Purpose provides the answer to why you are here and directs you toward your own special calling. Purpose fuels your efforts and gives you the drive to continue, no matter what the challenges.
As you encounter challenges on your journey toward accomplishing your goals, stay focused on your purpose. Make the conscious decision to remain determined to deal with whatever comes your way.
As you move forward with persistence, your sense of purpose will likely inspire others. In fact, your actions may well inspire others to the point that they decide to join you on the path to becoming unstoppable. Now you are not only moving toward the greatness for which you were created, you are also changing the lives of others.
Remember, the ripple of unstoppable determination and inspiration which you began can expand and touch something deep within the spirit of others, igniting their dreams, passions and goals.
Ignite Your Passion
I have found that only passion can inspire and motivate your soul to accomplish great things. Many of us are afraid to follow our passions and pursue what we want most because that means taking risks and facing possible failure. What you must realize, however, is that to pursue your passion with all your heart and soul means that you have already succeeded. The greatest failure in life is to have never really tried.
If you want to achieve great things in your life, you must be willing to take risks.
Passion creates an amazing supply of positive energy, not just for the exciting beginning but also for the entire journey. When you love what you do, you have the energy to overcome any obstacle. You will find that passion is the fuel that drives you onward toward achieving your purpose. It can also inspire and enlist the support of others.
Actively Believe In Yourself
Belief in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals are prerequisites to becoming unstoppable. When your belief system in unshakable, you can transform your purpose and your goals into physical realities. In other words, your actions reflect your beliefs.
Literally, it is what you do that demonstrates what you believe. So begin your journey toward greatness by writing down one action you can take immediately that will put your dreams into motion - even if it is just a small step toward your goals. That one small step will communicate the message that you believe in yourself and your dreams.
Follow Your Dream With Persistence
Remember that pursuing your goals will be a constantly evolving process. No one who has ever followed a dream has taken a direct, unobstructed path to arrive at his or her destination effortlessly and on time. Following a dream is not a direct highway, but rather a bumpy road full of twists, turns, and the occasional roadblock.
Because of the "instant gratification" society in which we live, a great number of people lack the patience and persistence necessary to achieve their goals. However, in order to discover the true art of becoming unstoppable, you must take responsibility for your life and your future.
This journey toward becoming unstoppable requires that you be flexible, creative, and persistent. I advise you to look ahead and envision the goal you ultimately want to achieve. Keep this goal in front of you and you will never lose your way.
By refusing to allow any circumstance, no matter how formidable, to become an excuse for failure, you can create your own legacy of greatness ... a legacy of unstoppable success.
Mark A. Stevens is a successful entrepreneur, business coach, motivational speaker and author. To learn more about Mark or his company, Vision For Life International, visit Become a part of Mark's social networking community via Facebook by visiting
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People with an unstoppable spirit keep their focus on their hopes for the future rather than dwelling on grievances of the past. In fact, I have noticed that the one common link among people that I consider unstoppable is that they have all struggled, have all tripped and stumbled, and have all experienced setbacks and failures. Yet they pulled themselves up and kept going. Their dreams demanded their all, and they gave it. And with each trial, they emerged stronger, more sure, and more deserving of attaining their dreams and goals.
You see, the size of the goal really is not what constitutes an unstoppable spirit. I believe that an unstoppable spirit is actually personified in anyone who identifies a goal and refuses to give up until that goal is achieved.
I have noticed that there are seven basic characteristics that can be found in every unstoppable person:
They devote themselves to their true purpose.
They follow their heart's passion.
They believe in themselves and their ideas.
They prepare for challenges.
They ask for help and build a support team.
They seek creative solutions.
They persevere, regardless of the challenges they face.
Pursue Your Purpose
Having a purpose can ignite your spirit and provide personal meaning as well as deep satisfaction in your life. Purpose provides the answer to why you are here and directs you toward your own special calling. Purpose fuels your efforts and gives you the drive to continue, no matter what the challenges.
As you encounter challenges on your journey toward accomplishing your goals, stay focused on your purpose. Make the conscious decision to remain determined to deal with whatever comes your way.
As you move forward with persistence, your sense of purpose will likely inspire others. In fact, your actions may well inspire others to the point that they decide to join you on the path to becoming unstoppable. Now you are not only moving toward the greatness for which you were created, you are also changing the lives of others.
Remember, the ripple of unstoppable determination and inspiration which you began can expand and touch something deep within the spirit of others, igniting their dreams, passions and goals.
Ignite Your Passion
I have found that only passion can inspire and motivate your soul to accomplish great things. Many of us are afraid to follow our passions and pursue what we want most because that means taking risks and facing possible failure. What you must realize, however, is that to pursue your passion with all your heart and soul means that you have already succeeded. The greatest failure in life is to have never really tried.
If you want to achieve great things in your life, you must be willing to take risks.
Passion creates an amazing supply of positive energy, not just for the exciting beginning but also for the entire journey. When you love what you do, you have the energy to overcome any obstacle. You will find that passion is the fuel that drives you onward toward achieving your purpose. It can also inspire and enlist the support of others.
Actively Believe In Yourself
Belief in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals are prerequisites to becoming unstoppable. When your belief system in unshakable, you can transform your purpose and your goals into physical realities. In other words, your actions reflect your beliefs.
Literally, it is what you do that demonstrates what you believe. So begin your journey toward greatness by writing down one action you can take immediately that will put your dreams into motion - even if it is just a small step toward your goals. That one small step will communicate the message that you believe in yourself and your dreams.
Follow Your Dream With Persistence
Remember that pursuing your goals will be a constantly evolving process. No one who has ever followed a dream has taken a direct, unobstructed path to arrive at his or her destination effortlessly and on time. Following a dream is not a direct highway, but rather a bumpy road full of twists, turns, and the occasional roadblock.
Because of the "instant gratification" society in which we live, a great number of people lack the patience and persistence necessary to achieve their goals. However, in order to discover the true art of becoming unstoppable, you must take responsibility for your life and your future.
This journey toward becoming unstoppable requires that you be flexible, creative, and persistent. I advise you to look ahead and envision the goal you ultimately want to achieve. Keep this goal in front of you and you will never lose your way.
By refusing to allow any circumstance, no matter how formidable, to become an excuse for failure, you can create your own legacy of greatness ... a legacy of unstoppable success.
Mark A. Stevens is a successful entrepreneur, business coach, motivational speaker and author. To learn more about Mark or his company, Vision For Life International, visit Become a part of Mark's social networking community via Facebook by visiting
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Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Become a Millionaire By Age 30
This is a step by step guide that will make you a millionaire before 30. If you want to learn how to become a millionaire by 30 then you are in the right place. This is a fool proof plan that can be achieved by anyone wanting to become a millionaire. You do not have to be under 30 to do this, you can do it at any age and achieve great success.
1. Discover What You Love
Studies have shown that the best way to earn money is to do what you love. When you are passionate about something you will naturally want to do your best in that area. This natural drive is what causes people who work doing what they love to be more successful
Action point: Write down 10-20 things that you love to do. Spend about 15 minutes doing this. Then choose the 1-3 things that you love the most
2. Find a Need In That Area
In order to become a millionaire you need to find a need in the area you love. Personally I love making money online and there is a need to teach people how to do this. Maybe you love soccer and there is a need to create a training program. Maybe you love reading and writing and there is a need to teach deaf children how to read. I don't know, but think of a variety of needs.
