In order to have a clear plan for success, you must have your goals written down. Yeah, I know you've probably heard this before, but why do you think you've heard it so many times? Because writing down your goals works!
A client of mine didn't want to write down his goals. When we first started working together, he told me that he had been in business for 20 years, was earning $120,000 and didn't think goal setting would work for him to grow his business. I explained to him that it would give him clarity and something to strive for. After his initial resistance, he finally listened to me and told me that one of his goals was to double his business to $240,000. Within 6 months of working together, he doubled his business and made the most amount of money he has every made in his entire career. Why do you think this happened? Because having clarity and a master plan with goals pays off!
To improve your chance for success, you should create a master plan. This is your big picture... a visual map of how success looks to you.
Here's how you can create a game plan for focusing on your goals:
Think of 101 things you want to accomplish in the next 10 years. Have fun with this and let your imagination run free. Be specific and personalize your list by beginning each sentence with "I am" or "I will." For example, "I will exercise at least three times a week. "Or I am the most successful salesperson in my company".
To get you started, here are a few questions that can help you gain focus:
What do I want to do?
What do I want to have?
Where do I want to go?
What contribution do I want to make?
What do I want to become?
What do I want to learn?
Whom do I want to spend time with?
How much money do I want to earn, save and invest?
How much time do I want off for fun?
What will I do to improve my health?
Once you make your list of goals, prioritize them. Place a 1 by the most important goal, 2 beside the next most important and so on. But before you do that, write down the most important reason you want to accomplish each goal and the biggest benefit you will receive from each. This will help you stay focused and motivated.
To improve your focus on your new lifestyle, create a picture book of your most important goals. Simply start collecting pictures in a large photo album. For instance, if your goal is to travel to France, start clipping photos of places, people and items associated with that country. For a real-life example, a client of mine wanted to obtain 60 new clients, so he cut out pictures of people's faces and pasted them on a large poster board with the number 60 around it. This helped him visualize his goal, making it seem more achievable.
Get a basic notebook and jot down your daily observations and insights. This is a powerful tool to expand your awareness. You can use your book for business ideas, sales tips presentation skills, money-making projects or quotes you have read. If you're more of a computer person, you can start a Word document called "Great Ideas."
Use your imagination to create positive, winning pictures. The sharper your images are and the more intense you feel, the more likely you are to create the result you desire.
Surround yourself with people who have more experience in areas where you are lacking. Your master mind group should have four to six people who meet regularly to share ideas and support each other. These are power alliances that can help you achieve your goals much faster than you could on your own.
Pamela Dunn, founder of Executive Coaching International, is passionate about helping successful professionals and entrepreneurs achieve their highest vision of success. As a former trainer for world-class success coach Tony Robbins, Pamela has a tremendous amount of insight into personal and professional success. Her unique High Performance Coaching System is a results-oriented program that has helped countless professionals find focus, build efficiency, and eliminate overwhelm. For information about Pamela's coaching program, or to sign up for more free, high-performance articles like this, please visit her online at
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Start building an anti-fragile lifestyle, complete with FU Money today. These are not the views the Pravda Press would share. Be lean, nimble, free of bad debt and exceedingly competent.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Keyword Research
SEO may be the answer to the age old question of which method of traffic generation should I use? SEO or Search Engine Optimization is guarantee to long-term website visibility and ranking. Now when you combine the power of good seo with the intent of locally marketing your product or service you are setting yourself up for complete domination of.
When promoting your company locally it becomes increasingly more achievable to get to that highly- sought after front page. When you are on the front-page of the search engines your business is more likely to be seen by consumers looking for what you have and giving you more of a chance to make the sell. There are several factors that will help propel you to the front page and we will talk about them briefly.
Keyword research is at the heart of good seo. This is probably the most essential element of the SEO processes and crucial. You must find the right keywords that consumers are using to browse the net to find your product or service.However, these keywords are not going to just jump off the page into your content, you have to do some research to find them. In order to find them you will have to do a little research, usually called keyword research.
When performing keyword research it is important to remember that not all keywords are equal. A keyword is a term used to retrieve documents in an information system such as a catalog or a search engine. There are literally billions of search words and phrases that are available for people to look upon and gain information.
The term 'long tail' was is used to describe the strategy of targeting less-competitive niche markets rather than the hugely competitive broad keywords. A long tail keyword is something like "Macon Internet Marketing Specialist" while a short wail keyword is something like "Internet Marketing". Long tail keywords are said to be more of direct keyword because if a searcher is going to go thru all the trouble to type in exactly what they are wanting to find chances are they will make a purchase.
Jimmy R Williams is an Online Website Promotion Specialist. If you want to succeed in local marketing, download your free traffic guide on how to use the internet to Double or Triple your website traffic within the next 30 days. Available for the next 24 hours only, click below for instant access:
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When promoting your company locally it becomes increasingly more achievable to get to that highly- sought after front page. When you are on the front-page of the search engines your business is more likely to be seen by consumers looking for what you have and giving you more of a chance to make the sell. There are several factors that will help propel you to the front page and we will talk about them briefly.