Action point: Write down 10-20 needs for the area that you love. Then choose the 1-3 needs that you believe you can answer
3. Ask If People Are Desperate To Fill That Need
For the needs you have chosen that you believe you can fill ask the question whether or not people are desperate to have this need met. You want people to be desperate to have this need met because then you have hungry buyers and you can become a million before 30.
Action Point: Rate how desperate people are for this need to be met on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being not at all and 10 being extremely desperate. The higher the number the better
4. Ask How Many People Are Desperate To Fill That Need In Their Lives
If you have discovered something that you believe you can create that people will be desperate to fulfill the need of then you need to ask how many people are desperate to fill this need in their lives. The more people the better. You can still make a lot of money in a niche market, but too few customers equals not enough money
Action Point: Write down the percentage of people with this need would be desperate to fill this need. Estimate a figure of people in your nation who are desperate to fulfill this need.
5. Create Something To Fill That Need
Now is where the real action begins. Now that you know your target market (the people with a need that are desperate to have that need met) you are going to create your product for these people. You should never create a product and then look for the market, always look for the market first, then create a product. Now work out how you can create your product so it can fulfill the need
Action point: Write down the product you want to create and something you can do today to work towards getting that product created.
6. Get Others To Sell Your Product For You
You can easily become a millionaire by selling your own products, but you will fail to have a life because you will be working 12-16 hours per day. The important thing is to find other people to sell your product for you. Offer them a good commission on the sale of your product and they will work their asses off to make you money. This is where you sit back and watch the money come in.
Action point: Contact people in shops, or people with websites about them marketing your product for you. Offer them a great deal.
7. Trim The Fat
There is a rule that says 20% of your effort will bring in 80% of your results. This means you need to distinguish the 80% of effort that is only bringing in 20% of the results and you need to cut that 80% out of your life. This might mean a slight pay cut in the immediate, but you will earn more in the long run as you are freed up to pursue more opportunities that are in the 20% effort 80% return category.
Action point: Look at where you are spending your time and what is producing your results. Being busy is not the same as being productive. Only do those things that are productive and cut the rest out of your life
8. Continually Learn More
It is important that you continually learn about different ways to make money so that you can have multiple streams of income.
You live in a time where getting rich has never been easier. We live in the information age and the ability for anyone to join the ranks of the rich and mega rich has gotten easier and easier. You just need to know how you can become rich. One of the best ways to learn how to become rich is to join a training program. There are loads of scammy training programs that will charge you thousands of dollars for useless information. But I have found a great FREE training program at Better yet if you sign up today you will receive a free audio teaching worth $27. So hurry and sign up today and start learning how you can become rich.
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1. Discover What You Love
Studies have shown that the best way to earn money is to do what you love. When you are passionate about something you will naturally want to do your best in that area. This natural drive is what causes people who work doing what they love to be more successful
Action point: Write down 10-20 things that you love to do. Spend about 15 minutes doing this. Then choose the 1-3 things that you love the most
2. Find a Need In That Area
In order to become a millionaire you need to find a need in the area you love. Personally I love making money online and there is a need to teach people how to do this. Maybe you love soccer and there is a need to create a training program. Maybe you love reading and writing and there is a need to teach deaf children how to read. I don't know, but think of a variety of needs.
Action point: Write down 10-20 needs for the area that you love. Then choose the 1-3 needs that you believe you can answer
3. Ask If People Are Desperate To Fill That Need
For the needs you have chosen that you believe you can fill ask the question whether or not people are desperate to have this need met. You want people to be desperate to have this need met because then you have hungry buyers and you can become a million before 30.
Action Point: Rate how desperate people are for this need to be met on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being not at all and 10 being extremely desperate. The higher the number the better
4. Ask How Many People Are Desperate To Fill That Need In Their Lives
If you have discovered something that you believe you can create that people will be desperate to fulfill the need of then you need to ask how many people are desperate to fill this need in their lives. The more people the better. You can still make a lot of money in a niche market, but too few customers equals not enough money
Action Point: Write down the percentage of people with this need would be desperate to fill this need. Estimate a figure of people in your nation who are desperate to fulfill this need.
5. Create Something To Fill That Need
Now is where the real action begins. Now that you know your target market (the people with a need that are desperate to have that need met) you are going to create your product for these people. You should never create a product and then look for the market, always look for the market first, then create a product. Now work out how you can create your product so it can fulfill the need
Action point: Write down the product you want to create and something you can do today to work towards getting that product created.
6. Get Others To Sell Your Product For You
You can easily become a millionaire by selling your own products, but you will fail to have a life because you will be working 12-16 hours per day. The important thing is to find other people to sell your product for you. Offer them a good commission on the sale of your product and they will work their asses off to make you money. This is where you sit back and watch the money come in.
Action point: Contact people in shops, or people with websites about them marketing your product for you. Offer them a great deal.
7. Trim The Fat
There is a rule that says 20% of your effort will bring in 80% of your results. This means you need to distinguish the 80% of effort that is only bringing in 20% of the results and you need to cut that 80% out of your life. This might mean a slight pay cut in the immediate, but you will earn more in the long run as you are freed up to pursue more opportunities that are in the 20% effort 80% return category.
Action point: Look at where you are spending your time and what is producing your results. Being busy is not the same as being productive. Only do those things that are productive and cut the rest out of your life
8. Continually Learn More
It is important that you continually learn about different ways to make money so that you can have multiple streams of income.
You live in a time where getting rich has never been easier. We live in the information age and the ability for anyone to join the ranks of the rich and mega rich has gotten easier and easier. You just need to know how you can become rich. One of the best ways to learn how to become rich is to join a training program. There are loads of scammy training programs that will charge you thousands of dollars for useless information. But I have found a great FREE training program at Better yet if you sign up today you will receive a free audio teaching worth $27. So hurry and sign up today and start learning how you can become rich.
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If You Don't Do These Simple Things You'll Never Make Money Online
Do these 10 things and you'll succeed online. If You don't do them, you'll fail and you'll have only yourself to blame for it!
Here are the 10 things you need to do in order to succeed online:
1. Pick A Niche That Has Money - There is no point in working with people that have no money to spend, is there?
2. Do The Right Market Research - Find out what makes the people in your market upset or what common pain or frustration they have.
3. Killer Keyword Research Is A Must - Find the terms people type into google to find information that will solve their problem
4. Start Building A List - A must. Your list will make you the most money.
5. Find A Product To Promote To That List - After your list is created, the next thing you have to do is find a few affiliate products to promote to that list. Don't promote just yet, just find them.
6. Create A Relationship With Your List - People on your list have to like you before anything else, so make sure you send them lots of cool stuff before you promote anything to them. The more they like you, the more money they will give you.
7. Promote Your Affiliate Products To The List - When your list has a relationship with you, start promoting affiliate products to them.
8. Create Your Own Product - Now, that you know which one of your affiliate products sells best, create a similar product and sell it to your list keeping all the profit.
9. Create A High Ticket Product - This one is pretty self explanatory. Just make a high ticket product that you'll sell for a higher price (with videos and audios)
10. Rinse And Repeat - Promote the high ticket product, find a different niche and rinse and repeat.
I understand it can be tough and even if you try hard to do your best, you can still fail because of lack of experience.
Go ahead and check this site out NOW There is a Free book you can download that will show you have to make your first $100 online! I have done all of the above steps for You!
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Here are the 10 things you need to do in order to succeed online:
1. Pick A Niche That Has Money - There is no point in working with people that have no money to spend, is there?
2. Do The Right Market Research - Find out what makes the people in your market upset or what common pain or frustration they have.
3. Killer Keyword Research Is A Must - Find the terms people type into google to find information that will solve their problem
4. Start Building A List - A must. Your list will make you the most money.
5. Find A Product To Promote To That List - After your list is created, the next thing you have to do is find a few affiliate products to promote to that list. Don't promote just yet, just find them.
6. Create A Relationship With Your List - People on your list have to like you before anything else, so make sure you send them lots of cool stuff before you promote anything to them. The more they like you, the more money they will give you.
7. Promote Your Affiliate Products To The List - When your list has a relationship with you, start promoting affiliate products to them.
8. Create Your Own Product - Now, that you know which one of your affiliate products sells best, create a similar product and sell it to your list keeping all the profit.
9. Create A High Ticket Product - This one is pretty self explanatory. Just make a high ticket product that you'll sell for a higher price (with videos and audios)
10. Rinse And Repeat - Promote the high ticket product, find a different niche and rinse and repeat.
I understand it can be tough and even if you try hard to do your best, you can still fail because of lack of experience.
Go ahead and check this site out NOW There is a Free book you can download that will show you have to make your first $100 online! I have done all of the above steps for You!
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Skills Needed for Internet Marketing
Learning and mastering the right skills for Internet Marketing is an important aspect of your marketing strategy. Developing these skills will not only bring fulfillment and growth, but mostly, the opportunity for you to assist others in this area. So, what are these skills? Although there are many skills to learn, here are a few, that if mastered, will provide you with a great overall strategy as well as the best opportunity to achieve your goals and/or desired results.
Skill One: Google AdWords. Even though Google has recently come out with some compliance and/or requirement changes, it still remains the one of the most effective ways to market your product or service. Learning how to utilize Google will be well worth your time and investment. There are a number of resources that are available that can assist you in developing the knowledge required to drive traffic to your website. One such resource is, Perry Marshall's "The Definitive Guide to Google AdWords". It still remains the best resource for those desiring to become proficient at AdWords. If you have more money than time, AdWords should be the number one skill mastered in your arsenal of strategies for marketing on internet.
Skill Two: Video Marketing. Video Marketing is a marketing skill that many seem to overlook for one reason or another. First of all, it is a very effective way to market on internet because it allows you to connect with your potential prospect by sight. Secondly, its free and that is the ultimate return on investment. With an inexpensive Flip Camera (approx.$150.00) or WebCam (on your computer), you can begin to generate traffic to your website in a matter of minutes by uploading the videos to YouTube, Social Media sites, Blogs, and other sites as you see fit. There are those who say that they get nervous in front of the camera, don't allow fear to prevent you from marketing on internet in an effective, cost efficient way.
Skill Three: Copywriting. Learning the skill of Copywriting, or Direct Response Marketing, can be a very powerful and effective way to gather potential customers and build a list of potential prospects. Utilizing the written word to present your information and/or product to millions of people via the internet can produce a tremendous amount of targeted traffic to your website. By connecting to the reader emotionally and psychologically, you give yourself an opportunity develop a relationship that could last for many years. Copywriting can be a game changer in marketing on internet.
Jesse is an Internet Marketer that believes by assisting others in their quest for success, everyone will become successful together. To learn the skills described above as well as other marketing skills, go to for more information.
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Skill One: Google AdWords. Even though Google has recently come out with some compliance and/or requirement changes, it still remains the one of the most effective ways to market your product or service. Learning how to utilize Google will be well worth your time and investment. There are a number of resources that are available that can assist you in developing the knowledge required to drive traffic to your website. One such resource is, Perry Marshall's "The Definitive Guide to Google AdWords". It still remains the best resource for those desiring to become proficient at AdWords. If you have more money than time, AdWords should be the number one skill mastered in your arsenal of strategies for marketing on internet.
Skill Two: Video Marketing. Video Marketing is a marketing skill that many seem to overlook for one reason or another. First of all, it is a very effective way to market on internet because it allows you to connect with your potential prospect by sight. Secondly, its free and that is the ultimate return on investment. With an inexpensive Flip Camera (approx.$150.00) or WebCam (on your computer), you can begin to generate traffic to your website in a matter of minutes by uploading the videos to YouTube, Social Media sites, Blogs, and other sites as you see fit. There are those who say that they get nervous in front of the camera, don't allow fear to prevent you from marketing on internet in an effective, cost efficient way.
Skill Three: Copywriting. Learning the skill of Copywriting, or Direct Response Marketing, can be a very powerful and effective way to gather potential customers and build a list of potential prospects. Utilizing the written word to present your information and/or product to millions of people via the internet can produce a tremendous amount of targeted traffic to your website. By connecting to the reader emotionally and psychologically, you give yourself an opportunity develop a relationship that could last for many years. Copywriting can be a game changer in marketing on internet.
Jesse is an Internet Marketer that believes by assisting others in their quest for success, everyone will become successful together. To learn the skills described above as well as other marketing skills, go to for more information.
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Monday, November 2, 2009
How to Write a Resume
If you are out there looking for any professional positions, then the professional resume you use for the purpose is the one thing you cannot afford to get wrong. The professional resume is, after all, your 'advertisement' for your services to the prospective buyers of the services (the employers); and could go a long way towards determining whether they proceed to procure those services you are offering them, or whether they opt for another 'service-vendor.'
You might not think much about the mechanics of professional resume writing, until you get to hear of people who lost out on positions they were very highly qualified for to people who were obviously less qualified - not because of underhand dealings - because of how the two sets of people appeared through their resume. In this regard then, it is important to take note of the fact that your professional resume is essentially a 'forerunner' you send before yourself when searching for a professional position; and as a 'forerunner' to you, your resume could present you in good or bad light, depending on how you go about developing it.
There are a number of 'dos' and 'don'ts' to keep in mind when writing a resume.
Starting with the dos, it is important to ensure that you tailor your resume according to the type of position you are looking for, and for the specific employer whose favor you are looking for. The 'one size fits all' approach certainly does not apply when it comes to resume writing. So 'tailoring-making' is the first do whenever writing a resume for any position.
Another 'do' you have to observe whenever writing a professional resume is to keep it brief. This is tricky, because whenever people are told to keep their resumes brief, many end up sacrificing important information that should appear on the resume at the altar of brevity. Ideally, then, you should be concise in your presentation of information on the resume, so that you pack all important information in a small amount of space, ending up with a brief - yet comprehensive - document.
Yet another 'do' as far writing a resume goes is to ensure that you do it with the end in mind, all through. This carries in it a lot of other bits of advice on professional-resume writing. It is, for instance, when you are writing the resume with the end in mind that you will be in a position to write for your targeted audience in mind, so that in case you are seeking an academic position, your resume appears in the academia's language; and if you are seeking a corporate position, your resume appears in the 'language of business.'