Keyword research is at the heart of good seo. This is probably the most essential element of the SEO processes and crucial. You must find the right keywords that consumers are using to browse the net to find your product or service.However, these keywords are not going to just jump off the page into your content, you have to do some research to find them. In order to find them you will have to do a little research, usually called keyword research.
When performing keyword research it is important to remember that not all keywords are equal. A keyword is a term used to retrieve documents in an information system such as a catalog or a search engine. There are literally billions of search words and phrases that are available for people to look upon and gain information.
The term 'long tail' was is used to describe the strategy of targeting less-competitive niche markets rather than the hugely competitive broad keywords. A long tail keyword is something like "Macon Internet Marketing Specialist" while a short wail keyword is something like "Internet Marketing". Long tail keywords are said to be more of direct keyword because if a searcher is going to go thru all the trouble to type in exactly what they are wanting to find chances are they will make a purchase.
Jimmy R Williams is an Online Website Promotion Specialist. If you want to succeed in local marketing, download your free traffic guide on how to use the internet to Double or Triple your website traffic within the next 30 days. Available for the next 24 hours only, click below for instant access:
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How to Think Big
Most people think too small. They chase small rewards, and that's what they get, small
rewards. Donald Trump has been quoted as saying that it's a good thing most people
think small, because that leaves the big stuff for him. "If you're going to think at all, you
might as well think big", says the Donald.
How do you think big? Rather than say, "I plan to release a one hour audio", you could
say, "I plan to release a series of excellent audio programs which will be a must have in
my industry."
A good idea is to think in broader terms. You can take a job where you do one little thing
all day, or you can prepare a business that will serve many, either through automation or
more employees, or both. If you can add more value to your product or service than
anyone else, and effectively serve more people than anyone else, wealth and success
will follow.
Solving bigger problems leads to massive success. I used to work with a guy who
worried way too much about tiny problems and issues at work. When he wasn't doing
that, he was proposing to the company things that would not make money or add to the
bottom line at all. When you think about solving a problem, think in terms of the World, or
your country, or your industry, or a whole demographic, etc. Solve a big problem and sell
your service to people who have that problem. Then get to work making a business plan
and finding investors. Make sure your services are seen as superior and worth the price
paid by your customers. If the world thinks your products or services solve their
problems, you have succeeded on a big scale.
Associate with people who think big. Work for a company that is trying to make it big, by
solving big problems. Start or join a mastermind made up of people who have serious
ambition. Enjoy some coffee with those studious and ambitious business majors at
Piggy back on the back of an entrepreneur by working as an assistant, or at least follow
his/her books, articles, corporate web site, and blog. This will give you some insight as
to where that entrepreneur is going and where your industry is headed. You could invest
in the company (or fund) that your role model entrepreneur is running. You are more
likely to follow it if you own some of it.
When you make decisions regarding your success in business and life, ask yourself
questions like: how will this increase the bottom line of my business? Am I taking a big
enough project? Is the time requirement worth the reward? Will this help me take on
bigger projects in the future? Can I take this company public? Can I expand this
business internationally? Am I managing enough risk? You get the idea, think big.
In conclusion, make sure you are working hard enough on the things that matter the
most, and be sure to always follow through when it comes to your customers.
David K Drews
rewards. Donald Trump has been quoted as saying that it's a good thing most people
think small, because that leaves the big stuff for him. "If you're going to think at all, you
might as well think big", says the Donald.
How do you think big? Rather than say, "I plan to release a one hour audio", you could
say, "I plan to release a series of excellent audio programs which will be a must have in
my industry."
A good idea is to think in broader terms. You can take a job where you do one little thing
all day, or you can prepare a business that will serve many, either through automation or
more employees, or both. If you can add more value to your product or service than
anyone else, and effectively serve more people than anyone else, wealth and success
will follow.
Solving bigger problems leads to massive success. I used to work with a guy who
worried way too much about tiny problems and issues at work. When he wasn't doing
that, he was proposing to the company things that would not make money or add to the
bottom line at all. When you think about solving a problem, think in terms of the World, or
your country, or your industry, or a whole demographic, etc. Solve a big problem and sell
your service to people who have that problem. Then get to work making a business plan
and finding investors. Make sure your services are seen as superior and worth the price
paid by your customers. If the world thinks your products or services solve their
problems, you have succeeded on a big scale.
Associate with people who think big. Work for a company that is trying to make it big, by
solving big problems. Start or join a mastermind made up of people who have serious
ambition. Enjoy some coffee with those studious and ambitious business majors at
Piggy back on the back of an entrepreneur by working as an assistant, or at least follow
his/her books, articles, corporate web site, and blog. This will give you some insight as
to where that entrepreneur is going and where your industry is headed. You could invest
in the company (or fund) that your role model entrepreneur is running. You are more
likely to follow it if you own some of it.