The don'ts, as far as writing a professional resume goes, are just as many. You for instance, to avoid use of superlatives (even when your performance was indeed 'super') as over-use of such superlatives makes you come across as arrogant. Use of clichés is to be avoided, as far as professional resume goes, as you have to come across as a creative person - and these are just some of the many things to keep in mind when writing a professional resume.
Learn how to write a Professional Resume with the help Resume Templates from
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You might not think much about the mechanics of professional resume writing, until you get to hear of people who lost out on positions they were very highly qualified for to people who were obviously less qualified - not because of underhand dealings - because of how the two sets of people appeared through their resume. In this regard then, it is important to take note of the fact that your professional resume is essentially a 'forerunner' you send before yourself when searching for a professional position; and as a 'forerunner' to you, your resume could present you in good or bad light, depending on how you go about developing it.
There are a number of 'dos' and 'don'ts' to keep in mind when writing a resume.
Starting with the dos, it is important to ensure that you tailor your resume according to the type of position you are looking for, and for the specific employer whose favor you are looking for. The 'one size fits all' approach certainly does not apply when it comes to resume writing. So 'tailoring-making' is the first do whenever writing a resume for any position.
Another 'do' you have to observe whenever writing a professional resume is to keep it brief. This is tricky, because whenever people are told to keep their resumes brief, many end up sacrificing important information that should appear on the resume at the altar of brevity. Ideally, then, you should be concise in your presentation of information on the resume, so that you pack all important information in a small amount of space, ending up with a brief - yet comprehensive - document.
Yet another 'do' as far writing a resume goes is to ensure that you do it with the end in mind, all through. This carries in it a lot of other bits of advice on professional-resume writing. It is, for instance, when you are writing the resume with the end in mind that you will be in a position to write for your targeted audience in mind, so that in case you are seeking an academic position, your resume appears in the academia's language; and if you are seeking a corporate position, your resume appears in the 'language of business.'
The don'ts, as far as writing a professional resume goes, are just as many. You for instance, to avoid use of superlatives (even when your performance was indeed 'super') as over-use of such superlatives makes you come across as arrogant. Use of clichés is to be avoided, as far as professional resume goes, as you have to come across as a creative person - and these are just some of the many things to keep in mind when writing a professional resume.
Learn how to write a Professional Resume with the help Resume Templates from
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Saturday, October 24, 2009
Ten Secrets of Success From Solomon
Proverbs, a book of the Old Testament, was compiled by King Solomon almost 3,000 years ago. Nonetheless, this monarch's secrets remain as relevant and practical as when first penned. This is not surprising. Human nature has not changed in the intervening millennia.
The third chapter of Proverbs, which was written to stand alone, gives ten secrets of success. The first seven secrets and the last each come with a promise, showing what can be expected (as a rule of thumb) when its admonition is followed. In this article, I have adapted those secrets as business advice.
Secret 1: Keep the law; you'll get more out of your day, live longer, and have greater peace.
We are moral beings. Living by moral principles makes business more straightforward, keeps our footing secure and shields us from a good deal of worry, heartache, and disgrace. When we are doing what is right, we can concentrate more on the issues at hand than when we are distracted by negatives such as the fear of discovery. (Rule 1 is based on Proverbs 3:1,2)
Secret 2: Be kind and honest; then you will find favor with God and men.
Most of us appreciate the person who gives us an encouraging word, stands with us when we make a mistake, and doesn't throw the book at us. We appreciate those who don't hog our credit. And we appreciate those who keep their word. A study showed that one of the few characteristics that the majority of self-made millionaires have in common is that they keep their word. (Based on Proverbs 3:3,4)
Secret 3: Trust completely in God; you'll find direction and be a lot healthier.
None of us can see the end from the beginning. But those who trust in God need not fret when business undergoes a reverse. They don't kill themselves if the stock market plunges or a factory burns down. They believe God will ultimately bring good out of such events. Quite simply put, if we look to God in our business dealings, he guides us, even if we don't realize it at the time. Knowing this helps us to overcome serious reverses. Read the lives of Cyrus McCormick, John Wanamaker, or Lewis B. Tappan if you doubt this. Studies have shown that those who consider themselves believers lead happier lives over all. (Based on Proverbs 3:5-8)
Secret 4: Be generous toward God and people; you'll have more to show for it.
Solomon recognized that those who honor God first out of whatever they acquire (which includes giving to true charities), tend to prosper. One reason may be mental health. People who feel grateful tend to be happier. People who share with others have a pleasure misers can never know. Also, when we give, we are forced to think more carefully how to employ what we have left. This makes us better managers. (Based on Proverbs 3:9-10)
Secret 5: Accept correction; it is a sign God loves you.
We need to learn from our mistakes. In my own life, rebuke has often been my best teacher. If God thinks you are salvageable, he will correct you. (Based on Proverbs 3:11-12)
Secret 6: Learn the principles and science behind your business; you'll make fewer mistakes, have better grounds for your decisions, and sleep easier.
Solomon wrapped his sixth secret of success inside words of praise for wisdom. The fact is, we should learn the science and sound principles behind whatever business we engage in. The laws of economics cannot be flouted with impunity any more than the laws of aerodynamics. (Based on Proverbs 3:13-24)
Secret 7: Stay calm during crisis; trust the Lord instead, and your foot won't slip.
Kipling wrote a poem which begins and ends like this:
If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you...
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!
His poem is an appropriate commentary on Solomon's seventh secret. (Based on Proverbs 3:25,26)
Secret 8: Pay in a timely fashion.
No one appreciates being told the check is in the mail when it isn't. Pay your employees and creditors in a timely fashion if there is any possible way to do so. It gains you the respect and confidence of those you deal with. (Based on Proverbs 3:27,28)
Secret 9: Tolerate Competition.
Do you remember the days of gas wars, when stations tried to drive each other out of business by undercutting their prices? In Southeast Asia, gangs killed competitors in franchise wars between similar products. This is a poor business model. Today we know that if you put two pharmacies or two grocery stores on a corner, both will usually do better than either one alone. Competition is good for those who work hard and use innovative methods to hold the highest standards against competitors. (Based on Proverbs 3:29,30)
Secret 10:
Engage in fair business practices; then you'll have the Lord on your side.
Any kind of coercive business dealing, whether by a corporation, mob, labor union, guild, or government, hurts the economy as a whole. When Spain expelled its Jews, its economy collapsed. When Acorn harassed bankers who would not give mortgage loans to those who could not repay, it contributed to a situation in which the housing market collapsed and the United States went into an economic meltdown. On a smaller scale, businesses which trick people into signing documents, or who offer sneaky fine print, lose credibility. There are web sites I visited once but won't visit again because they tricked me with pre-checked subscription buttons. These are all forms of coercion. Deal openly and fairly. The long-term benefits go far beyond anything in this world. As Solomon put it, the Lord's curse is in the house of the wicked: but he blesses the habitation of the just. "Surely he scorns the scorners: but he gives grace to the humble. The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools." (Based on Proverbs 3:31-35)
Dan Graves, MSL, is an author and web developer. His books include Scientists of Faith, Doctors Who Followed Christ, The Earth Will Reel from its Place, The Archbishop Who Killed a Man, Great Women in Christian History, and This Day in Christian History. Visit his web sites at or Solomon and Christ.