When you make decisions regarding your success in business and life, ask yourself
questions like: how will this increase the bottom line of my business? Am I taking a big
enough project? Is the time requirement worth the reward? Will this help me take on
bigger projects in the future? Can I take this company public? Can I expand this
business internationally? Am I managing enough risk? You get the idea, think big.
In conclusion, make sure you are working hard enough on the things that matter the
most, and be sure to always follow through when it comes to your customers.
David K Drews
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
How to Make Your Dreams Come True - 3 Tips to Get the Life That You Want
Is it really possible to make your dreams come true and life the live that you actually want? The answer is a fully yes. Most of the people are not aware of who they really are. They think that life is one big struggle but the reality is that we are born as creators and manifesting beings.
Get rid of limiting beliefs
First of all it is crucial to get rid of limiting beliefs. There are limiting beliefs in many forms for example the opinion of other people, negative thoughts inside you and negative information you have heard on the news. Eliminating these negative believes is the first step to get make your dreams come true and to manifest the life that you want.
As you may know anything and everything in your life and this universe is energy. Limiting believes and negative thoughts are a form of energy too. However these negative believes are forming a mental, emotional and energetic block. Get rid of negative believes and abundance and positive energy comes into your life very soon.
The past and future do not exist
In fact time is an illusion and in reality it does not exist, at least not in our three-dimensional world. Your only time of power, the only moment where you can create or do is the now. You can think back about something you have done five years ago but the action where you did it was in the now. Living in the now, in this very moment is the second step to make your dreams come true
Consistency and discipline
Another reason why you probably struggle with your life is because you don't have enough discipline. In most cases you will have to take a lot of small steps to take your goals. You need to work on your goals every day. Sure at first glance it is much easier to watch TV than actually working on your dream life.
Throughout the day ask yourself this action. Is the action that I do in this very moment bringing me towards my goal or not.
Imagine creating the life of your dreams in only twenty minutes a day. Spend only twenty minutes a day and become a manifestation magnet. Get an instant boost right into your mind straight from the start. Yes the videos are that powerful. Click here if you want to change your life to it's fullest potential. Or you can still walk the road you do right now... The choice is yours.
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Get rid of limiting beliefs
First of all it is crucial to get rid of limiting beliefs. There are limiting beliefs in many forms for example the opinion of other people, negative thoughts inside you and negative information you have heard on the news. Eliminating these negative believes is the first step to get make your dreams come true and to manifest the life that you want.
As you may know anything and everything in your life and this universe is energy. Limiting believes and negative thoughts are a form of energy too. However these negative believes are forming a mental, emotional and energetic block. Get rid of negative believes and abundance and positive energy comes into your life very soon.
The past and future do not exist
In fact time is an illusion and in reality it does not exist, at least not in our three-dimensional world. Your only time of power, the only moment where you can create or do is the now. You can think back about something you have done five years ago but the action where you did it was in the now. Living in the now, in this very moment is the second step to make your dreams come true
Consistency and discipline
Another reason why you probably struggle with your life is because you don't have enough discipline. In most cases you will have to take a lot of small steps to take your goals. You need to work on your goals every day. Sure at first glance it is much easier to watch TV than actually working on your dream life.
Throughout the day ask yourself this action. Is the action that I do in this very moment bringing me towards my goal or not.
Imagine creating the life of your dreams in only twenty minutes a day. Spend only twenty minutes a day and become a manifestation magnet. Get an instant boost right into your mind straight from the start. Yes the videos are that powerful. Click here if you want to change your life to it's fullest potential. Or you can still walk the road you do right now... The choice is yours.
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Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Art of Becoming Unstoppable
As a business owner, I have discovered something quite remarkable over the course of the past thirty years. What I have realized is that absolutely no obstacle is ever too great for people who possess an unstoppable spirit.
People with an unstoppable spirit keep their focus on their hopes for the future rather than dwelling on grievances of the past. In fact, I have noticed that the one common link among people that I consider unstoppable is that they have all struggled, have all tripped and stumbled, and have all experienced setbacks and failures. Yet they pulled themselves up and kept going. Their dreams demanded their all, and they gave it. And with each trial, they emerged stronger, more sure, and more deserving of attaining their dreams and goals.
You see, the size of the goal really is not what constitutes an unstoppable spirit. I believe that an unstoppable spirit is actually personified in anyone who identifies a goal and refuses to give up until that goal is achieved.
I have noticed that there are seven basic characteristics that can be found in every unstoppable person:
They devote themselves to their true purpose.
They follow their heart's passion.
They believe in themselves and their ideas.
They prepare for challenges.
They ask for help and build a support team.
They seek creative solutions.
They persevere, regardless of the challenges they face.
Pursue Your Purpose
Having a purpose can ignite your spirit and provide personal meaning as well as deep satisfaction in your life. Purpose provides the answer to why you are here and directs you toward your own special calling. Purpose fuels your efforts and gives you the drive to continue, no matter what the challenges.
As you encounter challenges on your journey toward accomplishing your goals, stay focused on your purpose. Make the conscious decision to remain determined to deal with whatever comes your way.
As you move forward with persistence, your sense of purpose will likely inspire others. In fact, your actions may well inspire others to the point that they decide to join you on the path to becoming unstoppable. Now you are not only moving toward the greatness for which you were created, you are also changing the lives of others.
Remember, the ripple of unstoppable determination and inspiration which you began can expand and touch something deep within the spirit of others, igniting their dreams, passions and goals.
Ignite Your Passion
I have found that only passion can inspire and motivate your soul to accomplish great things. Many of us are afraid to follow our passions and pursue what we want most because that means taking risks and facing possible failure. What you must realize, however, is that to pursue your passion with all your heart and soul means that you have already succeeded. The greatest failure in life is to have never really tried.
If you want to achieve great things in your life, you must be willing to take risks.
Passion creates an amazing supply of positive energy, not just for the exciting beginning but also for the entire journey. When you love what you do, you have the energy to overcome any obstacle. You will find that passion is the fuel that drives you onward toward achieving your purpose. It can also inspire and enlist the support of others.
Actively Believe In Yourself
Belief in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals are prerequisites to becoming unstoppable. When your belief system in unshakable, you can transform your purpose and your goals into physical realities. In other words, your actions reflect your beliefs.
Literally, it is what you do that demonstrates what you believe. So begin your journey toward greatness by writing down one action you can take immediately that will put your dreams into motion - even if it is just a small step toward your goals. That one small step will communicate the message that you believe in yourself and your dreams.
Follow Your Dream With Persistence
Remember that pursuing your goals will be a constantly evolving process. No one who has ever followed a dream has taken a direct, unobstructed path to arrive at his or her destination effortlessly and on time. Following a dream is not a direct highway, but rather a bumpy road full of twists, turns, and the occasional roadblock.
Because of the "instant gratification" society in which we live, a great number of people lack the patience and persistence necessary to achieve their goals. However, in order to discover the true art of becoming unstoppable, you must take responsibility for your life and your future.
This journey toward becoming unstoppable requires that you be flexible, creative, and persistent. I advise you to look ahead and envision the goal you ultimately want to achieve. Keep this goal in front of you and you will never lose your way.
By refusing to allow any circumstance, no matter how formidable, to become an excuse for failure, you can create your own legacy of greatness ... a legacy of unstoppable success.
Mark A. Stevens is a successful entrepreneur, business coach, motivational speaker and author. To learn more about Mark or his company, Vision For Life International, visit Become a part of Mark's social networking community via Facebook by visiting
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People with an unstoppable spirit keep their focus on their hopes for the future rather than dwelling on grievances of the past. In fact, I have noticed that the one common link among people that I consider unstoppable is that they have all struggled, have all tripped and stumbled, and have all experienced setbacks and failures. Yet they pulled themselves up and kept going. Their dreams demanded their all, and they gave it. And with each trial, they emerged stronger, more sure, and more deserving of attaining their dreams and goals.
You see, the size of the goal really is not what constitutes an unstoppable spirit. I believe that an unstoppable spirit is actually personified in anyone who identifies a goal and refuses to give up until that goal is achieved.
I have noticed that there are seven basic characteristics that can be found in every unstoppable person:
They devote themselves to their true purpose.
They follow their heart's passion.
They believe in themselves and their ideas.
They prepare for challenges.
They ask for help and build a support team.
They seek creative solutions.
They persevere, regardless of the challenges they face.
Pursue Your Purpose
Having a purpose can ignite your spirit and provide personal meaning as well as deep satisfaction in your life. Purpose provides the answer to why you are here and directs you toward your own special calling. Purpose fuels your efforts and gives you the drive to continue, no matter what the challenges.
As you encounter challenges on your journey toward accomplishing your goals, stay focused on your purpose. Make the conscious decision to remain determined to deal with whatever comes your way.
As you move forward with persistence, your sense of purpose will likely inspire others. In fact, your actions may well inspire others to the point that they decide to join you on the path to becoming unstoppable. Now you are not only moving toward the greatness for which you were created, you are also changing the lives of others.
Remember, the ripple of unstoppable determination and inspiration which you began can expand and touch something deep within the spirit of others, igniting their dreams, passions and goals.
Ignite Your Passion
I have found that only passion can inspire and motivate your soul to accomplish great things. Many of us are afraid to follow our passions and pursue what we want most because that means taking risks and facing possible failure. What you must realize, however, is that to pursue your passion with all your heart and soul means that you have already succeeded. The greatest failure in life is to have never really tried.