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The third chapter of Proverbs, which was written to stand alone, gives ten secrets of success. The first seven secrets and the last each come with a promise, showing what can be expected (as a rule of thumb) when its admonition is followed. In this article, I have adapted those secrets as business advice.
Secret 1: Keep the law; you'll get more out of your day, live longer, and have greater peace.
We are moral beings. Living by moral principles makes business more straightforward, keeps our footing secure and shields us from a good deal of worry, heartache, and disgrace. When we are doing what is right, we can concentrate more on the issues at hand than when we are distracted by negatives such as the fear of discovery. (Rule 1 is based on Proverbs 3:1,2)
Secret 2: Be kind and honest; then you will find favor with God and men.
Most of us appreciate the person who gives us an encouraging word, stands with us when we make a mistake, and doesn't throw the book at us. We appreciate those who don't hog our credit. And we appreciate those who keep their word. A study showed that one of the few characteristics that the majority of self-made millionaires have in common is that they keep their word. (Based on Proverbs 3:3,4)
Secret 3: Trust completely in God; you'll find direction and be a lot healthier.
None of us can see the end from the beginning. But those who trust in God need not fret when business undergoes a reverse. They don't kill themselves if the stock market plunges or a factory burns down. They believe God will ultimately bring good out of such events. Quite simply put, if we look to God in our business dealings, he guides us, even if we don't realize it at the time. Knowing this helps us to overcome serious reverses. Read the lives of Cyrus McCormick, John Wanamaker, or Lewis B. Tappan if you doubt this. Studies have shown that those who consider themselves believers lead happier lives over all. (Based on Proverbs 3:5-8)
Secret 4: Be generous toward God and people; you'll have more to show for it.
Solomon recognized that those who honor God first out of whatever they acquire (which includes giving to true charities), tend to prosper. One reason may be mental health. People who feel grateful tend to be happier. People who share with others have a pleasure misers can never know. Also, when we give, we are forced to think more carefully how to employ what we have left. This makes us better managers. (Based on Proverbs 3:9-10)
Secret 5: Accept correction; it is a sign God loves you.
We need to learn from our mistakes. In my own life, rebuke has often been my best teacher. If God thinks you are salvageable, he will correct you. (Based on Proverbs 3:11-12)
Secret 6: Learn the principles and science behind your business; you'll make fewer mistakes, have better grounds for your decisions, and sleep easier.
Solomon wrapped his sixth secret of success inside words of praise for wisdom. The fact is, we should learn the science and sound principles behind whatever business we engage in. The laws of economics cannot be flouted with impunity any more than the laws of aerodynamics. (Based on Proverbs 3:13-24)
Secret 7: Stay calm during crisis; trust the Lord instead, and your foot won't slip.
Kipling wrote a poem which begins and ends like this:
If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you...
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!
His poem is an appropriate commentary on Solomon's seventh secret. (Based on Proverbs 3:25,26)
Secret 8: Pay in a timely fashion.
No one appreciates being told the check is in the mail when it isn't. Pay your employees and creditors in a timely fashion if there is any possible way to do so. It gains you the respect and confidence of those you deal with. (Based on Proverbs 3:27,28)
Secret 9: Tolerate Competition.
Do you remember the days of gas wars, when stations tried to drive each other out of business by undercutting their prices? In Southeast Asia, gangs killed competitors in franchise wars between similar products. This is a poor business model. Today we know that if you put two pharmacies or two grocery stores on a corner, both will usually do better than either one alone. Competition is good for those who work hard and use innovative methods to hold the highest standards against competitors. (Based on Proverbs 3:29,30)
Secret 10:
Engage in fair business practices; then you'll have the Lord on your side.
Any kind of coercive business dealing, whether by a corporation, mob, labor union, guild, or government, hurts the economy as a whole. When Spain expelled its Jews, its economy collapsed. When Acorn harassed bankers who would not give mortgage loans to those who could not repay, it contributed to a situation in which the housing market collapsed and the United States went into an economic meltdown. On a smaller scale, businesses which trick people into signing documents, or who offer sneaky fine print, lose credibility. There are web sites I visited once but won't visit again because they tricked me with pre-checked subscription buttons. These are all forms of coercion. Deal openly and fairly. The long-term benefits go far beyond anything in this world. As Solomon put it, the Lord's curse is in the house of the wicked: but he blesses the habitation of the just. "Surely he scorns the scorners: but he gives grace to the humble. The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools." (Based on Proverbs 3:31-35)
Dan Graves, MSL, is an author and web developer. His books include Scientists of Faith, Doctors Who Followed Christ, The Earth Will Reel from its Place, The Archbishop Who Killed a Man, Great Women in Christian History, and This Day in Christian History. Visit his web sites at or Solomon and Christ.
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The 10 Priciples of Success
Many believe that success is for a chosen few who have been marked for greatness by destiny. That is not true. Success can be a part of everyone's life, if they understood the 10 principles of success.
Success is not a matter of fate or destiny and neither does it come to you by chance. You need to work towards it and drag it into your life. It's very rare that to find success looking for you. More often than not, you need to chase it down and make it yours.
So, what are the ten principles of success? Take a look.
1. Be Consistent
If you notice a lot of successful people, you are bound to notice some common traits in them. Adopt those traits and maintain them consistently.
2. Have a Vision
It is important to have a vision and know very clearly what it is you want from life. If you are not sure, or the picture in your head is hazy, you can forget about achieving anything.
3. Make an Action Plan
Knowing what you want is one thing, and knowing how to get it is something else. Organize your ideas and make a strategy for yourself.
4. Believe in Yourself
If you don't believe you can achieve it, you will never be able to convince others of your vision. Never doubt yourself. Tell yourself again and again that you will succeed.
5. Take Responsibility
Take responsibility for your actions, for the consequences of those actions, for your future, for your decisions, and for your life. No matter how many times you fail, get up and start again. Don't let failures decide the course of your life. Treat them as a stepping stone to success and persevere.
7. Make your Goals SMART
Your goal should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Bound. These are the essentials of a workable goal.
8. Continue Learning
Never stop learning. Learning means growth. When you stop learning, you stop growing. If you stop growing, you will die. And dead people can never be successful.
9. Do Not Shirk from Asking for Help
There is no shame in seeking help and guidance from people. It would be shameful if you let something like false pride stand in the way of attaining success.
10. Be an Asset to People around You
Unless you add value to the society in some form or manner, you are not going to be successful.
Hopefully, these 10 principles of success will help guide yo
u in your quest for that which you seek with all your heart.
Visit Goal Setting Tips to learn how to set yourself up for success and get free tips on how to effectively set goals.
Victor Ghebre is the editor of where you get practical tips and information on goal setting, motivation, leadership and more.
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Success is not a matter of fate or destiny and neither does it come to you by chance. You need to work towards it and drag it into your life. It's very rare that to find success looking for you. More often than not, you need to chase it down and make it yours.
So, what are the ten principles of success? Take a look.