If you want to achieve great things in your life, you must be willing to take risks.
Passion creates an amazing supply of positive energy, not just for the exciting beginning but also for the entire journey. When you love what you do, you have the energy to overcome any obstacle. You will find that passion is the fuel that drives you onward toward achieving your purpose. It can also inspire and enlist the support of others.
Actively Believe In Yourself
Belief in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals are prerequisites to becoming unstoppable. When your belief system in unshakable, you can transform your purpose and your goals into physical realities. In other words, your actions reflect your beliefs.
Literally, it is what you do that demonstrates what you believe. So begin your journey toward greatness by writing down one action you can take immediately that will put your dreams into motion - even if it is just a small step toward your goals. That one small step will communicate the message that you believe in yourself and your dreams.
Follow Your Dream With Persistence
Remember that pursuing your goals will be a constantly evolving process. No one who has ever followed a dream has taken a direct, unobstructed path to arrive at his or her destination effortlessly and on time. Following a dream is not a direct highway, but rather a bumpy road full of twists, turns, and the occasional roadblock.
Because of the "instant gratification" society in which we live, a great number of people lack the patience and persistence necessary to achieve their goals. However, in order to discover the true art of becoming unstoppable, you must take responsibility for your life and your future.
This journey toward becoming unstoppable requires that you be flexible, creative, and persistent. I advise you to look ahead and envision the goal you ultimately want to achieve. Keep this goal in front of you and you will never lose your way.
By refusing to allow any circumstance, no matter how formidable, to become an excuse for failure, you can create your own legacy of greatness ... a legacy of unstoppable success.
Mark A. Stevens is a successful entrepreneur, business coach, motivational speaker and author. To learn more about Mark or his company, Vision For Life International, visit Become a part of Mark's social networking community via Facebook by visiting
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Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Become a Millionaire By Age 30
This is a step by step guide that will make you a millionaire before 30. If you want to learn how to become a millionaire by 30 then you are in the right place. This is a fool proof plan that can be achieved by anyone wanting to become a millionaire. You do not have to be under 30 to do this, you can do it at any age and achieve great success.
1. Discover What You Love
Studies have shown that the best way to earn money is to do what you love. When you are passionate about something you will naturally want to do your best in that area. This natural drive is what causes people who work doing what they love to be more successful
Action point: Write down 10-20 things that you love to do. Spend about 15 minutes doing this. Then choose the 1-3 things that you love the most
2. Find a Need In That Area
In order to become a millionaire you need to find a need in the area you love. Personally I love making money online and there is a need to teach people how to do this. Maybe you love soccer and there is a need to create a training program. Maybe you love reading and writing and there is a need to teach deaf children how to read. I don't know, but think of a variety of needs.
Action point: Write down 10-20 needs for the area that you love. Then choose the 1-3 needs that you believe you can answer
3. Ask If People Are Desperate To Fill That Need
For the needs you have chosen that you believe you can fill ask the question whether or not people are desperate to have this need met. You want people to be desperate to have this need met because then you have hungry buyers and you can become a million before 30.
Action Point: Rate how desperate people are for this need to be met on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being not at all and 10 being extremely desperate. The higher the number the better
4. Ask How Many People Are Desperate To Fill That Need In Their Lives
If you have discovered something that you believe you can create that people will be desperate to fulfill the need of then you need to ask how many people are desperate to fill this need in their lives. The more people the better. You can still make a lot of money in a niche market, but too few customers equals not enough money
Action Point: Write down the percentage of people with this need would be desperate to fill this need. Estimate a figure of people in your nation who are desperate to fulfill this need.
5. Create Something To Fill That Need
Now is where the real action begins. Now that you know your target market (the people with a need that are desperate to have that need met) you are going to create your product for these people. You should never create a product and then look for the market, always look for the market first, then create a product. Now work out how you can create your product so it can fulfill the need
Action point: Write down the product you want to create and something you can do today to work towards getting that product created.
6. Get Others To Sell Your Product For You
You can easily become a millionaire by selling your own products, but you will fail to have a life because you will be working 12-16 hours per day. The important thing is to find other people to sell your product for you. Offer them a good commission on the sale of your product and they will work their asses off to make you money. This is where you sit back and watch the money come in.
Action point: Contact people in shops, or people with websites about them marketing your product for you. Offer them a great deal.
7. Trim The Fat
There is a rule that says 20% of your effort will bring in 80% of your results. This means you need to distinguish the 80% of effort that is only bringing in 20% of the results and you need to cut that 80% out of your life. This might mean a slight pay cut in the immediate, but you will earn more in the long run as you are freed up to pursue more opportunities that are in the 20% effort 80% return category.
Action point: Look at where you are spending your time and what is producing your results. Being busy is not the same as being productive. Only do those things that are productive and cut the rest out of your life
8. Continually Learn More
It is important that you continually learn about different ways to make money so that you can have multiple streams of income.