1. Be Consistent
If you notice a lot of successful people, you are bound to notice some common traits in them. Adopt those traits and maintain them consistently.
2. Have a Vision
It is important to have a vision and know very clearly what it is you want from life. If you are not sure, or the picture in your head is hazy, you can forget about achieving anything.
3. Make an Action Plan
Knowing what you want is one thing, and knowing how to get it is something else. Organize your ideas and make a strategy for yourself.
4. Believe in Yourself
If you don't believe you can achieve it, you will never be able to convince others of your vision. Never doubt yourself. Tell yourself again and again that you will succeed.
5. Take Responsibility
Take responsibility for your actions, for the consequences of those actions, for your future, for your decisions, and for your life. No matter how many times you fail, get up and start again. Don't let failures decide the course of your life. Treat them as a stepping stone to success and persevere.
7. Make your Goals SMART
Your goal should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Bound. These are the essentials of a workable goal.
8. Continue Learning
Never stop learning. Learning means growth. When you stop learning, you stop growing. If you stop growing, you will die. And dead people can never be successful.
9. Do Not Shirk from Asking for Help
There is no shame in seeking help and guidance from people. It would be shameful if you let something like false pride stand in the way of attaining success.
10. Be an Asset to People around You
Unless you add value to the society in some form or manner, you are not going to be successful.
Hopefully, these 10 principles of success will help guide yo
u in your quest for that which you seek with all your heart.
Visit Goal Setting Tips to learn how to set yourself up for success and get free tips on how to effectively set goals.
Victor Ghebre is the editor of where you get practical tips and information on goal setting, motivation, leadership and more.
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Friday, October 23, 2009
Skill Sets and Knowledge
There are two types of knowledge, general knowledge and specialized knowledge. Knowledge, however, will not attract wealth unless it is organized and results in a definite plan of action designed to accumulate wealth.
You see, knowledge itself is not power as is often thought. Knowledge is actually potential power. The power comes about when the knowledge leads to a definite action plan that results in a pre-determined outcome.
It is a well known fact that millions of college graduates, filled with "knowledge" do not go on to amass great wealth. There is a weakness in many cases that can be attributed to a, "lack of ambition".
It is essential that you know how to purchase knowledge. Define the purpose for which the knowledge is required. This of course should match your clearly defined goals. Then check the sources of this knowledge, such as your own experience and education, networking and masterminding with others in your chosen field, colleges and universities, public libraries and book stores and specialized training courses available on your target subject.
The key here is to gain knowledge that makes you a "specialist" in your chosen field. This specialized knowledge will place you in the top 10% or higher in your field and will cause you to become valuable to others. (The industry term often used here is to, "become the hunted instead of the hunter").
As I am writing this in particular to online entrepreneurs, I will hasten to add a remark that I have often heard Mike Dillard say, "The most successful and highly paid people in any field usually have the largest libraries."
I remember something my dad always told me, "we are never too old to learn", and in our field it is essential that we stay current. We are in a very dynamic field where change is continuously happening. Keep on top of the change. Never feel like you have "arrived", and so you no longer have to invest in increasing your value or knowledge.
The remaining element is imagination. Napoleon Hill said it best, "Capability means imagination, the one quality needed to combine specialized knowledge with ideas, in the form of organized plans designed to yield riches."
I have always maintained that innovation is a key ingredient in creating your success.
Melanie PhillibertInternet Consultant and Trainer and EntrepreneurCertified Marketing Consultant
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You see, knowledge itself is not power as is often thought. Knowledge is actually potential power. The power comes about when the knowledge leads to a definite action plan that results in a pre-determined outcome.
It is a well known fact that millions of college graduates, filled with "knowledge" do not go on to amass great wealth. There is a weakness in many cases that can be attributed to a, "lack of ambition".
It is essential that you know how to purchase knowledge. Define the purpose for which the knowledge is required. This of course should match your clearly defined goals. Then check the sources of this knowledge, such as your own experience and education, networking and masterminding with others in your chosen field, colleges and universities, public libraries and book stores and specialized training courses available on your target subject.
The key here is to gain knowledge that makes you a "specialist" in your chosen field. This specialized knowledge will place you in the top 10% or higher in your field and will cause you to become valuable to others. (The industry term often used here is to, "become the hunted instead of the hunter").
As I am writing this in particular to online entrepreneurs, I will hasten to add a remark that I have often heard Mike Dillard say, "The most successful and highly paid people in any field usually have the largest libraries."
I remember something my dad always told me, "we are never too old to learn", and in our field it is essential that we stay current. We are in a very dynamic field where change is continuously happening. Keep on top of the change. Never feel like you have "arrived", and so you no longer have to invest in increasing your value or knowledge.
The remaining element is imagination. Napoleon Hill said it best, "Capability means imagination, the one quality needed to combine specialized knowledge with ideas, in the form of organized plans designed to yield riches."
I have always maintained that innovation is a key ingredient in creating your success.
Melanie PhillibertInternet Consultant and Trainer and EntrepreneurCertified Marketing Consultant
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Sunday, October 18, 2009
7 Tips for Your Mastermind
Mastermind groups are formed by professionals for a number of reasons. The three top reasons being:
1.To generate new ideas and share best practices in an effort to increase revenue and create efficiencies in each member's businesses.
2.To establish a space for accountability, goal setting and encouragement amongst entrepreneurs who are not necessarily reporting up to or being pushed by a Manager. (They are the captain of their own ship)
3.To network and cultivate possible referral relationships with other professionals.
Professionals generally enter into mastermind groups with great enthusiasm and high expectations. However, after six months to a year of meeting, many groups find that the excitement has a tendency to wane and unfortunately, the attendance then follows suit.
Here are 7 helpful tips to help keep your Mastermind group engaged, consistently attended and growing...
Tip #1-Make sure you have a variety of professionals attending who share similar pains. I've talked to Mortgage Professionals who have formed mastermind groups made up solely of Realtors or Financial Planners. This may seem like utopia for YOU, but the group will eventually suffer and may even begin to feel that your attempt to put together a mastermind group was purely self serving. Fresh perspectives, unique approaches & creative business models are more easily derived from groups that include different types of professionals. Of course, only include professionals who share in your pains (i.e. generating leads, branding one's self, team, marketing, effective sales scripts, budgeting, etc.)
Tip #2-Include creative "shake-ups." Make one of your Mastermind sessions an event that the entire group attends, like a seminar or presentation on sales techniques or social media, a chamber mixer or event. Assign chapter readings and group discussion from popular business or self help books, like Think and Grow Rich, The Success Principles, The Tipping Point, or Taming Your Gremlin. Use one session to train on a particular product, system or new technology the group is interested in. Spend one session watching a Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield or Wayne Dyer DVD.
Tip #3-Establish a rotating guest speaker list. Assign each mastermind group member a month that they are responsible for inviting a guest speaker. The guest speaker could be a physical fitness expert, a life or business coach, a social media guru, a holistic healer, a local top salesman, a Manager sharing his/her team leadership secrets, a branding expert, a local blogging superstar, etc.
Tip #4-Share the knowledge. Post your agenda, guest speakers' names, take-aways and "aha" moments and newfound knowledge from your mastermind groups on your blog, LinkedIn and Facebook profiles. Encourage everyone in the mastermind group to do the same.