You live in a time where getting rich has never been easier. We live in the information age and the ability for anyone to join the ranks of the rich and mega rich has gotten easier and easier. You just need to know how you can become rich. One of the best ways to learn how to become rich is to join a training program. There are loads of scammy training programs that will charge you thousands of dollars for useless information. But I have found a great FREE training program at Better yet if you sign up today you will receive a free audio teaching worth $27. So hurry and sign up today and start learning how you can become rich.
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1. Discover What You Love
Studies have shown that the best way to earn money is to do what you love. When you are passionate about something you will naturally want to do your best in that area. This natural drive is what causes people who work doing what they love to be more successful
Action point: Write down 10-20 things that you love to do. Spend about 15 minutes doing this. Then choose the 1-3 things that you love the most
2. Find a Need In That Area
In order to become a millionaire you need to find a need in the area you love. Personally I love making money online and there is a need to teach people how to do this. Maybe you love soccer and there is a need to create a training program. Maybe you love reading and writing and there is a need to teach deaf children how to read. I don't know, but think of a variety of needs.
Action point: Write down 10-20 needs for the area that you love. Then choose the 1-3 needs that you believe you can answer
3. Ask If People Are Desperate To Fill That Need
For the needs you have chosen that you believe you can fill ask the question whether or not people are desperate to have this need met. You want people to be desperate to have this need met because then you have hungry buyers and you can become a million before 30.
Action Point: Rate how desperate people are for this need to be met on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being not at all and 10 being extremely desperate. The higher the number the better
4. Ask How Many People Are Desperate To Fill That Need In Their Lives
If you have discovered something that you believe you can create that people will be desperate to fulfill the need of then you need to ask how many people are desperate to fill this need in their lives. The more people the better. You can still make a lot of money in a niche market, but too few customers equals not enough money
Action Point: Write down the percentage of people with this need would be desperate to fill this need. Estimate a figure of people in your nation who are desperate to fulfill this need.
5. Create Something To Fill That Need
Now is where the real action begins. Now that you know your target market (the people with a need that are desperate to have that need met) you are going to create your product for these people. You should never create a product and then look for the market, always look for the market first, then create a product. Now work out how you can create your product so it can fulfill the need
Action point: Write down the product you want to create and something you can do today to work towards getting that product created.
6. Get Others To Sell Your Product For You
You can easily become a millionaire by selling your own products, but you will fail to have a life because you will be working 12-16 hours per day. The important thing is to find other people to sell your product for you. Offer them a good commission on the sale of your product and they will work their asses off to make you money. This is where you sit back and watch the money come in.
Action point: Contact people in shops, or people with websites about them marketing your product for you. Offer them a great deal.
7. Trim The Fat
There is a rule that says 20% of your effort will bring in 80% of your results. This means you need to distinguish the 80% of effort that is only bringing in 20% of the results and you need to cut that 80% out of your life. This might mean a slight pay cut in the immediate, but you will earn more in the long run as you are freed up to pursue more opportunities that are in the 20% effort 80% return category.
Action point: Look at where you are spending your time and what is producing your results. Being busy is not the same as being productive. Only do those things that are productive and cut the rest out of your life
8. Continually Learn More
It is important that you continually learn about different ways to make money so that you can have multiple streams of income.
You live in a time where getting rich has never been easier. We live in the information age and the ability for anyone to join the ranks of the rich and mega rich has gotten easier and easier. You just need to know how you can become rich. One of the best ways to learn how to become rich is to join a training program. There are loads of scammy training programs that will charge you thousands of dollars for useless information. But I have found a great FREE training program at Better yet if you sign up today you will receive a free audio teaching worth $27. So hurry and sign up today and start learning how you can become rich.
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If You Don't Do These Simple Things You'll Never Make Money Online
Do these 10 things and you'll succeed online. If You don't do them, you'll fail and you'll have only yourself to blame for it!
Here are the 10 things you need to do in order to succeed online:
1. Pick A Niche That Has Money - There is no point in working with people that have no money to spend, is there?
2. Do The Right Market Research - Find out what makes the people in your market upset or what common pain or frustration they have.
3. Killer Keyword Research Is A Must - Find the terms people type into google to find information that will solve their problem
4. Start Building A List - A must. Your list will make you the most money.
5. Find A Product To Promote To That List - After your list is created, the next thing you have to do is find a few affiliate products to promote to that list. Don't promote just yet, just find them.
6. Create A Relationship With Your List - People on your list have to like you before anything else, so make sure you send them lots of cool stuff before you promote anything to them. The more they like you, the more money they will give you.
7. Promote Your Affiliate Products To The List - When your list has a relationship with you, start promoting affiliate products to them.
8. Create Your Own Product - Now, that you know which one of your affiliate products sells best, create a similar product and sell it to your list keeping all the profit.
9. Create A High Ticket Product - This one is pretty self explanatory. Just make a high ticket product that you'll sell for a higher price (with videos and audios)
10. Rinse And Repeat - Promote the high ticket product, find a different niche and rinse and repeat.
I understand it can be tough and even if you try hard to do your best, you can still fail because of lack of experience.
Go ahead and check this site out NOW There is a Free book you can download that will show you have to make your first $100 online! I have done all of the above steps for You!
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Here are the 10 things you need to do in order to succeed online:
1. Pick A Niche That Has Money - There is no point in working with people that have no money to spend, is there?
2. Do The Right Market Research - Find out what makes the people in your market upset or what common pain or frustration they have.
3. Killer Keyword Research Is A Must - Find the terms people type into google to find information that will solve their problem
4. Start Building A List - A must. Your list will make you the most money.
5. Find A Product To Promote To That List - After your list is created, the next thing you have to do is find a few affiliate products to promote to that list. Don't promote just yet, just find them.
6. Create A Relationship With Your List - People on your list have to like you before anything else, so make sure you send them lots of cool stuff before you promote anything to them. The more they like you, the more money they will give you.
7. Promote Your Affiliate Products To The List - When your list has a relationship with you, start promoting affiliate products to them.
8. Create Your Own Product - Now, that you know which one of your affiliate products sells best, create a similar product and sell it to your list keeping all the profit.
9. Create A High Ticket Product - This one is pretty self explanatory. Just make a high ticket product that you'll sell for a higher price (with videos and audios)
10. Rinse And Repeat - Promote the high ticket product, find a different niche and rinse and repeat.
I understand it can be tough and even if you try hard to do your best, you can still fail because of lack of experience.
Go ahead and check this site out NOW There is a Free book you can download that will show you have to make your first $100 online! I have done all of the above steps for You!
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Skills Needed for Internet Marketing
Learning and mastering the right skills for Internet Marketing is an important aspect of your marketing strategy. Developing these skills will not only bring fulfillment and growth, but mostly, the opportunity for you to assist others in this area. So, what are these skills? Although there are many skills to learn, here are a few, that if mastered, will provide you with a great overall strategy as well as the best opportunity to achieve your goals and/or desired results.
Skill One: Google AdWords. Even though Google has recently come out with some compliance and/or requirement changes, it still remains the one of the most effective ways to market your product or service. Learning how to utilize Google will be well worth your time and investment. There are a number of resources that are available that can assist you in developing the knowledge required to drive traffic to your website. One such resource is, Perry Marshall's "The Definitive Guide to Google AdWords". It still remains the best resource for those desiring to become proficient at AdWords. If you have more money than time, AdWords should be the number one skill mastered in your arsenal of strategies for marketing on internet.
Skill Two: Video Marketing. Video Marketing is a marketing skill that many seem to overlook for one reason or another. First of all, it is a very effective way to market on internet because it allows you to connect with your potential prospect by sight. Secondly, its free and that is the ultimate return on investment. With an inexpensive Flip Camera (approx.$150.00) or WebCam (on your computer), you can begin to generate traffic to your website in a matter of minutes by uploading the videos to YouTube, Social Media sites, Blogs, and other sites as you see fit. There are those who say that they get nervous in front of the camera, don't allow fear to prevent you from marketing on internet in an effective, cost efficient way.
Skill Three: Copywriting. Learning the skill of Copywriting, or Direct Response Marketing, can be a very powerful and effective way to gather potential customers and build a list of potential prospects. Utilizing the written word to present your information and/or product to millions of people via the internet can produce a tremendous amount of targeted traffic to your website. By connecting to the reader emotionally and psychologically, you give yourself an opportunity develop a relationship that could last for many years. Copywriting can be a game changer in marketing on internet.
Jesse is an Internet Marketer that believes by assisting others in their quest for success, everyone will become successful together. To learn the skills described above as well as other marketing skills, go to for more information.
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Skill One: Google AdWords. Even though Google has recently come out with some compliance and/or requirement changes, it still remains the one of the most effective ways to market your product or service. Learning how to utilize Google will be well worth your time and investment. There are a number of resources that are available that can assist you in developing the knowledge required to drive traffic to your website. One such resource is, Perry Marshall's "The Definitive Guide to Google AdWords". It still remains the best resource for those desiring to become proficient at AdWords. If you have more money than time, AdWords should be the number one skill mastered in your arsenal of strategies for marketing on internet.
Skill Two: Video Marketing. Video Marketing is a marketing skill that many seem to overlook for one reason or another. First of all, it is a very effective way to market on internet because it allows you to connect with your potential prospect by sight. Secondly, its free and that is the ultimate return on investment. With an inexpensive Flip Camera (approx.$150.00) or WebCam (on your computer), you can begin to generate traffic to your website in a matter of minutes by uploading the videos to YouTube, Social Media sites, Blogs, and other sites as you see fit. There are those who say that they get nervous in front of the camera, don't allow fear to prevent you from marketing on internet in an effective, cost efficient way.