Tip #5-Don't be a venue hog. Find other locations, other than YOUR office, to hold your mastermind sessions and change it up from time to time. I had a client hold one at a local park with great success. You can also go to your local library, favorite coffee house, wine bar or bistro, community center or recreation center, pastry shop or even one of your group member's residences.
Tip #6-Introduce the 20 Questions game. When utilizing "group think" to help solve a member's current issue, dilemma, roadblock, bottleneck, conflict, etc., have each member ask that person questions about their current situation, not to exceed 20 questions. No one is to suggest or tell the person what to do, nor make statements or share their opinion. They are simply to ask questions to help the one individual experience a breakthrough and to do so without comparing, assuming one person has the solution, or inadvertently creating tension or conflict in the group.
Tip #7-Survey the group. Never assume that your members are satisfied with the current format, agenda, guest speakers, direction and/or vision of the mastermind group. You know what they say about "assuming." The best way to keep your mastermind group alive and kicking is to be open to changing things up, trying new things and most importantly, listening to the V.O.M. (voice of the mastermind)
The power of the mastermind comes from each member's unique experiences, knowledge and willingness to share. As the leader of the mastermind, you owe it to yourself and the group to be picky about whom you choose to invite as a member. Set the bar high! Find individuals who are smarter, more creative, more innovative and more financially savvy than you are.
It's like Jack Canfield once said, "You are the average of the five people, outside of your family, that you hang out with the most." Take the time to find the "right" members and choose to raise your average.
Victoria Del Frate is the President of Success Gateway, Inc. and the creator of and
Victoria has successfully coached dozens of mortgage and real estate leaders whose needs have ranged from systems implementation, business plan development, team building and customer service platform improvements to accountability, time management and life balance concerns.
"My passion is working one-on-one with highly motivated professionals to maximize their personal effectiveness as they develop their vision, define their goals, take action and build strong foundations to ensure their continue success"-Victoria Del Frate
"Coaching is a calling, a passion, a way of life. Each victory, each level you help another human being achieve, to me, is the most worthy contribution one can make in a lifetime. Through coaching, I help others and myself to live "on purpose" every day."-Victoria Del Frate
Victoria's mortgage business planning website, I CAN Plan has been showcased on Mortgage Girlfriends and has been touted as, "The best, on-line, mortgage planning tool" by industry leaders. She was also recently interviewed by Karen Deis as one of the industry's, top business planning experts.
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1.To generate new ideas and share best practices in an effort to increase revenue and create efficiencies in each member's businesses.
2.To establish a space for accountability, goal setting and encouragement amongst entrepreneurs who are not necessarily reporting up to or being pushed by a Manager. (They are the captain of their own ship)
3.To network and cultivate possible referral relationships with other professionals.
Professionals generally enter into mastermind groups with great enthusiasm and high expectations. However, after six months to a year of meeting, many groups find that the excitement has a tendency to wane and unfortunately, the attendance then follows suit.
Here are 7 helpful tips to help keep your Mastermind group engaged, consistently attended and growing...
Tip #1-Make sure you have a variety of professionals attending who share similar pains. I've talked to Mortgage Professionals who have formed mastermind groups made up solely of Realtors or Financial Planners. This may seem like utopia for YOU, but the group will eventually suffer and may even begin to feel that your attempt to put together a mastermind group was purely self serving. Fresh perspectives, unique approaches & creative business models are more easily derived from groups that include different types of professionals. Of course, only include professionals who share in your pains (i.e. generating leads, branding one's self, team, marketing, effective sales scripts, budgeting, etc.)
Tip #2-Include creative "shake-ups." Make one of your Mastermind sessions an event that the entire group attends, like a seminar or presentation on sales techniques or social media, a chamber mixer or event. Assign chapter readings and group discussion from popular business or self help books, like Think and Grow Rich, The Success Principles, The Tipping Point, or Taming Your Gremlin. Use one session to train on a particular product, system or new technology the group is interested in. Spend one session watching a Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield or Wayne Dyer DVD.
Tip #3-Establish a rotating guest speaker list. Assign each mastermind group member a month that they are responsible for inviting a guest speaker. The guest speaker could be a physical fitness expert, a life or business coach, a social media guru, a holistic healer, a local top salesman, a Manager sharing his/her team leadership secrets, a branding expert, a local blogging superstar, etc.
Tip #4-Share the knowledge. Post your agenda, guest speakers' names, take-aways and "aha" moments and newfound knowledge from your mastermind groups on your blog, LinkedIn and Facebook profiles. Encourage everyone in the mastermind group to do the same.
Tip #5-Don't be a venue hog. Find other locations, other than YOUR office, to hold your mastermind sessions and change it up from time to time. I had a client hold one at a local park with great success. You can also go to your local library, favorite coffee house, wine bar or bistro, community center or recreation center, pastry shop or even one of your group member's residences.
Tip #6-Introduce the 20 Questions game. When utilizing "group think" to help solve a member's current issue, dilemma, roadblock, bottleneck, conflict, etc., have each member ask that person questions about their current situation, not to exceed 20 questions. No one is to suggest or tell the person what to do, nor make statements or share their opinion. They are simply to ask questions to help the one individual experience a breakthrough and to do so without comparing, assuming one person has the solution, or inadvertently creating tension or conflict in the group.
Tip #7-Survey the group. Never assume that your members are satisfied with the current format, agenda, guest speakers, direction and/or vision of the mastermind group. You know what they say about "assuming." The best way to keep your mastermind group alive and kicking is to be open to changing things up, trying new things and most importantly, listening to the V.O.M. (voice of the mastermind)
The power of the mastermind comes from each member's unique experiences, knowledge and willingness to share. As the leader of the mastermind, you owe it to yourself and the group to be picky about whom you choose to invite as a member. Set the bar high! Find individuals who are smarter, more creative, more innovative and more financially savvy than you are.
It's like Jack Canfield once said, "You are the average of the five people, outside of your family, that you hang out with the most." Take the time to find the "right" members and choose to raise your average.
Victoria Del Frate is the President of Success Gateway, Inc. and the creator of and
Victoria has successfully coached dozens of mortgage and real estate leaders whose needs have ranged from systems implementation, business plan development, team building and customer service platform improvements to accountability, time management and life balance concerns.
"My passion is working one-on-one with highly motivated professionals to maximize their personal effectiveness as they develop their vision, define their goals, take action and build strong foundations to ensure their continue success"-Victoria Del Frate
"Coaching is a calling, a passion, a way of life. Each victory, each level you help another human being achieve, to me, is the most worthy contribution one can make in a lifetime. Through coaching, I help others and myself to live "on purpose" every day."-Victoria Del Frate
Victoria's mortgage business planning website, I CAN Plan has been showcased on Mortgage Girlfriends and has been touted as, "The best, on-line, mortgage planning tool" by industry leaders. She was also recently interviewed by Karen Deis as one of the industry's, top business planning experts.
Article Source:
Robert T. Kiyosaki's Teachings
Robert Kiyosaki is a well known author and successful businessman!