Skill Three: Copywriting. Learning the skill of Copywriting, or Direct Response Marketing, can be a very powerful and effective way to gather potential customers and build a list of potential prospects. Utilizing the written word to present your information and/or product to millions of people via the internet can produce a tremendous amount of targeted traffic to your website. By connecting to the reader emotionally and psychologically, you give yourself an opportunity develop a relationship that could last for many years. Copywriting can be a game changer in marketing on internet.
Jesse is an Internet Marketer that believes by assisting others in their quest for success, everyone will become successful together. To learn the skills described above as well as other marketing skills, go to for more information.
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Monday, November 2, 2009
How to Write a Resume
If you are out there looking for any professional positions, then the professional resume you use for the purpose is the one thing you cannot afford to get wrong. The professional resume is, after all, your 'advertisement' for your services to the prospective buyers of the services (the employers); and could go a long way towards determining whether they proceed to procure those services you are offering them, or whether they opt for another 'service-vendor.'
You might not think much about the mechanics of professional resume writing, until you get to hear of people who lost out on positions they were very highly qualified for to people who were obviously less qualified - not because of underhand dealings - because of how the two sets of people appeared through their resume. In this regard then, it is important to take note of the fact that your professional resume is essentially a 'forerunner' you send before yourself when searching for a professional position; and as a 'forerunner' to you, your resume could present you in good or bad light, depending on how you go about developing it.
There are a number of 'dos' and 'don'ts' to keep in mind when writing a resume.
Starting with the dos, it is important to ensure that you tailor your resume according to the type of position you are looking for, and for the specific employer whose favor you are looking for. The 'one size fits all' approach certainly does not apply when it comes to resume writing. So 'tailoring-making' is the first do whenever writing a resume for any position.
Another 'do' you have to observe whenever writing a professional resume is to keep it brief. This is tricky, because whenever people are told to keep their resumes brief, many end up sacrificing important information that should appear on the resume at the altar of brevity. Ideally, then, you should be concise in your presentation of information on the resume, so that you pack all important information in a small amount of space, ending up with a brief - yet comprehensive - document.
Yet another 'do' as far writing a resume goes is to ensure that you do it with the end in mind, all through. This carries in it a lot of other bits of advice on professional-resume writing. It is, for instance, when you are writing the resume with the end in mind that you will be in a position to write for your targeted audience in mind, so that in case you are seeking an academic position, your resume appears in the academia's language; and if you are seeking a corporate position, your resume appears in the 'language of business.'
The don'ts, as far as writing a professional resume goes, are just as many. You for instance, to avoid use of superlatives (even when your performance was indeed 'super') as over-use of such superlatives makes you come across as arrogant. Use of clichés is to be avoided, as far as professional resume goes, as you have to come across as a creative person - and these are just some of the many things to keep in mind when writing a professional resume.
Learn how to write a Professional Resume with the help Resume Templates from
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You might not think much about the mechanics of professional resume writing, until you get to hear of people who lost out on positions they were very highly qualified for to people who were obviously less qualified - not because of underhand dealings - because of how the two sets of people appeared through their resume. In this regard then, it is important to take note of the fact that your professional resume is essentially a 'forerunner' you send before yourself when searching for a professional position; and as a 'forerunner' to you, your resume could present you in good or bad light, depending on how you go about developing it.
There are a number of 'dos' and 'don'ts' to keep in mind when writing a resume.
Starting with the dos, it is important to ensure that you tailor your resume according to the type of position you are looking for, and for the specific employer whose favor you are looking for. The 'one size fits all' approach certainly does not apply when it comes to resume writing. So 'tailoring-making' is the first do whenever writing a resume for any position.
Another 'do' you have to observe whenever writing a professional resume is to keep it brief. This is tricky, because whenever people are told to keep their resumes brief, many end up sacrificing important information that should appear on the resume at the altar of brevity. Ideally, then, you should be concise in your presentation of information on the resume, so that you pack all important information in a small amount of space, ending up with a brief - yet comprehensive - document.
Yet another 'do' as far writing a resume goes is to ensure that you do it with the end in mind, all through. This carries in it a lot of other bits of advice on professional-resume writing. It is, for instance, when you are writing the resume with the end in mind that you will be in a position to write for your targeted audience in mind, so that in case you are seeking an academic position, your resume appears in the academia's language; and if you are seeking a corporate position, your resume appears in the 'language of business.'
The don'ts, as far as writing a professional resume goes, are just as many. You for instance, to avoid use of superlatives (even when your performance was indeed 'super') as over-use of such superlatives makes you come across as arrogant. Use of clichés is to be avoided, as far as professional resume goes, as you have to come across as a creative person - and these are just some of the many things to keep in mind when writing a professional resume.
Learn how to write a Professional Resume with the help Resume Templates from
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