A large part of Kiyosaki's teachings focus on generating passive income by means of investment opportunities, such as real estate and small businesses, with the ultimate goal of being able to support oneself by such investments alone. Kiyosaki also defines "assets" as things that generate money, such as rental properties or businesses, and "liabilities" as things that cost money, such as house payments, cars and so on. Kiyosaki also proclaims financial leverage to be critically important in becoming rich.
He stresses what he calls "financial literacy" as the means to obtaining wealth. He says that life skills are often best learned through experience and that there are important lessons not taught in school. He says that formal education is primarily for those seeking to be employees or self-employed individuals, and that this is an "Industrial Age idea". And according to Kiyosaki, in order to obtain financial freedom, one must be either a business owner or an investor, generating passive income.
Kiyosaki uses the "rich dad, poor dad" series of books to illustrate his view that the majority of people are stuck in what he refers to as "the rat race"-living paycheck to paycheck and spending all of their time working to pay bills. In his books, Kiyosaki advocates tax-advantaged investment vehicles, such as real estate or businesses, rather than ownership of securities. This idea is further developed in his later books and "Rich Dad" became Kiyosaki's personal brand for various publishing ventures.
Although Kiyosaki recommends investing in real estate usually for rental income, there is one thing that he doesn't seem to to pay-off your rental property and even your house in one-third the time! If you would like to know how to rapidly pay-off your mortgage and other debts and supercharge your retirement account, visit my site for a free report at:
My name is Steve Herman and 5 years ago I discovered a way to rapidly pay-off debt and rapidly fund a retirement account! my website is
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A large part of Kiyosaki's teachings focus on generating passive income by means of investment opportunities, such as real estate and small businesses, with the ultimate goal of being able to support oneself by such investments alone. Kiyosaki also defines "assets" as things that generate money, such as rental properties or businesses, and "liabilities" as things that cost money, such as house payments, cars and so on. Kiyosaki also proclaims financial leverage to be critically important in becoming rich.
He stresses what he calls "financial literacy" as the means to obtaining wealth. He says that life skills are often best learned through experience and that there are important lessons not taught in school. He says that formal education is primarily for those seeking to be employees or self-employed individuals, and that this is an "Industrial Age idea". And according to Kiyosaki, in order to obtain financial freedom, one must be either a business owner or an investor, generating passive income.
Kiyosaki uses the "rich dad, poor dad" series of books to illustrate his view that the majority of people are stuck in what he refers to as "the rat race"-living paycheck to paycheck and spending all of their time working to pay bills. In his books, Kiyosaki advocates tax-advantaged investment vehicles, such as real estate or businesses, rather than ownership of securities. This idea is further developed in his later books and "Rich Dad" became Kiyosaki's personal brand for various publishing ventures.
Although Kiyosaki recommends investing in real estate usually for rental income, there is one thing that he doesn't seem to to pay-off your rental property and even your house in one-third the time! If you would like to know how to rapidly pay-off your mortgage and other debts and supercharge your retirement account, visit my site for a free report at:
My name is Steve Herman and 5 years ago I discovered a way to rapidly pay-off debt and rapidly fund a retirement account! my website is
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Maximize Your IQ and Brain Potential
How do you know that your brain is performing according or may be exceeding your expectations as well? You may believe that the answer to this question is by taking a certain IQ test that would determine your level of intelligence. Certain theories are found to be the guidelines that are being used in poring over the brain's performance.
Our brain has the capability of combining both linguistic as well as mathematical aptitude because its is unified in a way. The parts of the brain can be stimulated by certain problem solving activities that may contribute to its performance which involves the spatial, rhythmic, kinesthetic and inter/intra personal growth.
The question now is what tactics can you use to be able to increase your brain's performance? And this question would be answered based on your accomplishments and the results of your achievement so you may have to take note of that.
The initial thing that one should look into is what you are definitely good about. There are different skills where one can actually derive intelligence from. what ever skill you think you're good at. that would be your achievement. A lot of people are not aware of what skills are they really good at. If you really are creative, then you can work on any artistic act that involves creative thinking.
There are so many things that we can work on potentially and even exceed expectations. Some may be more inclined to some indoor sports and excel through performance. You may try getting into gymnastics, dancing or even designing as well just to make sure which would be more comfortable for you to test your abilities. If you find out what your good at and you get to surpass what's average, you'll definitely be happy with the results of your accomplishments. But if you don't even give yourself a chance to see what you can do, then you're absolutely missing the point here.
Do you want to be one of the geniuses like Einstein? There are some people who are said to be standing out from the average intelligent person and they are the ones called geniuses. Although it doesn't take to be a genius just so you can succeed in life. All you have to do is to maximize your brain's capability to function through exceeding the normally expected degree that you expect it to work. If you are aware on how to use your brain's fullest capacity then you will always be possibly doing things in the right way and gain an achievement in the end.
Although it's not that easy to maximize your brain's ability to exceed your expectation if it's not equipped with enough information, so what you can do on your end is to load your brain with helpful information that would serve as a food for it. Together with the learning are the experiences that you encounter day by day, this can as well be absorbed by your brain and it can as well help in the potential expansion of your brain's function.
Read a book, a chapter in an encyclopedia or try listening to music being performed by one of the musicians that you prefer. You'll definitely boost up your brain's performance through this.
Vlad Stivenson, author of numerous IQ Tests and developer of personality test
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Our brain has the capability of combining both linguistic as well as mathematical aptitude because its is unified in a way. The parts of the brain can be stimulated by certain problem solving activities that may contribute to its performance which involves the spatial, rhythmic, kinesthetic and inter/intra personal growth.
The question now is what tactics can you use to be able to increase your brain's performance? And this question would be answered based on your accomplishments and the results of your achievement so you may have to take note of that.
The initial thing that one should look into is what you are definitely good about. There are different skills where one can actually derive intelligence from. what ever skill you think you're good at. that would be your achievement. A lot of people are not aware of what skills are they really good at. If you really are creative, then you can work on any artistic act that involves creative thinking.
There are so many things that we can work on potentially and even exceed expectations. Some may be more inclined to some indoor sports and excel through performance. You may try getting into gymnastics, dancing or even designing as well just to make sure which would be more comfortable for you to test your abilities. If you find out what your good at and you get to surpass what's average, you'll definitely be happy with the results of your accomplishments. But if you don't even give yourself a chance to see what you can do, then you're absolutely missing the point here.
Do you want to be one of the geniuses like Einstein? There are some people who are said to be standing out from the average intelligent person and they are the ones called geniuses. Although it doesn't take to be a genius just so you can succeed in life. All you have to do is to maximize your brain's capability to function through exceeding the normally expected degree that you expect it to work. If you are aware on how to use your brain's fullest capacity then you will always be possibly doing things in the right way and gain an achievement in the end.
Although it's not that easy to maximize your brain's ability to exceed your expectation if it's not equipped with enough information, so what you can do on your end is to load your brain with helpful information that would serve as a food for it. Together with the learning are the experiences that you encounter day by day, this can as well be absorbed by your brain and it can as well help in the potential expansion of your brain's function.
Read a book, a chapter in an encyclopedia or try listening to music being performed by one of the musicians that you prefer. You'll definitely boost up your brain's performance through this.
Vlad Stivenson, author of numerous IQ Tests and developer of personality test
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